
shī zhèng
  • Governance;administration
施政 [shī zhèng]
  • [administration]施行政务

  • 施政大针

施政[shī zhèng]
  1. 他将接替任首相不到一年就突然辞职的福田康夫(YasuoFukuda)。由于来自日本参议院的反对,福田康夫的施政陷于停顿。

    He will succeed Yasuo Fukuda , who abruptly resigned after less than a year as his administration ground to a halt because of opposition in the Diet 's Upper House .

  2. 他要定期报告你的施政情况。

    You should issue reports about your administration at stated periods .

  3. 该共和国总统施政风格时而大胆冒进,时而谨慎务实。

    The president of the Republic oscillated between a certain audacity and a prudent realism .

  4. 保守党大体上不反对贝文的外交施政方式。

    The Conservative Party did not in the main disagree with Bevin 's conduct of foreign policy .

  5. 民之所望是我们施政所向。

    It must follow people 's wishes in exercising governance .

  6. 二百多年来,从乔治·华盛顿到乔治·W·布什,总统们通过就职演说表达其美好愿望和英雄梦想,展示其雄才大略和施政纲领。

    Over two hundred years , from George Washington to George W. Bush , the Presidents expressed their best wishes and heroic dreams , and displayed their rare gifts , bold strategies as well as administrative programmes through inaugural speeches .

  7. 然后,1980年,罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)凭借解除管制和减税的施政纲领执掌美国大权,极大地推动了全球各地的市场意识形态。

    Then , in 1980 , Ronald Reagan took power in the US on a platform of deregulation and tax cuts giving a huge boost to market ideology around the world .

  8. 这些新措施是香港行政长官梁振英(LeungChun-ying)在其自去年7月接掌这个700万人口城市以来的首份施政报告中宣布的,意在增强公众对其困境中的任期的支持。

    The new measures , announced by Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying in his first policy address since becoming leader of the city of 7m in July , are designed to bolster public support for his embattled tenure .

  9. 全球环境管理倡议(环管倡议)斯德哥尔摩全球安全与施政倡议

    Global Environmental Management Initiative Stockholm Initiative on Global Security and Governance

  10. 以上这些,朋友们,就是施政方针。

    These , my friends , are the lines of attack .

  11. 行政长官本周三公布今年度施政报告。

    The Chief Executive delivered his annual Policy Address this week .

  12. 能够成为奥巴马施政团队的一员,我感到极其荣幸。

    I am extremely privileged to be part of the Obama administration .

  13. 非洲施政会议:巩固体制基础

    Conference on Governance in Africa : consolidating the institutional foundations

  14. 联合国地方施政创新性政策和做法全球论坛

    United Nations Global Forum on Innovative Policies and Practices in Local Governance

  15. 印度新政府的施政纲领及其面临的问题

    On the policy programme of and problems before the new Indian government

  16. 四是罗斯福施政理念的影响;

    Fourthly , the influence of Roosevelt 's administrative philosophy ;

  17. 而政府施政条件的不足则影响了水利建设的成绩。

    Part two recommends the measure of water conservancy construction of government .

  18. 论美国施政方针与60年代社会运动的互动关系

    Interaction Between the US Administrative Policy and Social Movement in the 1960s

  19. 资源需求和有关施政问题特别委员会;

    Special Committee on resource requirements and related governance issues ;

  20. 听取行政长官的施政报告并进行辩论;

    To receive and debate the policy addresses of the chief executive ;

  21. 在“施政报告”之后,加上下列字句

    To add the following after " for his address "

  22. 政党价值观是该政党施政原则和理念的核心。

    CPC values are the core principle and ideation of a party .

  23. 公共服务的社会化是一种全新的施政方式。

    Socialization of public service is an entirely new sort of administration fashion .

  24. 政府的施政并未反映出多数民众的心声。

    The government 's actions do not reflect the wishes of most citizens .

  25. 国际和平文化与施政会议

    International Conference on the Culture of Peace and Governance

  26. 永久丧失部分工作能力施政能力建设工作分队

    Permanent partial incapacity Sub-Task Force on Capacity-building for Governance

  27. 综上所述,施政方针演说完毕。

    This concludes my policy address to the assembly .

  28. 在一个全球化世界上实行分权施政观点比较

    Comparative Perspectives on Decentralized Governance in a Globalizing World

  29. 进言之,城市化已经成为本届政府的施政重点。

    Consequently , urbanization has become a key policy of the current government .

  30. 将不动产规划提升为具有法律性质的规范,以及将执行不动产规划作为施政要求,无疑是解决问题的重要途径。

    To promote real estate planning as the norm of law is very important .