
  • 网络tourism circular economy;tourism cycle economy
  1. 旅游循环经济的动力机制研究&蟹岛模式剖析

    Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of Tourism Circular Economy

  2. 武陵源风景名胜区旅游循环经济体系建设研究

    Tourism Circular Economy Structuring in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

  3. 兴文世界地质公园的旅游循环经济模式探讨

    Preliminary Study of Circular Development of Tourism in the Xingwen World Geopark

  4. 基于少数民族旅游循环经济理念的民族文化补偿问题研究

    Study of National Culture Compensation Based on the Concept of Minority Tourism Circular Economy

  5. 第三方评价机制与旅游循环经济发展的良性耦合&旅游发展监督机制的新视角、新形势

    Perfectly Combining Third-party Evaluation Mechanisms with Tourism Circular Economy & New Angle and Situation of Tourism Development Supervising Mechanism

  6. 目前,包括我国在内的许多国家和地区已经开始了旅游循环经济的相关研究和实践。

    At the same time , including China , many countries and regions have begun to research and practice Tourism Circular Economy .

  7. 可再生能源在发展旅游循环经济中的应用&以云南赧浒乡村生态旅游区为例

    The application of renewable energy in developing tourist cyclical economy & Take Nan Hu Rural Eco-tourism area in Yunnan as an example

  8. 国内旅游循环经济的理论研究进展较为迅速,深度和广度都达到了一定的水平。

    The theory research on the domestic circular economy of tourism proceeds rapidly , with the depth and the width reaching a certain level .

  9. 发展旅游循环经济是旅游业中实现经济、社会、环境“三赢”的旅游发展模式。

    The development of circular economy of tourism is a kind of tourism development model fulfilling three wins , economy , society and environment in tourism .

  10. 第二部分分析了循环经济和旅游循环经济的内涵,并提出在峨眉山景区实施旅游循环经济的重要意义。

    The second part analyzed the circular economy and the connotation of tourism cycle economy , and put forward its significant importance of implement in tourism cycle economy .

  11. 在此基础上,研究了民族文化补偿的定义和民族文化补偿机制在构建少数民族旅游循环经济中的作用。

    On this basis , I studied the definition of compensation on the national culture and the role of compensation mechanism of national culture in building minority circular economy .

  12. 而本文研究的主要内容就是在旅游循环经济研究的基础上,结合预警系统的相关知识,建立区域旅游循环经济预警系统,为社会政府以及旅游管理部门的宏观调控提供一定的依凭。

    The main content of this paper is based on the study of Tourism Circular Economy , which combined with early warning knowledge , to establish the early warning system of regional tourism circular economy .

  13. 界定了旅游循环经济的基本含义和特征,分析了发展循环旅游经济的必要性,构建出循环旅游经济模型,并提出了发展循环旅游经济的基本原则和战略。

    This paper defines the basic signification and features , analyzes the necessity to develop circular tourism economy , conceives the model of circular tourism economy , and puts forward the basic principles and strategies of developing circular tourism economy .

  14. 本文对旅游循环经济的内涵及旅游区的循环经济发展模式进行了探讨,并指出了旅游经济活动对于旅游区生态环境的影响,这些因素成了制约发展旅游循环经济的瓶颈。

    This paper discuses the connotation of tourism circular economy and the circular economy development model of tourism area , and points out the effects to tourism area environment that is brought by tourism economic activity , which becomes the bottleneck of tourism circular economy development .

  15. 第一部分为研究综述及论文选题,对国内外旅游循环经济的研究现状进行了介绍个归纳,并具体阐述了论文研究的目的和意义、研究方法与技术路线。

    The first part for the research summary and the paper selected topic , has carried on an introduction induction to the domestic and foreign traveling circulation economy research present situation , and specifically elaborated the paper research goal and the significance , the research technique and the technical route .

  16. 安徽省旅游业循环经济发展模式分析

    Analysis on Development Models of Tourism Circular Economy in Anhui Province

  17. 论旅游景区循环经济的策略

    Study on the Strategies of Circular Economy in Tourist Spots

  18. 发展生态旅游推动循环经济发展&吴县市生态旅游模式设计

    Promoting Circular - economy by Developing Eco - tourism

  19. 旅游业循环经济:发展观、伦理观与产业范式

    On the circular economy : development view , ethic view and industrial paradigm

  20. 指出加快循环经济技术研究和实施力度是保证旅游小镇循环经济建设顺利实施的重要途径。

    Pointed out that speeding up the circular economy technology research and implementation can guarantee the small tourist town circular economy development smoothly .

  21. 论乡村旅游发展及循环经济的指导作用

    Study on the Development of Rural Tourism and Recycling Economy 's Guiding Effect

  22. 作为增长最快的朝阳产业旅游业发展循环经济有其特殊的优势。

    As the fastest-growing " rising-sun industry ", the tourism industry has some unique advantages to develop circular economy .

  23. 在案例分析的基础上,依照政策的基本理论,重点从主导性和辅助性两方面构建了旅游区发展循环经济所需要的政策支持体系。

    Based on the analysis of cases , according the basic policy theory , mainly from the leading and complementary aspects , the paper puts forward a policy support system demanded in constructing the circular economic policy support system in the tourism district .

  24. 桂林市作为世界著名旅游城市,发展循环经济有利于促进桂林旅游业及社会经济的可持续发展。

    As the world-famous tourist city of Guilin , the development of circular economy is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of Guilin tourism and socio-economic .

  25. 第三部分分析了目前旅游景区的旅游循环经济情况,第四部分详述了峨眉山景区的旅游经济现状,提出目前旅游循环经济存在的问题。

    The third part analyzed the tourism cycle economy of scenic spot . The forth part described the tourism economic situation in Mt. Emei scenic spot and put forward the present existing problems of tourism cycle economy .

  26. 在旅游业中,实施旅游循环经济发展战略,是旅游业树立和落实科学发展观、促进旅游可持续发展的重大举措。

    Actualizing tourism circular economy is important for establishing and implementing the concept of scientific development and promoting the sustainable development of tourism .

  27. 旅游产业可持续发展行动:旅游循环经济与产业生态化

    Tourism Sustainable Development Action : Tourism Cyclic Economy and Tourism Industrial Ecology

  28. 因此,运用循环经济的相关理论研究旅游业发展相关问题,发展旅游循环经济成了学术界研究的新视角。

    Therefore , it has become the new perspective that the circular economy theory is used to research the development of tourism , to develop Tourism Circular Economy .

  29. 而循环经济倡导的是一种资源环境友好型的经济发展模式,所以,运用循环经济的相关理论研究旅游业发展相关问题,发展旅游循环经济成了学术界研究的新视角。

    Circular economy is promoted a mode of economic development which friendly for resource and environment . Therefore , it has become the new perspective that the circular economy theory is used to research the development of tourism , to develop Tourism Circular Economy .

  30. 摘要可再生资源代替常规能源使用,是旅游可持续发展的客观要求,是旅游循环经济应用的重要方面。

    The use of renewable resources instead of conventional sources of energy , was an objective requirement of the sustainable development in tourism , and applicably an important aspect of tourism cycle economy .