
zú quán
  • clan authority;clan power
族权 [zú quán]
  • [clan authority;clan power] 宗法制度下,族长对家族的支配权力,或家长对家庭成员的支配权力

族权[zú quán]
  1. 封建家长制及族权浅析

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  2. 父系氏族公社的萨满教封建家长制及族权浅析

    Samen religion in the patrilineal society Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority

  3. 族权影响下的宗祠建设&以静升村为例

    Construction of Clan Temples under Clan Power & Based on the Example of Jingsheng Village

  4. 封建家长制及族权浅析东乡族宗法文化论

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority On The Patriarchal Culture of the Dongxiang People

  5. 家长权和族权深刻地影响着家族内部亲属相犯行为法律责任的认定,即是显著例证。

    The influence of the patriarchal leadership and clan authority on the legal responsibility of relatives crime is the evident example .

  6. 第三章通过对中国传统权力架构的分析,系统地分析了徽州聚落中的族权空间和要素。

    Chapter 3 systematically analyzed power space and main factors in the settlement based on the analysis of the Chinese traditional power structure .

  7. (二)由宗祠、支祠以至家长的家族系统(族权);

    The clan system ( clan authority ), ranging from the central ancestral temple and its branch temples down to the head of the household ;

  8. 宗法制度是以父权和族权为特征的,包含有阶级对抗内容的一种宗族家族制度。

    The patriarchal system is a kind of family system and clan system not only characterized by clan authority and patriarchy , but also containing class antagonism as well .

  9. 通过传统族权、父权、复仇等制度现象的例示与分析,说明传统儒家思想的法律化过程。

    This essay tries to illustrate how traditional Confucian thoughts were legalized through demonstration and analysis of such traditional institutions and phenomena as clan power , patriarchy , and bloody feuds .

  10. 该文以静升村各宗祠的发展与演化为线索,探讨了族权在宗祠建设中的重要意义。

    Keeping track with the development and evolution of different clan temples in Jingsheng village , the present paper discusses the function of clan power in the building of clan temples .

  11. 壮族婚姻制度受到族权的影响。其影响反映在换亲、转房婚、招赘婚、不落夫家等方面。

    The marriage system of Zhuang nationality has been affected by clan authority , which is reflected in exchanging marriage , taking in a son-in-law to bear bride 's family name and etc.

  12. 第四章论证了风水空间与族权空间的内在同一性,提出徽州风水聚落空间的意义就在于建立起徽州聚落的运行机制&秩序。

    Chapter 4 demonstrated the spatial internality between the " geomancy " space and the power space of clan , and put forward that the spatial meaning in " geomancy " settlement is establishing the movement mechanism of the settlement in Huizhou & " order " .

  13. 家训,是传统宗法社会父家长垂诫训示子孙后代,用以规范家人行为、处理家庭事务的一种言行准则,是父权与族权的重要表达形式。

    Parental instruction , which aims at instructing and admonishing generation , putting family members ' behavior into regulation , coping with the family affairs , is a kind of statement and action , is also an essential expressive form for father power and clan authority .