
  • 网络President of Sri Lanka
  1. 斯里兰卡总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨(MahindaRajapaksa)表示,自塔米尔猛虎组织被击败之后,下一场战争将是打击腐败的战争。

    Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that after the defeat of the rebel Tamil Tigers the next war would have to be against corruption .

  2. 斯里兰卡总统本周初视察了受影响最严重的一个地区。

    Sri Lanka 's president made a visit to one stricken area earlier this week .

  3. 斯里兰卡总统选举中败北的候选人、前陆军司令萨拉特·丰塞卡将面临军事法庭审判。

    Defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka is set to face a court martial .

  4. 他们要求斯里兰卡总统建立由专家组成的专门委员会,对每版即将出版的佛教书籍进行审查。

    They asked President Rajapaksa to appoint a special committee , comprising professionals to review every Buddhist book before they are launched .

  5. 斯里兰卡总统承诺要在今年年底之前重新安置大多数流离失所的泰米尔人,联合国秘书长潘基文对此表示欢迎。上传:韩萱。

    The Secretary General is welcoming the president 's promise to resettle most of the displaced Tamils by the end of the year .

  6. 斯里兰卡总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨拒绝了英国的最后通牒,英国表示如果斯里兰卡不能在明年3月前完成有关人权问题的调查,英国将推动展开国际调查,斯里兰卡坚称内部机制足以解决问题。

    Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa has rejected Britain 's ultimatum for an international probe into human rights abuses if they are unaddressed by March next year , insisting the internal mechanisms are sufficient .

  7. 此前人们预计,在斯里兰卡选出新总统的时候,此类协议将会被取消,但这种预期没有变成现实。

    Expectations that such deals would come undone when Sri Lanka elected a new president have failed to materialise .

  8. 但斯里兰卡和东帝汶两国总统打来的紧急电话打断了他的工作&这是这位微观管理大师在国际上地位上升的信号。

    But he was interrupted by urgent phone calls from the presidents of Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste – a sign that this master of micromanagement is moving up in the world .