
xīn pí zhì
  • neocortex;neopallium
新皮质[xīn pí zhì]
  1. 听源性惊厥点燃诱导新皮质内c-fos和BDNF变化的研究

    Changes of expression of c-fos gene and BDNF in neocortex induced by audiogenic kindling

  2. AD的神经病理表现主要是海马区和新皮质区弥散性的神经元丢失、神经纤维缠结和细胞外的类淀粉样沉积。

    Its main neuropathological features include diffuse loss of neurons in the hippocampus and neocortex , neurofibrillary tangles , accumulation of extracellular amyloid or senile plaques .

  3. 目的:利用KCl滴注大脑皮质制作大鼠皮层传播性抑制(Corticalspreadingdepression,CSD)模型,研究94-95-10L对c-fos基因在大鼠脑额顶区内扣带回、新皮质和梨状区表达的影响。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .

  4. 结果Fos阳性神经元表达于1.前脑:扣带回、新皮质(尤其是第3和5层)、外侧隔核、杏仁中央核;

    Results Fos-LI neurons appeared in ( 1 ) Frontal brain : the cingulum , cortex ( especially in third and fifth layer ), lateral septal nucleus , central amygdaloid nucleus .

  5. 结果:大脑皮层可分为梨状皮质、新皮质、海马皮质3部分。孵化40d,梨状皮质和新皮质均处于较幼稚状态,海马皮质发育稍好。

    Results : On the 40 day of incubation , the pyriform lobe and general cortex were immature and the development of hippocampus was better .

  6. 新皮质中的乙酰胆碱在空间记忆中的重要作用

    Essential role neocortical acetylcholine in spatial memory

  7. 皮质电刺激可抑制新皮质癫痫和中央颞叶癫痫患者的癫痫发作和背景活动

    Electric cortical stimulation suppresses epil-eptic and background activities in neocortical epilepsy and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy

  8. 当陈述性记忆完全巩固后,信息的存储和提取完全依赖于新皮质;

    After memory becomes consolidated , memory storage and retrieval completely rely on the network within the neocortex ;

  9. 大白鼠大脑新皮质组织移植形态学及神经纤维联系的研究

    Study of morphology and nerve connections from fetal neocortical transplants grafted to the cerebral corresponding areas in infant rats

  10. 《公共医学图书馆摘要》:在大脑新皮质的活性控制突触联接改变,可在发展与学习中产生。

    PubMed abstract : Activity-driven modifications in synaptic connections between neurons in the neocortex may occur during development and learning .

  11. 在新皮质锥体神经元的发生时期,脑室区放射状胶质细胞占98%。

    In the generation days of neocortex pyramidal neurons , the 98 % cells in ventricular zone is Radial Glia .

  12. 大脑新皮质各层神经元发育顺序依次为:内锥体层→外锥体层、多形层→内颗粒层→外颗粒层。

    The developing sequence of nerve cells is in order of medial pyramidal layer , lateral pyramidal layer and multiform lamina , medial granular layer and lateral granular layer .

  13. 不同类型大脑皮质皮质板的分化顺序为古皮质→旧皮质→新皮质,与种系发生的顺序相符。

    The differentiating sequence of the cortex plate in different types cortex in goat fetus is from archicortex to paleocortex and to neocortex , which is similar to the law of phylogeny .

  14. 从内侧到外侧,大脑皮层可分为海马、新皮质和梨状皮质三部分,三者之间无明显界线,细胞排布有所区别。

    From medial to lateral , the cerebral cortex can be divided into three parts : hippocampus , general cortex and pyriform lobe , there is no distinct boundary between them , but the cell organization is different .

  15. 线显示原病理性骨折处完全愈合,新骨增生,皮质骨形成,原术后之骨腔明显缩小,内固定之钛板牢固。

    X-ray shows that the fractured prt recovered completely , new osteon created , the cavity defect decreased conspicuously , the fixation is rigid .