
  • 网络Nouvelle vague;Nouvellevague
  1. 其次,分析阐述了香港新浪潮电影的文化环境。

    Secondly , the analysis described the cultural environment of Hong Kong New Wave film .

  2. 我始终相信,新浪潮电影从来不是一个人在战斗。

    I always believe that nobody could fight and survive alone in this kind of evolution .

  3. 讲述你对中东和平进程或法国新浪潮电影的了解,给他留下深刻印象。

    Impress him with your knowledge of the Middle East peace process or French New Wave cinema .

  4. 其次,从电影空间叙事这一角度对香港新浪潮电影中的女性做以叙事塑造的研究。

    Secondly , women in the Hong Kong New Wave film narrative shape the narrative from the movie space .

  5. 首先,对香港新浪潮电影中的女性形象的基本特征做一梳理。

    First , the basic characteristics of the image of women in the Hong Kong New Wave film to do a comb .

  6. 埃里克·侯麦是一位久负盛名的法国电影导演,在新浪潮电影运动中扮演了非常重要的角色。

    Eric Rohmer is a prestigious French film director , in the " New Wave " film movement played a very important role .

  7. 在西方,他主要受到意大利新浪潮电影和德国电影的拍摄手法和拍摄技巧的影响。

    In the West , he is mainly affected by the Italian New Wave cinema and German film shooting style and technique of shooting .

  8. 许鞍华和马俪文分别为香港新浪潮电影导演和大陆第六代导演的代表人物。

    Anhua Xu and Liwen Ma are recognized as representative figures in Hong Kong " New wave cinema " field and the sixth-generation mainland directors .

  9. 使美洲、欧洲、亚洲等国家也相继出现新浪潮电影运动,掀起世界范围内的电影美学革命。法国新浪潮同样也对中国的现代电影产生深远影响。

    The Americas , Europe , Asia and other countries also have a " New Wave " film movement , set off a worldwide film aesthetic revolution .

  10. 我认为,是女性主义助推了法国新浪潮电影的辉煌成就,同样,新电影也将女性主义电影理论推向了顶峰。

    In my opinion , it was feminism that helped the French New Wave movies gain brilliant accomplishments , and , similarly , the new movies climaxed the feminist movie theory .

  11. 论文认为贾木许坚守独立电影的制作方式与当时美国流行的反权威主义的社会文化思潮和法国新浪潮电影美学理念对他的启示有关。

    The way of independent film that Jim Jarmusch chooses is not only related to anti-authority social and cultural trend but also enlightened by the aesthetic idea of French new wave film .

  12. 法国新浪潮电影革命运动的意义则在于过去的推翻,以及未来的发展前瞻,我们有必要将其与第六代电影导演做一个相结合的比较研究。

    The significance of the French New Wave films of the revolutionary movement is the overthrow of the past , and future development of forward-looking , we need to do a combination of research with the sixth generation of film directors .

  13. 由于弗朗索瓦·特吕弗的《四百击》、让-吕克·戈达尔的《筋疲力尽》等一批影片以全新的电影观念和美学形式在电影节上纷纷获奖,新浪潮电影震惊了世界。

    Francois Truffaut as the " four hundred attack ", Jean-Luc Godard " exhausted " and a number of films to a new form of film concepts and aesthetics have award-winning in film festival . " New Wave " Movie shocked the world .

  14. 有趣的是,新浪潮的电影导演几乎很少有专业电影院校毕业的科班学生。

    Interestingly , few of the directors during French New Way were students graduating from film colleges .

  15. 本文拟从四个方面入手,对“亚洲新浪潮”电影运动进行探讨。

    This article draws up from four aspects to carry " the Asian new wave " movie movementon the discussion .

  16. 东方镜像:全球化背景下的亚洲新浪潮与中国电影

    The Eastern Image : On " The Asian New Wave " and the Chinese Movie under the Background of Globalization

  17. 现在,世界上每个国家每个电影学院的教授和学生,都在谈论法国新浪潮时期的电影和电影人。

    At the present , every student and professor in cinema department in colleges or universities around the world are discussing the famous people and films during the time of French New Wave .

  18. DV使专业影像有了更大的创作空间和自由度,把新浪潮倡导的作者电影变成了真正的全球化的现实。

    DV has expanded the space and freedom for creating professional videos and has turned the " author movie " advocated by the " new wave " into a global reality .

  19. 作为超文本现象的让·谷克多&新浪潮之外的法国电影一瞥

    Jean Victor as a Super Text Phenomenon & A Glance at French Films outside the New Tide

  20. 首先,回顾了法国电影新浪潮的概念、电影基本特征和其在世界电影史上的位置及价值。

    First , review the concept of the French New Wave film of the basic characteristics and the location and value in the history of world cinema .

  21. 现在大部分人研究和讨论的范围多是“新浪潮如何发展了电影”,却很少人将注意力集中在是“什么发展了新浪潮”。

    When it comes to Frech New Wave , people are talking about how French New Wave made films , but few of them have paid attention to what led to French New Wave .