
wú qiān qì yóu
  • unleaded gasoline;clear gasoline
无铅汽油[wú qiān qì yóu]
  1. 无铅汽油每加仑涨了1分多。

    Unleaded gasoline rose more than a penny a gallon .

  2. 按照一定的体积比将碳酸二甲酯(DMC)添加到90无铅汽油中,现场配制出DMC/汽油混合燃料。

    According to certain the volume concentrations , dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) was mixed into 90 # unleaded gasoline .

  3. 所有的新汽车都加无铅汽油。

    All new cars take unleaded petrol .

  4. 无铅汽油比柴油便宜。

    Unleaded is cheaper than diesel .

  5. 将车改装一下,使用无铅汽油,这样可以省钱。

    Save money by converting your car to unleaded

  6. 这一系统可以用来确保汽车得以改用无铅汽油。

    The system could be used to ensure that cars are converted to run on unleaded petrol .

  7. 目的了解摩托车使用无铅汽油后其尾气对DNA的遗传毒性作用。

    Objective To research the DNA damage and semina deformity of motorbike exhaust using lead-free gasoline .

  8. 无铅汽油使用后长春市区环境空气TSP中Pb含量的变化

    The Change of Plumbum Content in TSP of Changchun Ambient Air Before and After Using Lead-free Gasoline

  9. [目的]探讨甲基叔丁基醚(MethylTertiaryButylEther,MTBE)无铅汽油对肝脏损伤的敏感指标及损伤机制。

    To investigate the sensitive index and mechanism of liver damage induced by methyl tertiary butyl ether ( MTBE ) unlead gasoline .

  10. AMS研究无铅汽油添加剂MTBE及TBA与体内生物大分子的化学作用

    Chemical Reaction of Lead-free Gasoline Additives MTBE and TBA with Biological Macromolecules in Vivo Studied by AMS

  11. 随着无铅汽油在全世界范围内的广泛使用,新型汽油防爆剂MMT的人体毒性逐步得到重视。

    With unleaded petrol in widespread use , the new agent MMT gasoline explosion was gradually attached importance to human toxicity .

  12. 目的了解甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)无铅汽油对肾脏的毒性及毒作用机制。

    Objective To study the kidney toxicity and toxic mechanism induced by methyl tertiary-butyl ether ( MTBE ) lead free gasoline .

  13. AAA报道全国平均水平为一加仑普通无铅汽油是2.62美元,相比周三降幅为0.2%。

    AAA reporting the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline is $ 2.62 , that 's down two-tenths of a penny from Wednesday .

  14. 为使排放达标车用汽油机均使用了无铅汽油与三元催化转化器(TWC)技术。

    To meet the emission standards , the unleaded gasoline and three-way catalyst ( TWC ) technology are used in gasoline engines .

  15. 今天,汽油价格仍然稳步下跌。TripleL报道称,标准无铅汽油的全国均价为每加仑2.6美元以下。

    Gas prices are continuing their steady fall today.Triple L reports the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gas is just under 2 dollars 60 cents .

  16. MTBE无铅汽油及纯汽油小鼠骨髓微核试验3个剂量组的微核率,与阴性对照组相比差异没有显著性(P>005)。

    There was no significant difference in micronucleus rate between groups treated with MTBE unleaded gasoline and pure gasoline and negative control group ( P > 0 05 ) .

  17. 认为最近一个阶段我国在满足EuroⅡ排放标准的前提下,生产90号无铅汽油时可采取高烯烃、低芳烃模式;

    It is considered , in recent period , for meeting the Euro ⅱ exhaust emission specification , in the domestic production of 90 unleaded gasoline , the clean gasoline model of high olefin and low aromatic contents can be adopted .

  18. 462Q无铅汽油汽车发动机排气阀座圈的研究

    Study on exhaust valve seat for lead - free gasoline 462Q engines

  19. 利用PONA分析技术自动测定石油二厂90号无铅汽油单体烃和族组成

    Determination of the Composition of Monomer-Hydrocarbon and Family of 90  ̄( # ) Lead-Free Gasoline From Fushun No. 2 Refinery With PONA Technology

  20. 选用碳酸二甲酯(DMC)作为含氧燃料添加剂,分别按一定的体积比添加到90无铅汽油中,分析其对汽油主要理化参数的影响规律。

    The effects of dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) as an oxygenate mixed into the 90 ~ # unleaded gasoline on the physical and chemical properties of blended fuels and on the performances of an EFI gasoline engine were investigated .

  21. 无铅汽油期货的日收益率序列不满足随机游走过程,这表明它有一个“长期记忆”在起作用,作用周期为10d,并且这种“长期记忆”作用是间歇性的无限拓展的。

    On Infinitely Singular Operators It indicates that there is a force called " long-term memory ", of which period is about 10 days , and the force is intermittent to expand infinitely .

  22. 这使他得以接触到逾80个具体的交易品种,从无铅汽油、小麦和锌,到英国国债、欧元区银行间同业拆借利率(Euribor)和恒生指数。

    This gives him access to more than 80 specific trades , ranging from unleaded fuel , wheat and zinc to UK gilts , Euribor rates and the Hang Seng index .

  23. ICP-AES测定车用无铅汽油中的铅含量,与标准中规定的测定方法(AAS)相对照,结果显示,ICP-AES测定的铅含量与AAS法测定值基本相同。

    A method for the determination of lead in unleaded petrol for motor vehicles by ICP-AES was developed . The content of lead determined by ICP-AES was compared with that determined by AAS . The result shows that the content of lead determined by ICP-AES and AAS is appropinquity .

  24. 试验以90无铅汽油为基础油,配制了MTBE含量为5%、10%、15%、20%v/v四种比例的混合燃料(简记为M5、M10、M15、M20);

    The standard 90 # unleaded gasoline was used as a reference and base fuel for the preparation of oxygenates / gasoline blends . MTBE was blended with base gasoline fuel in four ratios ( 5 , 10 , 15 , and 20 vol % ) .

  25. 我国推行无铅汽油情况的研究

    Study on non-containing lead gasoline being carried out in our country

  26. 影响车用无铅汽油清洁性具体限值的环节

    Several Links of Influencing Detail Limits of Vehicle-used Leadless Gasoline Cleanliness

  27. 无铅汽油发动机高性能烧结合金钢气门座的研制

    Development of Sintering Alloy Steel Valve Seat for lead-free Petrol Engine

  28. 美国无铅汽油的生产和应用

    The Manufacture and Use of Unleaded Gasoline in the United States

  29. 普通无铅汽油要涨价了。

    The price of regular unleaded petrol is set to rise .

  30. 适应于无铅汽油的自润滑高铬铸铁排气门座

    Self-Lubricating High-Chromium Cast Iron Exhaust Valve Seats Help Using Unleaded Gasoline