
  • 网络news planning
  1. 新世纪《南方日报》新闻策划研究

    On the News Planning of Nanfang Daily in the New Century

  2. 浅谈全国排球联赛的新闻策划

    On the News Planning of the National League Volleyball Match

  3. 新闻策划是近些年来新闻界的热门话题。

    News planing has become a popular topic in news circle recently .

  4. 社会时段主题的确定,是新闻策划的主要前提。

    The theme of social focus is the premise of news plot .

  5. 论高校校报新闻策划

    On news scheme of school newspaper in colleges and universities

  6. 论高校报纸新闻策划的创新性原则

    Principle Plans for the Creation Principles of University Newspaper

  7. 论新闻策划与公关意识的融合

    On Combining the Plot to News with Public Consciousness

  8. 开展企业新闻策划有何理论和现实依据?

    What is the theoretical and practical basis of news planning by enterprise ?

  9. 浅议新闻策划在校报中的作用

    On the Roles of News Design in Campus Newspaper

  10. 企业新闻策划没有得到企业的应有重视,很大程度上是由于没有建立一套行之有效的新闻策划评估体系,从而使企业对新闻策划一般是软处理。

    News planning by enterprises is largely operation .

  11. 关于新闻策划的几点理性思考

    On the News Planning a Few Rational Thoughts

  12. 加强新闻策划提高高校新闻宣传工作的水平

    To Improve News Dissemination in Institutions of Higher Learning by Enhancement of News Scheming

  13. 论新闻策划在校报发展中的重要作用

    Study of the Important Role of News Planning in the Development of School Newspaper

  14. 最后,本文从新闻策划的角度,以新闻价值定位、办刊宗旨、内容和读者定位为切入点分析了《知音》的叙事策略。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the narrative tactics from the view of news-scheming .

  15. 试论新闻策划的合力导向

    On the Cooperative Directions of the News Plan

  16. 如何认识企业新闻策划

    The Recognization of Enterprise 's News Planning

  17. 新闻策划已成为新闻工作不可或缺的重要内容。

    News strategy has become an indispensable part in the process of running a newspaper .

  18. 同时,对新闻策划可能带来的负面影响给予透视性的思考。

    Meanwhile , it also goes deep into the negative effect of news report planning .

  19. 新闻策划是时代发展对新闻媒体提出的新要求。

    The development of the new era requires the news medium to make news planning .

  20. 企业的新闻策划是品牌导向时代的一种重要营销传播方式。

    Enterprise 's news planning is one of very important mode of marketing communications nowadays .

  21. 多家媒体联合新闻策划研究

    Research on news design of united media

  22. 浅谈报纸新闻策划

    On the planning of the newspaper news

  23. 新闻策划的理性思考或者是文章标题。

    On Journalistic Planning headlines of news .

  24. 企业新闻策划的操作原则和实施策略有哪些?

    What are the principles of operation and strategy of implementation for news planning by enterprise ?

  25. 新闻策划与高校形象

    News planning and college image

  26. 议程设置与新闻策划

    Agenda Setting and News Plotting

  27. 新闻策划与媒介公信力

    News Scheme and Media Credit

  28. 对新闻策划的思考

    Some Thoughts about News Design

  29. 新闻策划的价值取向

    Value orientation of news planning

  30. 浅析新闻策划的两个误区

    Two Misunderstandings of News Designing