
  • 网络sugar free food
  1. 随着人们对健康的日益关注,无糖食品越来越受到消费者的青睐;

    With more and more attention to health , consumers like sugar-free foods than before .

  2. 重点讲解:一些企业看到这一商机后纷纷介入,推出各种无糖食品。

    Some enterprises have to see this opportunity to intervene after the introduction of a variety of sugar-free foods .

  3. 文章介绍了无糖食品的涵义、麦芽糖醇的特性、在无糖食品中的应用现状及开发前景。

    The article introduced the meaning of sugar-free food , then introduced characteristic , application in sugar-free food and development trends of maltitol .

  4. 本去糖牛奶采用最新发明技术,能有效去除牛奶中的乳糖,也使奶中的总糖含量低于0·5%。其它各项指标符合国家乳品标准,也达到国家对无糖食品的标示。

    All the quality indexes of the de-lactose milk products are accorded with the milk product standard and free-sugar sign issued by state .

  5. 麦芽糖醇具有独特的理化特性和功能特性,在无糖食品的开发中已经有一些应用。

    Maltitol possesses its particular physical and chemical characteristic , also functional characteristic , so it has been used in the development of sugar-free food .

  6. 英国牙科杂志近期的一项研究表明,那些所谓的无糖食品其实并不是对牙齿有益的。

    A study review in the British Dental Journal found there is a ' hidden risk ' in sugar-free products that are promoted as ' tooth friendly ' .

  7. 食用仙人掌无糖保健食品的研制

    Study on the sugar - free health food of edible cactus

  8. 以食用仙人掌为原料、以木糖醇作为甜味剂,研制了食用仙人掌无糖保健食品&蛋糕、果脯和饮料的生产工艺,并制定了相应的产品质量标准。

    Sugar-free health food of cactus such as cake , preserved fruit and beverage were made from edible cactus and xylitol , and correlative quality standard was constituted .

  9. 美国和日本的无糖及低热食品市场状况

    Non-sugar and low-calorie food market in the US and Japan

  10. 在国内,木糖醇作为无糖口香糖和各种无糖食品配料有较快发展。

    In China , Xylitol , as the ingredient in sugar_free chewing gum and other sugar_free food ingredient , also developed rapidly .

  11. 但是如果你的“无糖”饮食只是吃一些标签着“无糖”字样的食品,那么就不会有任何效果。

    But if your suggested " sugar-free " diet means eating foods labeled " sugar-free , " then that won 't fly .