
  • 网络Stafford;staffordshire;Matthew Stafford
  1. 菲利普•斯塔福德(PhilipStafford)补充报道

    Additional reporting by Philip Stafford

  2. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)认知发展和心理学教授汤姆o斯塔福德表示,俄罗斯方块长盛不衰的原因是,这款游戏能够把玩家带入一个完全不同的领域。

    Tom Stafford , a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K. , says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play .

  3. 当戴德利对他表示支持时,斯塔福德-克拉克毫不迟疑地再次申请了这份工作。

    Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it .

  4. 据英国媒体报道,一家名为AchieveEducation的中国公司最近收购了位于英格兰中部斯塔福德郡的切斯文法学校(ChaseGrammarSchool),该学校创立于1879年,多年来一直坚持传统的英式教育,在英国私立学校排名中名联前茅。

    It has been reported that Chase Grammar School , one of Britain 's top 100 private schools , was recently bought by Achieve Education , a Chinese-owned company .

  5. 十月十七日,《伦敦时报》的一篇报道称,去年一家中资企业Achieve教育买下了切斯文法学校,一所位于斯塔福德郡坎诺克区,寄宿与非寄宿结合的学校。

    An article carried by the Times of London on October 17 reported that last year Chinese-owned company Achieve Education bought Chase Grammar , a boarding and day school in Cannock , Staffordshire .

  6. 每年,全世界的年轻球员都会在斯塔福德郡的Denstone学院接受足球指导,他们将接受考试。

    Each year , youngsters coached on Soccer Schools courses at Denstone College in Staffordshire – and all around the world – are tested on the skills they 're taught .

  7. 他是斯塔福德郡西南区的保守党专职工作人员。

    He works as full-time conservative party agent for Southwest staffordshire .

  8. 位于斯塔福德郡乡间中部的一个大会堂。

    A huge hall in the middle of the Staffordshire countryside .

  9. 如果他退出,他和斯塔福德将摆脱安全。

    If he pulled it , he and Stafford would get away safely .

  10. 斯塔福德博士说,研究并不意在指责父母。

    Dr Stafford said that the study did not seek to blame parents .

  11. 波特里斯(英国斯塔福德郡之一区,为陶器工业中心)。

    The Potteries ( district in Staffordshire , the centre of the English pottery industry )

  12. 斯塔福德和他的兄弟被杀害,和凯德拖累他们的尸体在伦敦。

    Stafford and his brother are killed , and Cade drags their bodies to London .

  13. 上周,斯塔福德补贴贷款的利率上涨了一倍,从3.4%上涨至6.8%。

    The interest rates on subsidized Stafford loans doubled last week from 3.4 % to 6.8 % .

  14. 斯塔福德灐及其他类猎狗往往孕育出一起打猎小人。

    Staffordshire Terriers and any other kind of hunting dog are often bred together to produce hunting curs .

  15. 它的北部郊区毗邻斯塔福德郡。南部和西南部的郊区与赫里福德伍斯特郡接壤。

    Its northern suburbs adjoin Staffordshire , and its southern and southwestern suburbs border on Hereford and Worcester .

  16. 的那个星期天上午,斯基拉和斯塔福德再次在小六飞船双子星之上的泰坦火箭。

    On that Sunday morning , Schirra and Stafford were again in their tiny Gemini Six spacecraft atop the Titan rocket .

  17. 美国斯塔福德更是一种开朗、活动能力强、性格稳定、并且非常自信的优秀家庭宠物。

    The American Staffordshire Terrier is a happy , outgoing , stable , and confident dog who makes a wonderful family pet .

  18. 今天凌晨,一辆商用客车在斯塔福德县附近的95号州际公路上翻车,造成4人严重受伤。

    Four people were treated for serious injuries after a commercial bus overturned earlier this morning at I 95 near Stafford county .

  19. 上周,18岁的黛安娜·布鲁姆和弗吉尼亚州斯塔福德高中的其他毕业生收到了毕业纪念册。

    Last week , along with the rest of the seniors at Stafford High School in Virginia , 18-year-old Diana Bloom got her yearbook .

  20. 专门伤害这些工作人员的品种有德国牧羊犬,紧随其后的有斯塔福德㹴犬、边境牧羊犬还有拉布拉多。

    The breed responsible for the most attacks on those staff specifically are German Shepherds , followed by Staffordshire Bull Terriers , Border Collies and Labradors .

  21. 金融城有10家企业进入排行榜的前25位,而地区警局在前15位中占据四席,其中英国斯塔福德郡警局总体排名第二。

    Ten City companies are included in the top 25 and regional police forces occupy four of the top 15 positions , with Staffordshire police in overall second place .

  22. 斯塔福德医院的管理者当然表示他们是关心患者的,不过他们真正关注的实际上是降低成本,为此他们减少了护理员工的人数。

    Of course , the Stafford managers said they cared about the patients , but their real priority was reducing costs , which they did by cutting the nursing staff .

  23. 如果你像斯塔福德一样把这两个研究综合起来看,你就会发现科技会影响男人想到性的次数,虽然不是百分百的影响。

    If you put these two studies together , as Stafford does , it 's obvious that the technique influences , if not outright dominates , the phenomenon being studied .

  24. 7月14号,理查德·福德和一群朋友在英国斯塔福德郡塔姆沃斯的特姆河上冲浪,心爱的白金戒指不慎从手指滑落。

    Richard Ford 's cherished platinum band slipped off his finger while he was paddleboarding with a group of friends along the River Tame , in Tamworth , Staffordshire , on July 14 .

  25. 在大卫卡梅伦宣布将对斯塔福德医院里几百个死亡事例展开一项公众质询后传来这一消息,使工党改变主意决定调查那些幕后的秘密。

    The news comes after David Cameron announced a public inquiry will be held into the deaths of hundreds of patients at Stafford hospital , overturning Labour 's decision to investigate behind closed doors .

  26. 培养出优秀+长的幼儿,为孩子拥有幸福快乐的人生奠定坚实的基础。美国斯塔福德更是一种开朗、活动能力强、性格稳定、并且非常自信的优秀家庭宠物。

    Educate our young children to become excellence + special skills individuals , and set up a solid foundation for children 's promising future . The American Staffordshire Terrier is a happy , outgoing , stable , and confident dog who makes a wonderful family pet .