
  • 网络Rotate;rotation parameters;Ori.Euler
  1. 用GPS方法与地质学方法得到的鄂尔多斯相对于蒙古地台的旋转参数相同,证明鄂尔多斯自晚新生代以来的运动是稳定的。

    The rotation parameters of Ordos block relative to Mongolia platform obtained by GPS method are the same as those acquired by geological method , which indicate that the motion of Ordos block has been stable since late Kainozoic .

  2. 根据鄂尔多斯块体及周围地区的GPS数据,计算了鄂尔多斯相对于蒙古地台和欧亚板块的旋转参数,表明鄂尔多斯相对于蒙古地台和欧亚板块存在逆时针旋转。

    On the basis of the GPS data observed on Ordos block and its peripheral regions , the rotation parameters of Ordos block relative to Mongolia platform and Eurasia plate are calculated , which prove the counterclockwise rotation of Ordos block relative to Mongolia platform and Eurasia plate .

  3. 利用四元数表达计算出旋转参数R和平移参数t,完成配准工作。

    The run time is shorten as well . Adopting quaternion expression , this paper has computed the rotation parameter R and the translation parameter t to realized registration .

  4. 其次,利用基于FFT的Fourier-Mellin方法求出图像的初始旋转参数。

    Second , we use the Fourier-Mellin method to guess the initial rotation parameter .

  5. 根据1D相位相关技术,提出了一种通过搜索角度脊来得到旋转参数的方法;

    Based on 1D phase correlation , a method was proposed to obtain the angle of rotation by searching an angle ridge .

  6. 定位系统中,通过将雷达的位置估计和图像的灰度信息进行融合来获得位移参数,并将改进的Hausdorff距离和模拟退火算法相结合得到旋转参数。

    Translation parameter of vehicle location is obtained by fusing radar-based position evaluation data and image intensity data , and rotation parameter of location is obtained by integrating improved Hausdorff distance and simulated annealing algorithm .

  7. 主晶粒数目减少。ACRT-B工艺中,影响晶体质量最重要的旋转参数是最大旋转速率,而保持在最大旋转速率的时间和停止时间及反向旋转对结果的影响都很小。

    Relatively the time remaining at the maximum rotation rate , the stoping period and reverso rotation have little influence on the quality of MCT crystals .

  8. 基于反对称矩阵分解的计算刚体三维运动旋转参数的线性算法

    The Algorithm for Determining 3-D Motion Parameters Based on Skew-Symmetric Decomposition

  9. 正交优化的旋转参数线性视觉测量方法研究

    Research on Vision-Based Linear Measurement of Rotation Parameters Using Orthonormal Optimization

  10. 一种求解运动刚体旋转参数的分解算法

    A Decomposition Algorithm for Solving the Rotational Parameters of Rigid Moving Objects

  11. 在计算机视觉领域中,估计运动物体的旋转参数是其中的重要内容之一。

    In motion analysis of computer vision , estimation of3-D rotation parameters is a very important subject .

  12. 但传统的校正算法运行时间长,旋转参数估计精度不高。

    However , running time of the traditional algorithm is very long , and rotation parameter estimation accuracy is not high .

  13. 根据计算机视觉成像原理,利用三维点到二维点的投影关系,可以计算出摄像机相对世界坐标系的平移和旋转参数。

    Using the relationship of the projective transformation between 3d points and 2d points , the translation and the rotation angle can be computed .

  14. 对具有双旋转参数的5维时空中,黑洞视界的热力学参量与宇宙视界的热力学参量进行了研究。

    In this paper , in the two-parameter five-dimensional ( 5D ) rotating black hole , we discuss the thermodynamic parameters corresponding to the black hole 's horizon and the thermodynamic parameters corresponding to the cosmological horizon .

  15. 定义仪器中心为测量坐标系原点,椭圆圆心为椭圆坐标系原点.在测量坐标系内,根据多个观测点坐标拟合椭圆方程,得到椭圆相对测量系统的平移旋转参数。

    With the instrument center defined as the origin of measurement coordinate system and the ellipse center as the origin of ellipse coordinate system , ellipse equation is obtained by fitting the coordinates of observed points on the constructure in measurement system .

  16. 一种是基于傅里叶变换相移特征的运动分析方法,它能够准确地估计出运动目标的平移和旋转参数矢量。

    One is the motion analysis based on phase difference of Fourier transform . It can accurately estimate the motion vector of object by identifying the displacement and rotation between two similar images . The paper proposed some improved methods to estimate motion parameters based on traditional phase correlation method .

  17. 在透视投影模型下,推导出在3D空间中运动的刚体的旋转运动参数与其投影图像上二维直线的光流场之间的关系,并用直线光流方程组表达了这种关系。

    Under the central projection , deduce the relationship between the rotational components of rigid motion in three dimensions and optical flow of 2D lines in projection plane , and express the relationship with straight-line optical flow equations set .

  18. 通过嵌入到图像DFT域的模板以估计尺度缩放参数,利用Radon变换估计旋转角度参数。

    The template embedded DFT is used to estimate the size of the image 's scale , and the Radon transform is employed to estimate the parameters of rotated angle .

  19. 分数阶Fourier变换(FrFT)作为传统Fourier变换的广义形式,增加了自由旋转角度参数,在保留传统Fourier的所有特性的基础上并具备新优势,更适用于处理非平稳信号。

    As a generalization of the classical Fourier transform ( FT ), the fractional Fourier transform ( FrFT ) which adds a degree of freedom parameter-rotation angle and retains all the features of the classical Fourier and novel advantages moreover , is very propitious for processing of the non-stationary signals .

  20. 从二维图像直线光流场求解三维刚体旋转运动参数

    Reconstructing 3D rotation motion parameters from 2D image straight-line optical flow

  21. 利用球面三角建立三维图形旋转变换参数间的关系

    Applying Spherical Trigonometry Method to Establish the Interconversion between 3D Rotation Transformation Parameters

  22. 非线性变参数估计的遗传算法一种基于四阶累积量的旋转不变参数估计方法

    A new method of estimating signal parameter via rotational invariance technique based on fourth-order cumulants

  23. 旋转的参数是由特定轴上鼠标位置确定的。

    The parameter for the rotation is determined from the mouse for the particular axis .

  24. 高斯光束直径与径向旋转光栅参数间的关系

    The Relationship between the Diameter of a Gaussian Beam and the Parameter of a Radial Rotation Grating

  25. 基于序列图像中二次曲线对应的纯旋转运动参数估计算法

    The Estimative Algorithm of Rotational Motion Parameter Based on the Correspondence of Conics in the Serial Image

  26. 基于包含率和旋转平移参数一致性的指纹视频识别。

    Fingerprint video verification using " Inclusion Ratio " and " Consistence of the Rotation and Translation Parameters " .

  27. 为此,将最小二乘原理引入景象匹配辅助导航系统以获取图象匹配时的旋转变换参数。

    So , the paper applied the least square algorithm to the scene matching aided navigation system for getting the rotation transformation parameter .

  28. 图像目标识别算法由知识型图像分割、基于子波变换的旋转不变性参数提取和神经网络分类器三部分组成;

    Object recognition algorithm is composed of Knowledge Based Image Segmentation , Wavelet Transform Based Rotation Invariant Feature Extraction and Neural Network Based Classifier .

  29. 设计时我们充分考虑了工艺的需求,包括张力传感器的精度和抗干扰性能,绞笼旋转时参数的检测及传输问题,电机旋转精度的控制。

    We consider process requirement enough , including precision of tension sensors , immunity , parameter detection and data transmission , precision of motors .

  30. 对一对待匹配指纹视频进行预处理和对齐之后,获取每一对待匹配指纹图像匹配成功的细节点集合和旋转平移参数。

    After preprocessing and aligning of a pair of matching fingerprint video , we acquire the matched minutia sets and the rotation and translation parameters .