
wú hé wǔ qì qū
  • nuclear-weapon-free zone
  1. 北京在过去一年已经发出信号,表示它将签署《东南亚无核武器区条约》(TreatyontheSoutheastAsiaNuclear-Weapon-FreeZone)。该条约已于1997年生效。

    Beijing has signalled for the past year that it would accede to the protocol of the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone , which came into force in 1997 .

  2. 强调现有各项无核武器区条约生效至关重要。

    The importance of the entry into force of all the existing nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties was stressed .

  3. 建立中亚无核武器区国际会议

    International conference on a " Central Asia Nuclear - Weapon-Free Zone "

  4. 东南亚无核武器区条约;

    Treaty on South-East Asia nuclear weapon free zone ;

  5. 国际无核武器区会议

    International Meeting for Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones

  6. 研究无核武器区问题特设合格政府专家组

    Ad Hoc Group of Qualified Governmental Experts for the Study of the Question of Nuclear-Weapon - Free Zones

  7. 青年争取印度洋和平和亚太无核武器区联合行动国际会议;

    International Meeting on joint youth actions for a peaceful Indian Ocean and nuclear weapon-free Asian and pacific ;

  8. 建立无核武器区,对推动核裁军和防止核武器扩散具有积极意义。

    The establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones is of positive significance to advancing nuclear disarmament and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons .

  9. 核武器国家应支持有关地区国家建立无核武器区或无大规模杀伤性武器区的努力,并承担相应义务。

    Nuclear-weapon states should support countries in the relevant regions in establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones or WMD-free zones and fulfill due obligations .

  10. 强调无核武器区能够为加强全球和区域和平与安全作出贡献,包括全球核不扩散事业。

    The contribution of such zones to enhancing global and regional peace and security , including the cause of global nuclear non-proliferation , was emphasized .

  11. 如今,由于哈萨克斯坦摒弃核武器并加入建立中亚无核武器区的工作,塞米巴拉金斯克已成为一个强有力的象征。

    Today , with Kazakhstan having banished nuclear weapons and joined in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia , Semipalatinsk has become a powerful symbol .

  12. 缔约国表示支持在有关区域各国自由安排基础上建立国际承认的无核武器区的构想。

    Support was expressed for the concept of internationally recognized nuclear-weapon-free zones established on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at among States in the regions concerned .

  13. 中方将与国际社会一道,为建立中东无核武器区,为实现中东地区和平与安全继续做出努力和贡献。

    China will continue to work with the international community to make contributions to the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East and to peace and security in the Middle East .

  14. 中国积极支持有关国家在自愿基础上建立无核武器区的努力,并承诺向无核武器国家和无核武器区提供积极和消极安全保证。

    China vigorously supports the efforts of the countries concerned to establish nuclear-weapon-free zones on a voluntary basis , and has undertaken to provide both positive and negative security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States and nuclear-weapon-free zones .

  15. 此后又明确承诺无条件不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。

    Later , China undertook unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones .

  16. 我们将继续支持东盟建立东南亚无核区的努力,愿意尽早签署《东南亚无核武器区条约》议定书。

    China will continue to support ASEAN efforts in establishing the ASEAN nuclear free zone , and is willing to sign the protocol on the Southeast Asian Nuclear Free Zone Treaty at an early date .