
  • 网络xinjiang daily
  1. 《新疆日报》援引在乌鲁木齐全市发布的官方通知称,将根据举报线索的价值,给予不同金额的奖励。

    The sizes of rewards would be assessed based on the value of information provided , the Xinjiang Daily said , citing an official notice issued across Urumqi .

  2. 作为新疆主流媒体的《新疆日报》,其文艺副刊要发挥党报文艺副刊弘扬主流文化、传播新疆地方文化,提高群众文化素养、促进社会主义精神文明建设的作用。

    Xinjiang Daily , as the main media in Xinjiang , whose literary supplement need play an important role in promoting the mainstream culture , communicating the local culture in Xinjiang , and enhancing the populace culture accomplishment .

  3. 梳理研究这一时期《新疆日报》语言的词汇特点,对于哈萨克语言发展史及现代哈萨克语言学研究具有理论意义和应用价值。

    Combing the vocabulary characteristics of it has the important meaning of theory and application in the Kazakh language history and the research of modern Kazakhstan linguistics .

  4. 新疆空气质量日报网站数据传输管理系统的设计与实现

    Realization and Design of the Website Data Transmission Management System of Xinjiang Air Quality Report