
  • 网络Radio Management;ARM
  1. 基于数据仓库的军事无线电管理统计分析技术应用

    Statistical Analysis Application of The Military Radio Management Based on Data Warehouse

  2. 盲源分离对于无线电管理具有重要的意义。

    Blind signal separation ( BSS ) is particularly important to radio management .

  3. 射线跟踪电波传播模型计算分析及其在无线电管理GIS系统中的应用

    Analysis for Ray Tracing Propagation Model and Its Application in Radio Wave Management GIS System

  4. 无线电管理GIS系统是无线电管理信息化的要求,也是无线电频率资源管理的迫切需求。

    In recent years , the management of radio frequency resources is getting more and more complex , which brings forward a high demand of radio wave management GIS system .

  5. 目前,多数无线电管理GIS系统中包括了宏蜂窝电波传播预测的模块,而基于射线跟踪模型的微蜂窝电波传播预测的应用还相对较少。

    At present , the prediction model for macrocells has been integrated to most of the radio wave management GIS system , but the application of prediction for microcells is only few .

  6. 根据军地无线电管理机构对高时效性的无线电磁环境区域性评估系统的需求,确立《基于3S移动监测技术的无线电磁环境区域性分析》课题。

    The program of < < the wireless EM environment territorial analysis under the technology of 3S mobile monitor > > is established out of the wireless administrant organization 's need about the high time effect territorial evaluation system of wireless EM environment .

  7. 无线电管理中电磁兼容性仿真系统的开发与应用

    Development an Application of EMC Simulation System in Radio Administration

  8. 加强广播电视系统无线电管理促进广播电视事业的发展和繁荣

    Strengthen Radio Regulation and Promote Prosperity of Radio and TV Broadcast Cause

  9. 浙江省无线电管理委员会台州市管理处

    " Zhejiang Provincial Radio Regulatory Commission , Taizhou Division "

  10. 全球无线通信发展新走势及我国无线电管理的对策考虑

    New Developing Trend of Global Wireless Communications and Strategies of Radio Administration in China

  11. 无线电管理工作的重要性和紧迫性日益凸显。

    The importance and urgency of radio management are growing with each passing day .

  12. 论1928-1929年国民政府建委会的无线电管理

    Management of Radio in Charge of Construction Committee of Nanjing Nationalist Government During 1928-1929

  13. 加强对电磁环境的管控成为无线电管理部门的重要任务。

    Enforced management of the electromagnetic environment becomes an important task of the radio management branch .

  14. 国家无线电管理委员会关于进口无线电发射设备的管理规定

    Regulations on the Management of Imported Radio Transmission Equipments Released by the State Radio Regulatory Commission

  15. 中国无线电管理的对策考虑

    Strategy Consideration for Chinese Radio Management

  16. 交通部无线电管理领导小组办公室亦设在中国交通通信中心。

    The Radio Leadership Team Office is co-located with in China Transportation & Telecommunication Center who introduces enterprise-style management .

  17. 无线电管理除了行政、法律、经济手段之外,还要通过必要的技术手段。

    Beyond the administrate measures , legal measures , economic measures , radio management department also need necessary technology measures .

  18. 搬移式综合监测系统的设计与开发较好地满足了幅员辽阔地区对无线电台站进行综合监测及干扰查处的要求,解决了无线监测系统建设的急需,提高了无线电管理工作的水平。

    The design of the system make the solution of the construction of radio monitoring , increases the organization of radio .

  19. 目前,该系统部分应用于贵州省无线电管理委员会的日常业务管理中,经过反复的软件测试,初步运行表明,开发的系统受到用户的认可。

    At present , the system applies to part of Radio Management Committee of Guizhou Province and approved by the users .

  20. 本文论述涉及中国无线电管理对策考虑应注意把握好的四大基本关系。

    This paper introduces four main relationships that should be carefully controlled on doing the strategy considerations for chinese radio management .

  21. 随着现代通信技术的日新月异,对于无线电管理部门的技术要求也相应地与时俱进。

    With the advances of modern communication technology , the technical requirements for radio management departments rise at the same time .

  22. 我国《物权法》和《无线电管理条例》明确规定:无线电频谱资源属于国家所有,产品进入市场前,必须经过射频性能检测。

    Chinese Property Law and the Radio Management Ordinance clearlystipulates : " The radio spectrum resources are owned by the state " .

  23. 突出了射频与无线电管理在隐身技术中的重要性,阐述了发展隐身战术、程序开发以及电子对抗等主动隐身技术。

    Radio frequency management technology on stealth is emphasized . Tactics , program and electron counter in the active stealth technology are expounded .

  24. 基于计算的无线电管理综合业务信息系统研究与开发在全球范围内都具有先进趋势性和超前探索性。

    Based on cloud computing , studying the integrated services information system of radio management has great progressiveness and prospective exploratory in the world .

  25. 在1999年美国联邦通信委员会开放了其公用频段,随后的欧盟电信协会和中国的无线电管理委员会也相继出台了各自的公用频段和技术指标。

    FCC thrown open the public frequency on 1999 , and subsequently Europe Telecom Association and Chinese Wireless Management Committee released respective public frequency .

  26. 从数百兆赫到数十千兆赫的微波频谱,全国无线电管理委员会曾有大致的分配。

    The microwave spectrum ranges from several hundred MHz to dozens of GHz which were allocated originally by the National Radio Regulatory Commission in China .

  27. 本文根据陕西省无线电管理委员会制定的十一五建设规划,对所在地区无线电监测网建设做出规划设计。

    The paper makes a plan on the construction of the regional radio monitoring net according to the 11th 5-year planning made by Shaanxi Radio Administrative Committee .

  28. 为保障通讯网络正常运行,全国无线电管理部门采购了各种型号的仪器设备,采用手动方式或单一测试对基站设备进行测量。

    To protect the normal operation of communications networks , national radio management departments purchased various models of equipments , to test base station manually or single .

  29. 不少用户从自身利益出发,千方百计逃避频率占用费,拒绝服从无线电管理。

    From their own interests , a lot of users seek to circumvent the duty of paying frequency occupation fee , refused to obey the radio management .

  30. 对在无线电管理工作和科学研究中作出重大贡献的单位和个人,应当给予奖励。

    Citations or rewards shall be given to the institutions and individuals that have made significant contributions in the management of the radio frequency spectrum and the related scientific research .