
  • 网络new medicine
  1. 浅析新医学模式下的职业道德建设

    Discussing the Construction of Occupational Morality Under a New Medicine Model

  2. 糖尿病人的教育及治疗与新医学模式初探

    The education and therapy of diabetes mellitus patients and exploration of new medicine mode

  3. 最新医学研究证实了较为健康的生活方式的好处。

    Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle .

  4. 第三部分,借鉴C·亚历山大教授所著《建筑模式语言》的研究方法,编制适应当代新医学模式的城市大型医院护理单元设计模式语言。

    Part III. The introduction of the design mode language for nursing unit design in contemporary large-scale urban hospitals , based upon the methods advanced in Architecture Mode Language by C.

  5. 新医学模式下肿瘤科住院医师的培养

    Training of Resident Physician of Tumor Section under New Medical Mode

  6. 新医学教学模式下的眼科学教学改革与探索

    Reform and practice of ophthalmology teaching under new medical teaching model

  7. 银屑病患者心身状态研究及新医学模式的治疗探索

    Study of Psychophysical State and New Medical Mode Treatment of Psoriatic Patients

  8. 新医学模式在社区医疗及精神康复中的应用

    Application of the new medical model in community medicine and mental rehabilitation

  9. 新医学模式下的医学教育方向

    Direction of Medical Education in the New Medical Mode

  10. 最新医学研究证明,它是人们追求青春不老的新希望。

    It has been the new hope for anti-aging studies in modern scientific researches .

  11. 浅议中医学在新医学模式下的发展潜力

    Developmental Potential of TCM Under New Medical Model

  12. 她提出的修改建议是建立在最新医学研究的基础上的。

    The amendments that she tabled were based on the most recent medical research .

  13. 整体护理与新医学模式

    Whole Nursing and New Medical Model

  14. 在临床护理中,落实新医学模式,是推行整体护理所必需的。

    To fulfil the new medical model is necessary during the course of putting whole nursing into operation in clinical nursing .

  15. 新医学模式的建立要求人们更加重视情志致衰的原因和机制。

    Required by established new medicine mode , more emphases should be put on the discussion about the reasons and mechanism of emotion-resulting-senility .

  16. 当代医学模式转变过程中,期刊管理要适应新医学模式需要。

    In the era of the transformation of medical service mode , the management of periodicals should be adapted to the new situation .

  17. 随着智能技术的快速发展,现代医学也开始从传统的医学模式向智能技术下的新医学模式拓展。

    With the developing of intelligence technology , the modern medicine also starts changing from traditional medicine mode up to the new medical mode of intelligence technique .

  18. 因此着意阐述了新医学模式下实验教师应具备的素质,以期明确要求,强化实验教学队伍建设,提高实验教师素质。

    Thus what qualifications experimental teachers are supposed to have is definitely expounded in hope of strengthening the construction of experimental teachers ' team and enhancing the quality of experimental teachers .

  19. 讨论了整体护理观及其相关理论,提出整体护理观是与新医学模式相适应的护理模式。

    The article discussed the concept of holistic nursing and the theories related to it , suggested that holistic nursing was a nursing model which was very close to the biopsychosocial medical model .

  20. 医院图书馆是传播最新医学信息的中心。高等医学院校与地方医院馆藏资源的共建共享

    Hospital library is the center and academic organization which spreads the newest medical information and knowledge of related course . Co-construction and Sharing of Collection Resources among Medical University and Local Hospital Libraries

  21. 在21世纪的新医学模式下,女性护士更应不断进取,充分展示自己的优势,为病人提供高质、高效的护理服务。

    In the new nursing mode of the 21st century , a woman nurse should keep on progressing , fully demonstrate her own advantages and offer the patients services with high quality and high proficiency .

  22. 以新医学模式对35例儿童单纯肥胖症采用以家庭为基础的饮食调整,运动疗法和行为指导综合治疗。

    According to the new medical model , thirty - five children with obesity have received the comprehensive treatment including diet adjustment , exercises therapy and behaviour correction , which are mainly helped by the families .

  23. 目的:为培养适应在新医学模式下开展以病人为中心整体护理工作的护理人员,改革传统临床教学模式,采用护理导师教学法,以提高教学质量。

    Object : In order to train nurses to adapt to the new medical model and implement the holistic nursing which is patient-centered , and to improve the teaching quality , the mentor system was practiced in clinical nursing teaching .

  24. 现代医学超声诊断仪已是最新医学超声基础理论研究、新型压电材料和超声换能器研制、计算机处理、声成像技术与信息传输技术相结合的产物。

    The modern medical ultrasonic diagnostic equipment is the product of the latest modern medical ultrasonic fundamental theory research , the new type piezoelectric , materials and ultrasonic transducer , computer processing , acoustic imaging technology and information transmission technology .

  25. 中欧国际工商学院医疗管理与政策研究中心主任蔡江南将这一趋势归结于以下三个原因:国外更好的医疗环境和服务,使用最先进的技术以及最新医学的可用性。

    Cai Jiangnan , director of the Center for Healthcare Management and Policy with China Europe International Business School , attributed the trend to three reasons : better medical environment and service abroad , state-of-the-art technology and availability of latest medicine .

  26. 从多方面、深层次建立平等互利的新型医患关系,不仅是为了满足广大患者日益增长的健康需要,同时也是适应新医学模式发展和加快社区卫生服务中心发展的需要。

    To build up a new , equal and mutual benefit doctor_patient relationship can not only meet the patients ′ needs , but also can fit the development of a new medical pattern and speed up the development of a community health center .

  27. 康奈尔说应该用一个新的医学名词描述伯格的行为。他称之为“医生协助自杀”。

    Connell said a new medical term should be applied to Berg 's actions . He calls it ' medicide ' .

  28. 正如《新英格兰医学杂志》的一篇报道所总结的那样,“如今在卫生政策中发现的几乎每一项创新都包含在这些措施中。”

    As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded , " Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy Iiterature these days is contained in these measures . "

  29. 《新英格兰医学期刊》(NewEnglandJournalofMedicine)也将在其网站上发表这项研究。

    The study is being published online by the New England Journal of Medicine .

  30. 《新英格兰医学杂志》(TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine)的一项新研究认为,这种思路可能是错误的。

    A new study in The New England Journal of Medicine argues that thinking may be wrong .