- insolvency;suspend payment;suspension

The company was delisted for insolvency .
For St. Mary 's , Mr. Chang represents crucial revenue for an institution that had faced insolvency several times , said Frank Phillips , the headmaster .
Although the ECB is prohibited from continuing ELA funding to insolvent banks , it is not clear at what point Greek banks would be deemed insolvent .
Eurozone debt reduction or " reprofiling " will help to resolve the issue of excessive debt in some insolvent economies .
Eurozone policymakers appear to accept that the country is insolvent .
Leaders have mistaken a problem of insolvency for one of illiquidity .
The German state is in no danger in terms of solvency .
We discussed Detroit 's poverty , crime , depopulation and insolvency .
Everything depends on Italy , because financial markets now fear it may be insolvent .
But the question we really should be asking is : why keep insolvent banks afloat ?
Once unsecured debtholders of insolvent banks lose , market discipline would return to the whole sector .
On February 11 , European leaders were discussing the threat of a State Insolvency in the eurozone .
There are many imaginable states of the world in which institutions with current levels of leverage would be insolvent .
Once again , the question will be how the near-insolvent banks can be kept afloat , to avoid systemic risk .
If you make that assumption , you realise Greece will almost certainly not be in a position to repay its debts .
She also has a political problem : the Bundestag could refuse to provide for insolvent countries unless private-sector creditors share the pain .
That way , the risk of the insolvent institutions would be transferred back from the public to the private sector , from the taxpayer to the creditors .
Analysts said the fund might make decent returns if it could buy distressed infrastructure projects cheaply from local governments that are no longer able to service their debt .
Their electorates will care if their government is insolvent or their countries suffer decades of slump . Moreover , the US federal government will function whatever happens to California .
Even if systemic risk were still present , the government should protect the debt ( up to some level ) only of the solvent banks , not the insolvent ones .
Regulators could monitor how this trades , or use markets that gauge the risk of insolvency , to help decide when banks must raise more capital ( see article ) .
ICBC and its compatriots have their ( small ) share of toxic made-in-the-US products but , unlike HSBC , they are not out there lending to stressed American or UK home-owners .
The Commission has published reports covering subjects as diverse as commercial arbitration , data protection , divorce , sale of goods and supply of services , insolvency , fraud and statutory interpretation .
They are particularly pessimistic about the banks , given their vast ( though minimally recognised ) bad debts , and property groups that have borrowed US dollars , which they may not be able to repay .
Reorganization refers to the reconstructive liquidation system of Insolvent Corporation , which adjusts its debts and reorganizes its enterprise to ensure its ongoing management , then shuffle off the trouble to achieve renaissance of itself eventually .
The day after the Bank of England declined support , Overend suspended cash payments and the run turned into a riot - with 10 further banks suspending payments , 200 companies defaulting and " throngs heaving and tumbling about Lombard Street " .
However , when these sorts of transactions pick up during bad times , it could be that some units , such as steelmakers or property developers , can 't pay their bills-from interest on a bank loan to payments owed to suppliers or wages due to employees .
Observers have been waiting since most shipping markets collapsed last autumn for banks to start acting robustly with shipowners unable to keep up payments on their debts .