
xīn ɡǔ
  • new share;new stock
  1. 公司正计划发行新股。

    The company is planning a new share issue .

  2. 几家银行合并后明年有望增发40亿美元的新股。

    The merged banks reckon to raise 4 billion dollars of new equity next year

  3. 1.applicationmoney认购新股款项认购新股款项必须随同申请表交回。

    Application money must be returned with the application form .

  4. 为此,GoldOne表示将向该财团发行1.887亿股新股,发行价为每股0.53澳元。

    Hence , Gold One said it would issue 188.7m new shares for the consortium at A $ 0.53 a share .

  5. 首次公开发行新股(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO)的初始超额收益在各国资本市场都普遍存在。

    The initial underpricing of Initial Public Offering ( IPO ) exists in many capital markets .

  6. 当然,新股IPO一直没有间断。

    To be sure , there have been IPOs .

  7. 但分析师们也提到了其它因素,包括新股供应过量,最突出的就是中国农业银行(AgriculturalBankofChina)规模逾200亿美元的上市。

    But analysts also pointed to other factors , including an excess of new share supply , highlighted by Agricultural Bank of China 's huge $ 20bn-plus flotation .

  8. 那么我们期望得到投资者情绪对新股IPO抑价的正向影响。

    Therefore , we expect that investor sentiment on IPO underpricing is a positive effect .

  9. 在收到您的网上新股认购申请时,boom会将申请确认版面显示在屏幕上。

    Boom will acknowledge receipt of your online IPO application by displaying on screen an application confirmation page .

  10. 但愿随着未来其中某些股票表现强劲,2011“届”的生物技术IPO新股所面临的定价困难将会被淡忘。

    Hopefully the pricing struggles of Class of2011 will be forgotten with some strong stock performance ahead .

  11. 制定合理的新股发行价格(简称IPO定价),已成为理论界和实务界最关注的热点。

    The pricing of IPOs has become one focus in the current theory and the practicing field .

  12. 供需平衡原理与新股发行决策&兼论不同市场条件下的IPO发行博弈

    Supply-Demand Balance Principle and New Shares Issuing Decision & Also on IPO Game in Different Market Conditions

  13. IPO抑价与新股非系统风险研究&对市场反馈假说的检验

    Study on IPO Underpricing and New Stocks Non-systemic Risk : A Test for the Hypothesis of Market Feedback

  14. 例如,公司称曾于5月18日发行了价值4400万美元的新股,当时它正在收购社交游戏工作室DNAGames。

    For example , the company reports that it issued $ 44 million in new shares on May 18 , which is when it purchased DNA games .

  15. 他指出,每当有公司进行首次公开发行(IPO)时,申购新股的散户投资者数量平均仅为45万。

    He points out that the average number of retail investors subscribing to initial public offerings is only 450,000 .

  16. 新股发行分配中的承销商作用、机构利益和股权结构影响了中国股票市场的IPO抑价;

    Underwriters ' functions , institutional interests and equity structure in the IPO allocation influenced the IPO underpricing of China ;

  17. 投资者对IPO兴趣减弱的一个主要原因是近期新股的表现欠佳。

    A major reason investors have lost some of their appetite for IPOs is the poor performance of recent offerings .

  18. 要管理层表态,放弃或暂时放慢IPO和新股上市融资的脚步?

    Is their doing to reduce for a while or abandon the speed of new shares and IPO on the list .

  19. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)股票昨日在上海市场上市首日上涨32%,涨幅低于预期,这显示,最近新股的大量上市可能已开始抑制投资者的需求。

    Shares in China Construction Bank rose by a less-than-expected 32 per cent on their first day of trading on the Shanghai market yesterday , indicating that the burst of recent flotations may be starting to damp investor demand .

  20. 大型金融集团中国信托金融(chinatrustfinancial)早些时候宣布,计划通过私募或公开发行方式发行新股。

    Chinatrust Financial , a big financial group , earlier announced plans to issue new shares through private placement or public issuance .

  21. IPO抑价是指首次公开发行的新股的上市首日收盘价格高于其发行价格而产生的收益。

    IPO underpricing refers to the investment return by which the closing price at the first day of IPO is higher than issuing price .

  22. 这反映出在年末大量新股发行和近期某些IPO定价偏高之后,中国内地的投资者变得更谨慎了。

    This reflects a more cautious approach by mainland investors following a glut of year-end IPOs and the high pricing of some recent offerings .

  23. IPO新股询价制对电力行业股票收益率的影响询价制与承销风险实证研究

    The influence on stock profit ratio of electric power industry by different IPO systems An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Quotation and Underwriting Risk

  24. 在新股的发行过程中,IPO抑价是一种普遍存在的异常现象,被称之为一级市场之谜。

    In the process of IPO , initial under-pricing is common abnormal phenomenon , which is called " the mystery of the primary market " .

  25. 全文核心内容如下:1.本文对国际、国内新股发行制度和IPO抑价现象进行了比较分析。

    The core content includes : 1 . This paper analyzes the difference of the offering policy and IPO underpricing phenomena between aboard and home .

  26. 阿里巴巴集团目前获得了全球媒体的空前关注,该公司准备进行的IPO可能成为史上规模最大的新股发行交易之一。

    Alibaba is getting more global media coverage than ever , as it prepares for what could be one of the largest IPOs in history .

  27. 构建数学模型分析IPO市场中的噪声交易者(狂热投资者和正向反馈交易者)对新股首日交易价格的影响。

    This paper models the impact of two kinds of noise traders ( sentiment investor and positive feedback trader ) on the first-day trading price of IPOs .

  28. 英国石油(bp)昨日表示,尽管墨西哥湾的大规模原油泄漏对公司财务造成了压力,但该公司不计划发行新股。

    BP is not planning to issue new shares , the company said yesterday , in spite of the pressure on its finances caused by its huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .

  29. 因此会有足够多的新股上市,使上海、纳斯达克(Nasdaq)、香港和另类投资市场都忙活好一阵。

    So there will be enough listings to keep Shanghai , Nasdaq , Hong Kong and Aim all busy for quite a while .

  30. 我国IPOs市场迅猛发展,截止2003年6月底,IPOs融资达到8000多亿元,但是我国新股市场也是受到批评最多的市场之一。

    With rapid development of IPOs market in China , capital raising from IPOs market reaches 900 billion at the end of June 2003 .