
  • 网络Ostpolitik;New Eastern Policy
  1. 新东方政策与德国的重新统一

    The Ostpolitik and the Reunification of Germany

  2. 新东方政策是战后联邦德国外交政策上的一次重大的转折。

    The Ostpolitik was the new post-war German foreign policy , a major turning point .

  3. 德国新东方政策与欧洲一体化研究

    Germany 's Ostpolitik and European Integration Research

  4. 论联邦德国的新东方政策及其中的苏联因素

    On the Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union 's Influence to It

  5. 本文主要论述了新东方政策以及其中的苏联因素的影响。

    The main theses of the article discusses the Ostpolitik and the the USSR 's influence to it .

  6. 苏联在新东方政策的出台和新东方条约体系的构建过程具有重大作用。

    The Soviet Union had a significant role in the Ostpolitik introduced and the system of Eastern treaties structured .

  7. 历史表明,新东方政策推行中尽管阻力重重,但是依然取得了远超乎预期的效果。

    History shows that , although the implementation of the " Ostpolitik " was very hard , which still had unexpected influence .

  8. 出于国内外诸多因素的综合考虑,尼克松政府初期对新东方政策采取了观望的态度。

    For comprehensive consideration of many factors at home and abroad , Nixon Administration adopted wait and see policy in the early days .

  9. 苏联在经济上对联邦德国的需求,在外交上对联邦德国政策的改变,是新东方政策出台的重要因素。

    The demand of the Soviet Union to the West Germany in economic and changes in the foreign policy were important factors during forming the Ostpolitik .

  10. 新东方政策出台的大背景是国际形势的缓和,缓和给联邦德国带来了改变现状的机会。

    The big background of the Ostpolitik appearing is the detent of the international situation , has brought the change present situation opportunity for Federal Republic of Germany .

  11. 作为美国在西欧的重要盟国,英、法两国在新东方政策上的态度也对尼克松政府产生了一定的影响。

    As the important allies of the US in the Western Europe , the attitudes of the Great Britain and France towards Ostpolitik also influenced the Nixon Administration .

  12. 为了适应变化了的国际形势、满足国家发展的需要,勃兰特政府以新东方政策展开了对多边主义的全面尝试。

    According to the change of the international politics and the national development demand , the Brandt government initiated the New Ostpolitik , which comprehensively carried out the multilateralism .

  13. 新东方政策的产生及实行则从勃兰特任柏林市长时期论述到其任总理时期。

    This part intends to discuss the emergence and implementation of " Ostpolitik " in the period from Mr. Brandt served as the Mayor of Berlin to becoming the German Chancellor .

  14. 勃兰特提出的“新东方政策”,其核心是在苏美放弃德国的统一主张后,联邦德国怎样去寻求德国重新统一的现实道路。

    The core of the New Oriental Policy by Brandt was , after Soviet and America gave up their unification ideas , how the Federal Germany sought the practical approach to get Germany reunified .