
wú xíng
  • intangible;invisible;virtually;imperceptibly
无形 [wú xíng]
  • (1) [invisible]∶没有某事物的形式、名义而有相似作用的

  • 无形的鞭策

  • (2) [imperceptibly]∶不知不觉中

  • 他们的小组无形中解散了

无形[wú xíng]
  1. 无形贸易盈余比报道所称的少2亿英镑。

    The invisible trade surplus was £ 200 million lower than reported .

  2. 父母担心他们可能会逾越这些无形的界限。

    Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries

  3. 除股价上升之外还有无形利益。

    There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price .

  4. 旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。

    Tourism is Britain 's single biggest invisible export

  5. 旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项。

    The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country 's invisible earnings

  6. 她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。

    Her father 's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands .

  7. 她冲破了职场上那道无形的障碍升至现在的职位,成为公司里第一个升至高级管理层的女性。

    In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company

  8. 她无形中成了我们的顾问。

    She has virtually become our adviser .

  9. 身体是物质的,但灵魂是无形的。

    The body is material but the soul is immaterial .

  10. 这无形中成了风气。

    This has imperceptibly become a common practice .

  11. 他无形中成了我的助手。

    He 's virtually become my assistant .

  12. 少陵翰墨无形画,韩干丹青不语诗。(苏轼《韩干马》)

    Shaoling 's writings are pictures without forms ; han gan 's paintings are unspoken poems .

  13. 期货市场表明,到2019年,油价仅会略有回升至每桶60美元,无形中也支持了上述观点。

    Futures   markets ,   which   show   only   a   modest   recovery   ofprices   to   around   $ 60   a   barrel   by   2019 ,   support   this   view .

  14. 他认为从理论上来讲,这些无形奖励中的情感成分使它们起了作用。

    He theorizes that it is the emotional component of these intangible prizes that make them effective .

  15. 获得活到100岁所需的金融资金只要延长全职工作的第二个阶段就可以了,但这种持续不断的工作将不可避免地耗尽宝贵的无形资产,如生产技能、活力、幸福和友谊。

    Just lengthening that second stage of full-time work may secure the financial assets needed for a 100-year life , but such persistent work will inevitably exhaust precious intangible assets such as productive skills , vitality , happiness , and friendship .

  16. 太空旅行可以非常令人愉快,但同时又存在无形的危险。

    Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time invisibly dangerous .

  17. Brassceiling(黄铜天花板)指存在于军队和执法部门中、阻止女性进一步升迁的一个无形障碍。

    Brass ceiling is an imaginary barrier which stops women from progressing in their careers within the military and law enforcement .

  18. 普绪喀听从这些有声无形的外人的意见

    Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants .

  19. 我想,这表示我们无形的思想导引着真实的人生。

    The real life is guided by our incorporeal intellection .

  20. 知识产权一般具有无形性、专用性、地域性、时间性特征

    IPR generally have the features of intangibility , exclusivity , territoriality and temporality .

  21. 但是他却会让这种无形的造星力量为他所用。

    But he is taking advantage of the same underlying1 forces that gave them star power .

  22. 彩虹屋顶或粉色屋顶指同性恋员工在职场个人晋升过程中遇到的由职场惯例或歧视导致的无形的障碍。

    Rainbow ceiling , or pink ceiling , refers to business practices and prejudices that create an unseen and unofficial barrier to personal advancement1 for gay employees .

  23. 这件无形艺术品名叫“我存在/我是”,从技术上来讲就是一个空无一物的空间,其中充满了这个雕塑自身的能量。

    Titled " I am " the invisible work of art basically represents a void , a technically empty space that is actually occupied by the energy of the sculpture .

  24. 早在2014年,另一组科学家就研制出了最黑的黑色涂层,是一种名为“纳米碳管黑体(Vantablack)”的材料,可吸收的光线之多使每个涂层表面看起来都几乎平坦无形。

    Back in 2014 , another group of scientists developed the blackest possible black coating , a material called ' Vantablack ' , that absorbs so much light it makes every surface look almost invisibly flat .

  25. 工作作风上的问题绝对不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任其发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量。

    The style in which you work is no small matter , and if we don 't redress6 unhealthy tendencies and allow them to develop , it will be like putting up a wall between our party and the people , and we will lose our roots , our lifeblood and our strength .

  26. 其更为突出的贡献在于将Estate体系适用的范围从土地等Realproperty拓展到PersonalProperty,尤其是现代价值日益膨胀的无形财产上。

    Its prominent contribution is that it extends the scope of estates system from real property to personal property , especially intangible property , such as bonds .

  27. 除了OECD原来规定的传统方法以外,又陆续出现了很多无形资产转让定价调整的新方法,各有利弊和适用的条件。

    Besides the traditional methods that fixed by OECD originally , new methods are put forward successively .

  28. IASB无形资产会计准则与我国无形资产的确认

    IASB Intangible Asset Accounting Maxim and Affirming Intangible Asset in China

  29. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  30. 这也在无形中丰富了CI形象设计理论,促进了CI理论的发展,两者相辅相成,共同成长。

    It also enriches the designing theory of CI and promotes the development of it to some extent , which may help both e-brand and CI theory grow together .