
But it also added talent to help with both the function and aesthetics of new consumer devices , while its recent purchase of Motorola Mobility will sharply expand its expertise in wireless technology and handset design .
Influence of New Consumption Tax on Automobile Price and Consumption Behavior
A new consumption era for Ch in ese people ?
The wave of the new consumer trends swept through China rapidly .
Reflections on Promoting the New Consumer Strategy
New Consume Standpoints and Design Idea & The Designing Tendency of Shopping - space on Monopoly Store
Residential Central Air Conditioning System : A New Expenditure Hot Point in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century
A confluence of social trends has elevated young Koreans to their newfound status as consumer trendsetters , observers say .
Basic theory expound the theory base of writing the thesis , which study tourist consumption behavior with traditional and consumer behavior theories .
Wang Qianjin , an expert of textile industry believes the new consumer ear is very beneficial for domestic consumption of textile industry .
The trends has unlimited extension , because the innovation of enterprises are infinite , the emotional needs of consumers is also endless .
Employ fitness private practice in order to a new consumption idea and a new way of life , therefore , private coach gradually in China and xian popularity .
Although it has been only two years since the emergence of team buying on the Internet , it has become a new way of consumption popular among the netizens .
He said that the top 10 Chinese characters showed the public dissatisfaction with the new consumption tax policy , soaring commodity prices and the depreciation of the Malaysian ringgit .
At the end of the paper , the author presents that in the theory of consumer-society and new means of consumption , these four sociological paradigms are in the move toward integration .
Based on the conclusion of Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 discussed how the new sales tax policy in China would affect the Chinese automotive market and the oriental strategy of the auto manufactories .
Based on the survey of some high-level communities and interviews of related government departments and real estate developers , this paper discusses the context between new consumption landscape and high-level communities from the perspectives of government , private developer , and consumers .
In reviewing the traditional ethic , we anticipate constructing a new consumption ethic paradigm which possesses the features of our time and is acceptable to people so as to fill up the chasm and vacuum caused by the disparity between social economic development and ethic construction .
So a new consumer electronic product-portable mp3 player has huge market value now .
China 's joining WTO leads to the economical globalization , the new hot spot of consumption , improved investment environment and the strong industrial production growth .
The rapid development of B2C business brings the majority of consumers a new consumption mode .
That 's why I appointed Richard Cordray as our nation 's new consumer watchdog this week .
Since 3G operations from the three operators to keep new spending and new public concept , rapid development of end products and the ubiquity of mobile network increased customers on the high speed , high quality mobile data service needs .
It has been the advertisers , quick to tap into new spending trends , who have coined the term SINDI to describe these women .
Also , the media can help businesses form public opinions .
This study puts forward new consumptive ideas : self-fulfillment consumption .
Across the region , a new wave of consumerism has emerged .
Changes in shopping behaviour suggest some new habits may be emerging .
Unified media will promote shape new consume hotspot .
An aging Japan will have new consumption needs .