- 网络radiosonde

The reliable verification of GPS-meteorology has been studied with the comparisons of GPS Zenith wet delay and water vapor radiometer , GPS precipitable water vapor and radiosonde .
Gravity wave characteristics observed by lidar and radiosonde in Wuhan
In the field test , as compared with radiosonde , the mean temperature deviation was 2-3 K below 3 km .
Radiosonde observations and MODIS tri-channel composite images are used in the paper to show the rationality and the effect of cloud phase recognition in cases .
Radiosonde , we can get the results that the related coefficient is 0.88 and the absolute mean value is 5.4 mm .
Common aerological detection is taken by radiosonde carried by sounding balloon .
Radiosonde Observation of Planetary Waves in the Lower Atmosphere Over the Center China
A radiosonde is free to rise to as great an elevation as possible .
Radiosonde and radar wind sounding Application o " fCombined Steam Exhaust Device " in Direct Air-Cooling Power Plants
Because we cannot get the atmospheric parameters over the ocean as the land that get from the radiosonde .
As one of the primary aerial aerograph , the radiosonde mainly measuring the temperature and humidity what affects the intensity of icing .
In this paper the empirical orthogonal function is used to expand the observed vertical temperature profiles and the observed vertical wind profiles for Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou .
Coastal radiosondes ( probes for taking atmospheric measurements ) are released to pick up winds every six hours , and three ocean research ships regularly release balloons with sensors .
The radiosonde observations of eight years ( 1998-2005 ), launched from 9 stations over the Gulf of Mexico coastlands of the U.S. , are analyzed to investigate local characteristics of Trade-Wind Inversion ( TWI ) .
Data of 660 radio-soundings launched at 9 o'clock during June , July and August , 1971-1978 and data of weather radar and surface observations in the same period in Yongdeng Hail Suppression Test site have been analysed .
Wind data by the radiosonde observation from Wuhan , Yichang , and Enshi Meteorological Stations in the period of 2001 & 2003 are used to analyze the Planetary Waves ( PWs ) in the lower atmosphere of the center China .
The design principal and structure features of a new type dual-channel ground-based mi-crowave radiometer for measurement of water vapor and liquid water in the troposphere are dis-cussed . A method independent of radiosonde data is employed for the absolute system calibration .
By use of the fairly dense network of radio soundings and pilot balloons , the three dimensional structure and the formation process of the moist jet stream were shown by wind and humidity field in a case of heavy rain over north China in summer .