
  • 网络Malus sieversii
  1. 新疆野苹果(Malussieveisii)存在广泛的遗传多样性,作为果树育种材料进一步挖掘利用的潜力很大。

    Xinjiang Wild Apple ( Malus sieveisii ) exists abundant genetic diversity , which possesses the great potential of further exploitation and utilization as a good fruit breeding material .

  2. 新疆野苹果挥发性化合物组分的遗传多样性研究(英文)

    Genetic Diversity of Volatile Components in Xinjiang Wild Apple ( Malus sieversii )

  3. 新疆野苹果的种下类型

    Types below species of Xinjiang wild apples

  4. 结果表明,①新疆野苹果的果实形状、大小、颜色和果柄长度等形态性状的变异系数均在10%以上,表现出较丰富的遗传多样性,3个居群的变异趋势基本一致。

    The results indicated that fruit shape , size , color and length of carpopodium have great morphological diversity with the variation coefficient of more than 10 % .

  5. 新疆野苹果与栽培苹果在形态上及品质上极其相似,它是栽培苹果的直系祖先。

    Xinjiang wild apple ( Malus sieversii ) is very similar to cultural apple species in shape and quality . It is the direct family ancestor of the cultural apples .

  6. 通过试验主要获得如下结论:1.随着干旱胁迫时间的增加,正常生长的新疆野苹果幼苗一直保持着较快的生长,而中度和重度胁迫处理的幼苗生长明显受到抑制,但仍然保持了一定的生长。

    All of the conclusions are as follows : 1 . With the increase in time of drought stress , the normal seedling has maintained a rapid growth , however , the growth of seedlings which were moderate and severe stress treated has significantly inhibited .