
  • 网络new loans
  1. 我国将停止对新增贷款使用传统的基准贷款利率。

    China will stop using the traditional benchmark lending rate for new loans .

  2. “现在说中国信贷增长大幅放缓还为时过早,但鉴于官方净新增贷款数据显著下降,这是可以理解的,”惠誉(fitch)中国金融机构评级主管朱夏莲(charlenechu)去年12月曾表示。

    " Talk of a substantial slowdown in credit growth in China is premature , but understandable given the visible drop in official figures on net new loans , " said Charlene Chu , head of financial institution ratings at Fitch in China , in December .

  3. 自2020年1月1日起,贷款市场报价利率将成为银行新增贷款的唯一基准利率,该利率由央行于2019年8月推出。

    The loan prime rate ( LPR ) , which was introduced by the central bank in August , will become the only benchmark rate for banks ' new lending as of Jan 1 .

  4. 遗憾的是,按照定义,这部分新增贷款不会创造新的GDP。

    Unfortunately , by definition this part of credit growth is not going to generate new GDP .

  5. 由人民银行发布的月度新增贷款业已成为中国经济数据库中仅次于CPI的重要经济指标。

    New loan growth , announced by PBOC monthly , has become one of the key China economic indicators as GDP and CPI .

  6. 信贷激增构成了政府高调刺激方案的最重要组成部分:2008年到2010年,国有银行新增贷款约为国内生产总值(GDP)的60%。

    A surge in credit was the single most important part of the government 's vaunted stimulus programme : new lending by state-owned banks from 2008-10 was about 60 percent of gross domestic product .

  7. 在中国国务院发出指令,要求抑制初现的房地产泡沫后,监管机构还采取措施,限制房地产开发和相关工业集团的首次公开发行(ipo),控制银行新增贷款,降低某些行业的产能过剩。

    The regulator has also moved to limit initial public offerings by developers and industrial groups following diktats from the cabinet to limit an incipient real estate bubble , regulate new bank loans and reduce overcapacity in some sectors .

  8. 5月份的新增贷款数据证实了总体收紧趋势,尽管这是在令人喘不过气的快速增长之后的收紧:M2广义货币供应量增长15.1%,这是自2008年以来最慢的增速。

    New loan data for the month of May confirmed a general tightening , albeit following breakneck growth : M2 , the broadest measure of money supply , rose by 15.1 per cent , the slowest rate since 2008 .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示:4月份新增贷款的可持续性要比一季度,尤其是3月份的贷款大得多,贷款自然趋缓,并不意味着经济增长将会放缓。

    Wang Tao , economist at UBS , said : April new lending is much more sustainable than that in Q1 and especially that in March , and the natural tapering off does not mean that growth will slow down .

  10. 建行的竞争对手中国银行(boc)和中国工商银行(icbc)表示,它们并未制定下半年新增贷款目标,但工行表示,将“根据经济发展变化调整贷款发放”。

    The rival Bank of China and industrial and Commercial Bank of China said they did not have targets for new loan growth in the second half but ICBC said it would " adjust lending in accordance with changes in economic development " .

  11. 仅在3月份,中国各银行就新增贷款2800亿美元。

    Banks made $ 280bn of new loans in March alone .

  12. 该指数追踪新增贷款、发电量和铁路货运量。

    The index tracks new loans , electricity production and railway cargo .

  13. 房地产攫取了20%的中国新增贷款。

    Real-estate is gobbling up20 % of new bank loans .

  14. 7月份银行新增贷款规模同样令人失望。

    New bank lending in July was also disappointing .

  15. 在新增贷款中,中长期贷款占32%。

    Of the newly increased loans , long-term and medium-term loans accounted for32 percent .

  16. 去年,银行贷款在新增贷款总量中所占比重仅为51%左右。

    Last year , they made up only about 51 % of total new financing .

  17. 基于新旧两组贷款风险叠加的新增贷款组合优化模型

    Optimization model of incremental loan portfolio based on risks accumulation between new and old portfolio

  18. 新增贷款中有很大一部分流入了房地产和地方政府基建项目。

    Much of the new lending found its way into real estate and local government infrastructure projects .

  19. 由于国家紧缩政策的影响,银行纷纷收紧了新增贷款的发放量;

    The banks are strictly controlling the issuing of new loans following the country 's tightening policies ;

  20. 但在2007年2月至6月期间,股市日成交量几乎增长了两倍,而月度新增贷款却下降了一半。

    But between February and June 2007 , when daily turnover almost tripled , monthly new loans halved .

  21. 因此,他们把猜测重点转向了另一个关键的货币政策参数&2011年的新增贷款目标。

    So speculation has switched to another crucial parameter of monetary policy - the 2011 loan growth target .

  22. 楼市过热和钢铁等行业出现的巨大的产能过剩,未能减缓新增贷款的上升。

    An overheated property market and vast overcapacity in industries such as steel have not deterred new lending .

  23. 周三早些时候公布的数据显示,中国新增贷款出人意料地跌至2008年10月份以来的最低水平。

    Data out earlier on Wednesday showed new Chinese lending has fallen unexpectedly to its lowest since October 2008 .

  24. 要最大限度将新增贷款规模真正用于支持小企业的发展。

    I.To make sure that the new credit line is maximally used in supporting the development of small-sized enterprises .

  25. 此前,分析师曾预测过较低的新增贷款量,他们的依据是四大商业银行已经公布的数据。

    Analysts had forecast lower loan growth based on the numbers already published by the main four commercial banks .

  26. 新增贷款也增长逾2000亿美元,比经济学家的估计高了逾500亿美元。

    New loans also rose by over $ 200bn , more than $ 50bn higher than economists " estimates .

  27. 从短期来看,这部分新增贷款如果能发挥作用,对全球经济增长而言或许是好消息。

    In the short term , the new lending may be good news for global growth , if it works .

  28. 政府的放贷额度,将导致2008年新增贷款减少约2个百分点。

    Government lending quotas will translate into a 2 percentage point or so fall in new loan growth in 2008 .

  29. 三分之二贷款机构预计新增贷款总额将出现增长,无一预计会出现减少。

    Two-thirds of lenders expected to increase gross new lending , and none expected to reduce it over this period .

  30. 产出变量定义为:当年新增贷款金额、资本收益率、净利润。

    Output variables : total increase in loans , ROE , net profit . To fasten make laws on the loan .