
xīn wén zhuàng tǐ
  • neostriatum
新纹状体[xīn wén zhuàng tǐ]
  1. 因此可推测,早期人胚DA能神经元移植到PD人新纹状体后,可能具有类似的形态学发育特性。

    It is , therefore , inferable that embryonic human DA neurons transplanted into human neostriatum may have the same fate as in monkeys .

  2. 这些神经元不均匀分布在端脑的全部。新纹状体尾瑞中部(NCM)是新生神经元的富集区;

    The newborn neurons distributed throughout the telencephalon , mainly in the neostriatum caudale , and pars medialis ( NCM );

  3. 方法采用逆转录PCR(RTPCR)方法,对CREBmRNA在吗啡依赖和戒断时大鼠脑内与阿片类物质依赖有关的前额叶皮质、海马、伏隔核和新纹状体等脑区的表达进行观察。

    Methods The expression of CREB mRNA was investigated by RT PCR in the following brain regions : prefrontal cortex , nucleus accumbens , hippocampus , and caudate putamen .

  4. 多巴胺对大鼠海马和新纹状体脑片Ca~(2+)/CaMPKⅡ活性的影响

    Effect of dopamine on ca ~ ( 2 + ) / cam PK ⅱ activity in rat hippocampal and neostriatal slices

  5. 新纹状体前部大细胞核外侧部;(4)脑桥蓝斑。

    Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum and ( 4 ) locus ceruleus .

  6. 结论:运动疲劳后新纹状体神经元自发放电频率发生改变,高频放电神经元数量明显增加。

    From the results , we concluded that the neostriatal neurons discharge frequency was changed due to exercise-induced fatigue , and the high frequency neuron 's percentage increased significantly .