
wú qíng
  • ruthless;merciless;heartless;mercilessly;ruthlessly;inexorable
无情 [wú qíng]
  • (1) [ruthlessly]∶没有感情

  • 无情无义

  • (2) [mercilessly;heartless;inexorable]∶不留情

  • 水火无情

无情[wú qíng]
  1. 朝鲜警告可能会对韩国发动圣战,包括动用核武器,而韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)则誓言,一旦领土再次遭袭,韩国将进行无情的反击。

    North Korea has warned of a holy war against the South , including use of nuclear weapons , while President Lee Myung-bak , of South Korea vowed a merciless counterattack if its territory were assaulted again .

  2. 它勾画了迅速无误执行Yhwh的法律对他无情的敌人和他的人民,同时也指出,他为确保庇护和安全的人谁服从和信任他。

    It delineates the swift and unerring execution of Yhwh 's laws upon His merciless foes and those of His people , and also points to Him as the sure refuge and security of those who obey and trust Him .

  3. 他故意说的残酷无情的话对她像刀割一样。

    The deliberate cruelty of his words cut her like a knife .

  4. 她对待他真是无情至极。

    The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless .

  5. 这出戏受到了剧评人无情的抨击。

    The play received a mauling from the critics .

  6. 房子的断壁残垣是那场大火无情的见证。

    The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire .

  7. 这么说话太无情了!

    What a heartless thing to say !

  8. 恐怕在这种行业中竞争是残酷无情的。

    I 'm afraid in this line of work it 's a case of dog eat dog .

  9. 他也批评这些驱逐暴力无情。

    He also criticised the evictions for being violent and ruthless .

  10. 媒体把我们所有人都变成了无情刺探他人隐私的人。

    The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us .

  11. 他很自私,但是并非无情。

    He was self-centred , but he wasn 't cruel .

  12. 20世纪一些国家发生了无情的变化。

    The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries .

  13. 我讨厌我父亲。他吹毛求疵,刻薄无情。

    I hated my father . He was hyper-critical and mean

  14. 委员会的结论将十年来的否认和掩饰无情地揭开。

    The commission 's conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups

  15. 他那番严厉无情的话让她伤心得大哭起来。

    She burst into tears , stung by the harshness of his words .

  16. 公主由于不能诞下继承人,被无情地抛弃了。

    The Princess was cruelly cast aside when she failed to produce an heir

  17. 人世间的残酷无情让我感到无比悲哀。

    The cruelty in the world saddens me incredibly .

  18. 他身材高大,肌肉发达,一双眼睛冷漠无情。

    He was big and brawny with soulless eyes .

  19. 母亲的声音是他很熟悉的:冰冷、无情。

    His mother 's voice was one he knew ; ice cold and deadly

  20. 当前电视业的竞争残酷无情。

    The TV business today is a dog-eat-dog business .

  21. 他有着族长式的慷慨大方,同时却又冷漠无情。

    His patriarchal generosity is counterbalanced by his ruthlessness .

  22. 他们没有表现出丝毫内疚,实在是太无情了。

    They have shown a ruthless lack of conscience .

  23. 他仍然因出身低微而被人无情嘲笑。

    He is still the butt of cruel jokes about his humble origins .

  24. 其中把他描绘成了一个冷漠无情的人。

    It portrays him as cold and uncaring .

  25. 这番话既轻率又无情。

    It was a flippant and unfeeling remark .

  26. 这是一场残忍无情的杀戮。

    This was a brutal and cold-blooded killing .

  27. 岁月最无情的痕迹留在了那块看起来明显很古老的织物上。

    The worst sign of age was in the fabric which looked decidedly ancient .

  28. 谁都不能指责这个女人冷血无情。

    There 's no way anyone could accuse this woman of being cold and unfeeling

  29. 为了过上奢靡的生活,这对冷漠无情的夫妇竟然贪污医院的慈善基金。

    The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle .

  30. 他遭到无情的羞辱和诘问。

    He was insulted and heckled mercilessly