
  • 网络tourist motivation;motivation;Tour Motivation;tourism motivation
  1. 湖北民族地区景点内游客旅游动机的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Tourist Motivation in National Areas of Hubei Province

  2. 旅游动机尽管受到各种因素的影响,但总是存在着一定的趋向性和规律性。

    Gender and educational devel affect the tourist motivation of inbound tourists in a lesser degree .

  3. 西双版纳野象谷旅游动机和形象认知的因子分析

    Factor Analysis of Travel Motivations and Image Perceptions for Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley

  4. 基于推&拉理论的旅沪入境游客旅游动机研究

    Research on Tourism Motivation of Foreign Tourists to Shanghai Based on Push-pull Theory

  5. 基于旅游动机的旅游者购物行为特征的研究

    Study on Characteristics of Shopping Behavior of Tourists : A Perspective on Tourism Motivation

  6. 旅游动机和行为研究

    On the Motivation for and Action of Travel

  7. 旅游动机人类本性的回归旅游动机的新探讨

    Tourism Motivation-the Basic Characteristic of Human beijing & The New Discuss on the Tourism Motivation

  8. 文化遗产旅游动机是人们进行遗产旅游活动的驱动力。

    So the tourism motivation tour is the drive engine for actions of the tourists .

  9. 旅游动机和限制因素对大型体育事件参与程度的影响研究

    An Empirical Study on Effects of Travel Motivations and Constraints on Attendance in Large Sport Events

  10. 浅析旅游动机的激发

    Analysis of Arousing for Tourist Motive

  11. 而游客的旅游动机则折射出旅游产业的发展水平和发展阶段,也影响着这一产业的发展方向和发展层次。

    While tourist motivations reflect the development level and stages , meanwhile works on the direction and level .

  12. 西递国内游客特征、旅游动机及旅游效果的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the characteristics , tourism motive and tourism effect of domestic tourists to Xidi Village

  13. 现代社会发展促使人们对快乐情感更加偏好,旅游动机愈加强烈。

    The development of modern society led to greater preference for emotional Happiness , tourism more strongly motivated .

  14. 现代人旅游动机的心理学分析

    Cyber citizen 's schizophrenia mentality and self-adjustment in cyber media of human relationship Analysis of modernist 's mentality motivation to tour

  15. 5.12汶川大地震后成都大熊猫繁育研究基地入境游客旅游动机研究

    A Study on the Inbound Tourists ' Motivation to Visit Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding after 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake

  16. 旅游动机和乡村景观相互作用形成引力场,旅游者通过有效的景观感知和旅游决策行为最终形成乡村景观吸引力。

    Based on tourism motivation and rural landscape beauty , rural landscape attraction is finally formed according landscape perception and tourism decision .

  17. 第二章界定了相关概念,介绍了行文所用到的旅游动机理论和消费行为理论。

    Chapter two will define the concept that is used in the thesis , and will refer the theory of motivation and consumption behavior .

  18. 探讨旅游动机和旅行限制因素二者关系的基础上,进而探讨了二者对于大型体育事件参与程度的影响;

    To discuss the relationship between travel motivations and constraints , then discuss the impact of travel motivations and constraints on attendance in the large-scale sport events ;

  19. 旅游动机理论主要包括驱力理论、期待价值理论和唤醒理论,较常被运用的动机分类框架有推-拉因素,需要层次理论和逃-寻二分法。

    Tourism motivation theory includes drive theory , expectancy_value theory and arousal theory . Motivation taxonomic frameworks used frequently are push_ pull factors , need hierarchy and escape_seeking dichotomy .

  20. 性别、婚姻状况、旅游动机和满意度拒绝本文前面假设外,其他变量都接受假设。

    Based on the research the conclusion can be got that all the independent variables except sex , marriage things , purpose of travel and satisfaction level all accept the hypothesis .

  21. 庞大的数量,强烈的旅游动机,以及充足的闲暇时间和较强的旅游购买力,这些都表明老年旅游者是旅游业发展的潜力市场。

    With a large number and strong motivation , as well as plenty of leisure time and a strong tourism purchasing power , these elderly tourists for tourism development is the potential market .

  22. 以历史文化名城徐州市为例,从旅游动机、消费结构、信息渠道与产品评价等方面,分析了徐州市的入境旅游客源市场特征;

    Taking historic and cultural city of Xuzhou for an example , this article analyzes the inbound tourist origin market features such as tourist motivation , consumption structure , information channel and product evaluation .

  23. 基于推力引力因素的旅游动机定量评价研究以黄山为例兼论与韩国国家公园的比较

    Tourist Motivation Study on Quantitative Analysis of Push and Pull Factors & A Case Study of Huangshan Mountain and Giving Consideration to Comparison of the Push and Pull Factors between in Huangshan Mountain and in Korean National Parks

  24. 重游意愿通常是建立在游客推荐意愿与情感忠诚的基础上,并受到游客旅游动机及前次旅行经历的影响。

    The story of visitors at the destination . Usually revisit intention is established on the basis of recommendation intention and emotional love . Also , it is still strongly influenced by tourists ' motivation and prior experience .

  25. 从人口学特征、旅游动机、旅游方式、旅游消费和空间流动规律等方面阐释了自驾车旅游市场特征,对自驾车旅游可持续发展提出了相应的对策。

    This article analyses the market characters of drive travel from the aspects of demography character , tourism motivation , tourism manner , tourism consumption and flowing rule . And then points out some measures for the future development .

  26. 激发旅游动机必须从旅游资源开发、旅游产品设计、旅游设施建设、旅游优质服务、旅游促销宣传、旅游创新等方面入手,扎扎实实地做好工作。

    The stimuli of tourism can be produced through the development of tourism resources , designing of tourist products , construction of tourist facilities , improvement of tourist service , publicity and sales-promotion of tourism and the innovation of tourism .

  27. 本研究通过实证研究,证明了具有不同旅游动机的旅游者对温泉真实性的感知是不同的。

    Use the limited resources right to achieve the sustainable development of the hot springs . 3 . Through the empirical research , this paper proved that tourists with the different kinds of motivation have different feelings of hot spring authenticity .

  28. 本文分析了影响旅游动机的因素,指出激发旅游动机必须以分析旅游地与客源地空间相互作用的三个条件(互补性、替代性和可达性)为基础,采取相应措施,增强旅游地吸引力。

    Based on the analysis of the factors of influence on tourist motive , this article puts forward that arousing tourist motive must be based on analysis of three conditions of interaction of destination and sources , taking appropriate measures and rising attraction of destination .

  29. 如何激发旅游消费动机,是一个重要的课题。

    How to stimulate tourists'consumption motivation is an important research program .

  30. 受传统消费观念的影响,旅游消费动机也受到影响。

    Tourists ' consumption motivation is also affected by traditional consumption ideas .