
  1. 双信封无标底评标办法的思考

    Deep thought of method of evaluation on bids without base number and in twin envelopes

  2. 无标底招标评标方法的优化研究

    The Optimization of the Bidding Evaluation Method for the Tender without Lowest Bid Price

  3. 现行无标底招标评标体系的不完善性。

    Bidding without base bid system is imperfect .

  4. 根据当前建筑市场中常用的无标底招标评标方法,应用模糊数学中的相关原理对其进行优化,增加了评标过程的客观性和合理性。

    According to the common method for the bidding evaluation of the tender without lowest bid price in the current construction market , this paper optimizes the method by using some relevant theories of the fuzzy mathematics to increase the objectivity and rationality of the procedures of the bidding evaluation .