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  • Scaleless fish;alepidote
无鳞鱼[wú lín yú]
  1. 细长的大型海生无鳞鱼,有尖牙和船帆形的长背鳍。

    Large elongate scaleless oceanic fishes with sharp teeth and a long sail-like dorsal fin .

  2. 这种无鳞鱼长着列骨板,嘴前有触须,能活几十年,需较长时间才能成熟。

    The scaleless fish , which have rows of bony plates and barbels that dangle before their mouths , can live for decades and are slow to reach maturity .

  3. 从进化的角度来看,认为红鲫较鲫鱼进化,无鳞鱼较有鳞鱼进化,两栖类较鱼类进化,虎纹蛙较黑斑蛙进化。

    Discussing the scarfskins from the point of evolution , it implied that red Chinese crucian is more evolutional than Chinese crucian , fish without scales than fish with scales , Amphibia than Pisces ( fish ), and tiger frog than pond green frog .

  4. 北大西洋沿海水域中滑溜溜的无鳞食用鱼。

    Slippery scaleless food fish of North Atlantic coastal waters .

  5. 多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸鳍和退化的腹鳍。

    Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins .

  6. 美国南部出产的无鳞食用鱼;通常是人工养殖。

    Flesh of scaleless food fish of the southern United States ; often farmed .

  7. 鲶鱼鲶鱼亚目的无鳞淡水鱼,其特征是前颚生有胡须状触须。

    Any of numerous scaleless , chiefly freshwater fishes of the suborder siluroidei , characteristically having whiskerlike barbels extending from the upper jaw .

  8. 头宽而扁平、嘴很宽、体表有粘液但无鳞的底栖鱼。

    Bottom-dwelling fish having scaleless slimy skin and a broad thick head with a wide mouth .