
shī gōng
  • construction;build;be under construction;be in the process of construction
施工 [shī gōng]
  • [construction] 按设计要求建筑

  • 桥梁正在施工

施工[shī gōng]
  1. 比如,多艘航空母舰,中国必须报大楼都是说是在同时施工的船厂上海这是函寄,避免观察。

    For instance , the multiple aircraft carriers that China is reported to be building , are all said to be under construction at the same time at a shipyard in Shanghai , which is also enclosed , to prevent observation .

  2. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。

    The building work is creating constant noise , dust and disturbance .

  3. 楼房的施工因天气恶劣而停了下来。

    Work on the building was impeded by severe weather .

  4. 他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。

    They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works .

  5. 施工人员将不得不另外用木料加固现有的托梁。

    The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber .

  6. 如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。

    Today 's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders .

  7. 返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。

    As we headed back to Calais , the coach was badly delayed by roadworks

  8. 坎布斯福斯和卡尔顿之间的道路在施工。

    There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton

  9. 尽管建筑施工已在稳步进行,但反对活动仍然高涨。

    Despite the steady progress of building work , the campaign against it is still going strong

  10. 她参与了盖房子,并在施工过程中学习了砌砖的基本技巧。

    She helped to build a house , learning the rudiments of brick-laying as she went along .

  11. 大桥的施工进展迅速。

    Work on the bridge progressed quickly .

  12. 裂缝和漏水表明房子的施工质量不好。

    Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house .

  13. 我们复制了一份同样的施工简图。

    We reproduced a same working schematic diagram .

  14. 水库正在施工。

    The reservoir is under construction .

  15. 道路施工,车辆绕行。

    Detour . Road under repair .

  16. 1958年第二期工程开始施工。

    In1958 work began upon the second phase of the project .

  17. 推行项目经理负责制是施工项目管理的内在依据。

    Executing the responsibilities of project manager is the key of project management .

  18. 眼下有四条公路在施工(中)。

    Four highways are under construction .

  19. 宁夏银川灌区引进机械施工的暗管排水工程施工技术,开展了大面积的暗管排水工程建设。

    The closed drainage technique of mechanical construction was introduced in North Ningxia Yinchuan Irrigation district .

  20. 在采用何种制度才能确实起作用方面,本文结合施工现场广泛做法,分析了项目经济承包责任制。

    We analyze the project economical contract liability mechanism that widely used on construction scene in order to answer the question of which mechanism is available .

  21. 例如,如果建筑规范中包含绿色施工指南,大多数开发商都会懒得去质疑它们。

    If , for example , building codes included green construction guidelines , most developers would be too lazy to challenge them .

  22. 对于许多不同的现场条件,分段施工都能提供美观,颇有魄力的桥型结构。

    Segmental construction contributes toward aesthetically pleasing structures in many different sites .

  23. 道路施工导致市中心交通阻塞

    Roadworks are causing bottlenecks in the city centre .

  24. 改建施工期内不影响正线运营安全,也不降低通过能力

    During the whole process of construction , the operational safty and rapacity of track must be guaranteed .

  25. 一个爱尔兰人,一个墨西哥人和一个金发男子在一栋楼房的第三十层施工。

    An Irishman , a Mexican and a blonde guy were doing construction work on the 30th floor of a building .

  26. 逾期不改正的,责令停止施工,可以并处罚款。

    those who do not make the corrections within the time limit , shall be ordered to stop construction , and can be imposed with penalty simultaneously .

  27. 声明表示,所有在建的塑胶跑道都将暂停,有关部门要对招标过程及相关修建合同进行审查,确保质量的情况下才可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks are to be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for the construction had been reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  28. 未经审核或者经审核不合格的,建设行政主管部门不得发给施工许可证,建设单位不得施工。

    for project not going through review and approval formalities or considered unqualified after the review and examination , the competent construction administrative for construction and the construction unit shall not carry out the construction .

  29. 逾期不改正的,责令停止施工、停止使用或者停产停业,可以并外罚款:

    those who do not make the corrections after the time limit , shall be ordered to stop construction , stop use of things concerned or stop production or business , and may be punished with penalty simultaneously :

  30. 第八十三条依照本法规定,责令限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施的,建设单位或者个人必须立即停止施工,自行拆除;

    Article 83 Whereas orders have been issued to dismantle the new buildings and other facilities on the land illegally occupied within a prescribed time limit according to the provisions of this law , the construction unit or individual shall stop operation immediately and dismantle them by themselves .