
  • 网络diagonal bar
  1. 从焊后强度和刚度看,中空型材的截面以斜筋截面为优;

    In light of the strength and the hardness after welding , the hollow figured with diagonal bar section is the best ;

  2. 该计算结果与试验结果较好的吻合,说明修正压力场理论对箍筋锈蚀配斜筋RC梁具有适用性。

    Comparing the results with the experimental data , the two series figures are in agreement with each other , showing that the modified compression field theory is applicable on corroded stirrups RC beams with diagonal reinforcement .

  3. 基于修正压力场理论(MCFT)理论,对箍筋锈蚀配斜筋RC梁抗剪承载力进行研究。

    The shear capacity of corroded stirrups RC beams with diagonal reinforcement is researched on the basis of the modified compression field theory .

  4. 通过附加节点斜筋转移梁上塑性铰的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Beam Plastic Hinge Relocation Due to Additional Diagonal Bars in Joints

  5. 而综合斜筋配筋形式是一种有效提高连梁在地震作用下延性和耗能性能的配筋方式。

    It was known that coupling beams with integrated diagonally reinforced detailing are characterized by effectively improving the ductility and energy dissipating capacity under earthquake .

  6. 当两者面积不同时,斜筋对水平筋极限应力的影响较大,且斜筋自身的极限应力也会变化。

    When the area of the two is different , horizontal strengthened bars are affected by inclined bars and inclined bars also change ultimate stress themselves .

  7. 结果表明,与传统的箍筋相比,附加节点斜筋能和梁筋有限度地共同工作,从而将塑性铰从柱面转移。

    Based on the test results , it is found that the additional diagonal bars can work together with the longitudinal bars and succeed in moving the plastic hinge from the column face .

  8. 因此,对于有限延性要求的节点,是最佳的节点构造形式.附加节点斜筋对梁柱节点区域粘结机制的影响

    Therefore , the joint detail with additional diagonal reinforcement is the best for the requirement of limited ductility . THE EFFECT OF ADDITIONAL DIAGONAL BARS ON THE BOND MECHANISM IN A BEAM-COLUMN JOINT

  9. 结合课题已完成的一组仅箍筋锈蚀混凝土梁的抗剪性能试验,开展了第二组箍筋、斜筋和纵向钢筋均参与锈蚀的钢筋混凝土抗剪性能试验。

    Based on the tests for the first set of beam with stirrup corroded conducted by the research team , the second set of stirrups were carried out , inclined and vertical steel reinforcement corrosion of reinforced concrete are involved in shear performance tests .

  10. 配斜腹筋剪力墙的受力性能有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of shear wall with diagonal web reinforcement

  11. 砌体结构预应力斜拉筋抗震加固性能试验研究

    An Investigation of the Aseismatic Behavior of Masonry Structures Strengthened by Prestressed Diagonal Bar

  12. 斜拉筋加固砌体结构伪静力试验研究

    Investigation of masonry structures strengthened by the diagonal steel bar by means of pseudo-static test

  13. 斜拉筋加固砌体结构受力性能的有限元分析高分子在受限稀溶液中的结构和动力学性质

    The finite element analysis of the stressed performance of strip-stayed and strengthened walls Structure and Dynamics of Confined Polymer Chain in Dilute Solution

  14. 浅析预应力连续配筋中理论线形与实际线形的差别斜板配筋计算环糊精的实际应用

    The Primary Analysis of Difference Between Theoretic Form and Actual Form about Successive Prestress Reinforced Steel Bar

  15. 本文在屈服线理论的基础上提出了斜板配筋的实用理论和计算公式,可供设计参考。

    In this paper the practical theory and calculation formulas of skew slab reinforcement are developed based on Yield-Line Theory . They Can be used as reference by designers .

  16. 垂直箍筋、斜箍筋、弯筋及水平腹筋的作用

    The Effects of Vertical Stirrups , Inclined Stirrups , Bent-Up Bars and Horizontal Web Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Beams

  17. 正交情况下钢筋布局、标注均较简单,而在斜交情况下由于斜向筋的存在,参数化和标注均变得复杂。

    The annotation and layout under orthogonal case is simple , while parameterization and annotation under oblique case is complicated for the existence of diagonal ribs .