
  • 网络Infant Industry;Emerging industry
  1. 第三是科技革新和开发具有战略意义的新兴工业。

    The third is scientific and technological innovation and the development of emerging industries with strategic significance .

  2. 近年来,随着许多高技术新兴工业的出现,耐高温阻燃纤维的应用范围日渐扩大,几乎渗透到了每个工业领域。

    In recent years , with the emergence of many high-tech emerging industries , the application of many new high-temperature flame-retardant fibers were gradually expanded into almost every industry area .

  3. 数据供应商Dealogic称,随着亚洲新兴工业企业利用美元疲软之际进行全球扩张,亚洲企业收购美国资产的交易额升至创纪录水平。

    Acquisitions by Asian companies of US assets have surged to record levels as the region 's emerging industrial companies take advantage of dollar weakness to build global scale , new data have revealed .

  4. 对建设海南新兴工业省的思考

    Reflections on Setting up Hainan as a New Developing Industry Province

  5. 是一个发展潜力巨大而又年轻、充满活力的新兴工业城市。

    It is a potential but young and vibrant new city .

  6. 碳纤维&一种高性能的新兴工业材料

    The Carbon Fiber-A Kind of Newly Emerging Industrial Material of High Property

  7. 新兴工业的差距就更大了。

    The gap is still wider in the newer industries .

  8. 传统的贸易理论由于新兴工业技术的发展开始受到挑战。

    Traditional trade theory was to be challenged as new industry developed .

  9. 他们呼吁政府给新兴工业更多的投资。

    They call for more government investments in new industries .

  10. 曲靖市是云南省新兴工业城市,其经济、人口仅次于昆明。

    Qujing is a new industrialization city , of population and economy hypo-Kunming .

  11. 英国的新兴工业包括微处理器、计算机、生物技术和其他高科技产业。

    New industries include microprocessors and computers , biotechnology and other high-tech industries .

  12. 软测量是基于推断控制的一门新兴工业技术。

    The soft sensor is a new industrial technique based on inferential control .

  13. 通用电气计划在2013年发布20款新兴工业互联网服务技术。

    Ge plans to launch 20 new industrial Internet service technologies in 2013 .

  14. 生产继续向高技术部门和新兴工业国家推进;

    Production continued to orient toward high technology sectors and newly industrializing countries regions ;

  15. 一种重要的新兴工业&炼油业在国内战争后成长起来。

    An important new industry , oil refining , grew after the Civil War .

  16. 当受保护的新兴工业增长时,有时成本无法降低。

    As the protected infant industries grow , their costs sometimes fail to decline .

  17. 生物炼制是以可再生生物质资源为原料,生产能源与化工产品的新兴工业模式。

    There are abundant of biomass resources and the usable bio-mass quantity in China .

  18. 新兴工业和古老的传统工业。

    Nascent industries and old traditional ones .

  19. 开放与经济绩效:中国和亚洲新兴工业经济体的比较研究

    Opening-up and Economic Performance & A Comparative Research on China and Other Asian Developing Economies

  20. 美国是新兴工业国家金融危机的最大受益者

    The United States & the Biggest Beneficiary of the Financial Crises in Newly-rising Industrial Countries

  21. 这个新兴工业的很大一部分不仅仅是设在印度境内,而且是属于印度所有。

    Much of this new industry was not merely in india ; it was indian-owned .

  22. 新疆既有城市与新兴工业城市水资源保护研究

    Study on Water Resources Protect in the Old City and the Rising Industrial City of Xinjiang

  23. 这些新兴工业必定带动自动化理论和应用的进一步发展。

    These new developments in the industry will drive the further advance of control theory and applications .

  24. 第二章主要对现代新兴工业城市的形成发展史进行了详细论述。

    Chapter Two discourses the forming and developing history of the modern new industrial city in detail .

  25. 高新技术的进步、新兴工业国家经济实力的迅速发展有在慢慢改变着经济格局。

    The Advancements in high-tech and rapid expansions of emerging industrial countries are gradually changing the economic structure .

  26. 鸡西市是以煤生产为主的新兴工业城市,年产原煤近3000万吨,是我国重要的煤炭生产基地。

    Jixi is a new coal industrial city with the production of 30 million ton coals per year .

  27. 新兴工业集团在初期投入大量资金兴建净水设施,为循环用水和实现水资源的综合利用提供条件。

    Xinxiong Group invest plenty of money on water treatment facilities , which benefits water resources and circle use .

  28. 株洲是以冶金、化工、机器制造为支柱产业的新兴工业城市,又是我国南方重要的商品集散地。

    Zhuzhou is a developing industrial city with metallurgical industry , chemical industry and machine building as its mainstay .

  29. 必须形成这样一种鼓励资本家将其财富投入新兴工业的社会气候。

    The social climate has to be such that capitalists are encouraged to put their wealth into new industries .

  30. 或者,从碳、氢和氧的化合物中直接制造食物,形成一个巨大的新兴工业。

    Or making food straight from complexes of carbon , hydrogen and oxygen may become a great new industry .