
wú zuì tuī dìnɡ
  • presumption of innocence
  1. 证据法视野下的无罪推定原则

    Principle of Presumption of Innocence in the View of Evidence Law

  2. 论刑事诉讼中的无罪推定原则

    On the Doctrine of the Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Action

  3. 试论无罪推定原则在我国的确立及完善

    On Establishment and Improvement of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence

  4. 现代司法理念中的无罪推定原则

    The Principle of Non-criminal Inference in Morden Juridical Theory and Concept

  5. 论无罪推定在我国的司法实践

    On the Judical Practice in Our Country of Presumption of Innocence

  6. 不受强迫自证其罪原则部分地源于无罪推定原则的要求。

    The principle against compulsory self-incrimination is partly derived from it .

  7. 无罪推定与刑事诉讼中的国家权力哲学

    Presumption of Innocent Doctrine and Philosophy of State Power in Criminal Procedure

  8. 关于无罪推定与刑事证明责任的再思考

    Rethinking of Innocence Presumption and the Burden of Proof in Criminal Proceeding

  9. 侦查假说与无罪推定辨析

    Research on the Investigation Hypothesis and the Presumption of Innocence

  10. 无罪推定原则之辨正

    Differentiation and Correction of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence

  11. 对无罪推定原则的辨析

    Renaming the principle of presumption of innocence in China

  12. 二是无罪推定理论。

    The second is the presumption of innocence theory .

  13. 论无罪推定与刑事证明责任的分配

    On Presumption of Innocence and Allotting the Burden of Proof in Criminal Proceeding

  14. 无罪推定原则是各国公认的一项国际司法准则。

    Presumption of innocence is an international judicial criterion that every country accepts .

  15. 儒家文化与法的人文关怀&试以无罪推定为例

    Confucian Culture and the Humanistic Care of the Law

  16. 《刑事诉讼法》的再修改:全面确立无罪推定原则

    Revision of Criminal Procedure Law Again : Comprehensive Establishment of Innocent Estimation Principle

  17. 论有保留的无罪推定原则

    On the Principle of Presumption of Innocence with Reservation

  18. 论无罪推定原则的意义

    On Signifcance of the Principle of Presumption of Innoncence

  19. 明确相关立法,为无罪推定原则的实施提供法律保障;

    Definitude relative legislation to implement presumption of innocence ;

  20. 自由、无罪推定和权利保障是保释制度的基本理念。

    Freedom , non - crime supposition and right grantee are the basic ideas .

  21. 无罪推定与刑事诉讼制度改革

    Innocent Deduction and the Reform of Criminal Procedure

  22. 沉默权是无罪推定原则的重要内容。

    The important content of principles of no guilty deduce is keep silence rights .

  23. 无罪推定原则的司法适用

    The Judicatory Apply of the not guilty Predict

  24. 无罪推定与诉诸无知论证比较研究

    A Comparative Research of Presumption of Innocence and the Argument of Appeal to Ignorance

  25. 我国刑事诉讼中无罪推定原则的探究

    An Exploration of the Principle of Innocence Presumption in Criminal Procedure in Our Country

  26. 无罪推定原则的价值选择与理念调适

    Choice of Value and Regulation of Idea about Doctrine of the Presumption of Innocence

  27. 无罪推定与控辩对抗

    On presumption of innocence and charge countermeasure

  28. 推定对刑事证明责任通常不产生影响,只对刑事证明活动中提供证据的责任有影响,只有无罪推定影响了证明责任的分配。

    Presumption does not affect on the burden of proof usually except the innocent presumption .

  29. 无罪推定与律师辩护

    Presumption of Innocence and Lawyers ' Defense

  30. 这是潜在的无罪推定。

    It 's potentially exculpatory evidence .