
  • 网络Rafetus swinhoei
  1. 库克林和国际野生生物保护学会(WildlifeConservationSociety)中国分会的龟鳖专家吕顺清渴望再找到一只雌性斑鳖,于是让全国所有动物园都把各自的大型软壳龟鳖的照片寄给他们。

    Desperate to find another , Dr. Kuchling and Lu Shunqing , a turtle specialist from the Wildlife Conservation Society 's China branch , had asked every zoo in the country to send them photographs of any large softshell turtles in their possession .

  2. 科学家决定继续对雌性斑鳖进行人工授精。

    The scientists decided to proceed with artificial insemination of the female .

  3. 那的确是一只斑鳖,而且关键还是一只雌性斑鳖。

    It was indeed a Yangtze giant softshell turtle and , crucially , a female .

  4. 然而保育人士并不确定很快能发现另外一只雄性斑鳖。

    Conservationists , however , are not betting that another male will be captured anytime soon .

  5. 结果那只斑鳖也是雄性,两只雄性斑鳖展开争斗。

    The second turtle turned out to be male , as well , and the two fought .

  6. 但迄今为止,这一对斑鳖一直未能让科学家们遂愿。雌斑鳖产下了一窝又一窝未受精的卵。

    So far the pair have disappointed scientists , with the female laying clutch after clutch of unfertilized eggs .

  7. 据研究人员所知,目前世界上仅剩四只斑鳖,其中仅有一只雌性斑鳖,也就是苏州动物园中85岁的这一只。

    There are only four known specimens remaining , and only one female & an 85-year-old resident of the Suzhou Zoo .

  8. 这只雌性斑鳖2007年才被发现。它被发现的三年前,之前那只被认为全世界独一的雌性斑鳖,已在北京动物园死亡。

    She was discovered only in 2007 , three years after the sole other known female died at the Beijing Zoo .

  9. 库克林利用光纤内窥镜对已经麻醉的雌性斑鳖的泄殖腔进行了检查,确定了通往其输卵管的区域所在的位置。

    Dr. Kuchling examined the sedated female 's cloaca with a fiber-optic endoscope to locate the compartment leading to her oviducts .

  10. 令他们高兴的是,这两只斑鳖似乎的确交配了。那年夏天,雌斑鳖产下了大约180枚蛋。

    To their delight , the animals did appear to mate , and that summer , the female laid around 180 eggs .

  11. 20年前为了促使斑鳖交配,另一只斑鳖被放入了这只雄性斑鳖所在的池塘。

    Two decades earlier , another Yangtze giant softshell turtle had been added to the male 's pond in an attempt to mate the animals .

  12. 被认为是全世界最大淡水龟的斑鳖,一度在长江和红河颇为常见。

    The Yangtze giant softshell turtle thought to be the largest freshwater turtle in the world was once common in the Yangtze and Red Rivers .

  13. 当雌性斑鳖产出第一批蛋的时候&可能要到6月底,科学家才能知道这第一次的努力是否有效。

    When the female lays her first clutch of eggs , probably by late June , the scientists will know if this first effort was fruitful .

  14. 据信,其他两只雄性斑鳖在越南&其中一只在河内市中心的剑湖。

    Two other male Yangtze giant softshell turtles are believed to be in Vietnam & one in Hoan Kiem Lake , in the center of Hanoi .

  15. 据信,其他两只雄性斑鳖在越南——其中一只在河内市中心的剑湖。

    Two other male Yangtze giant softshell turtles are believed to be in Vietnam - one in Hoan Kiem Lake , in the center of Hanoi .

  16. 第二只雄性斑鳖死亡,胜者的壳严重受损,现在看来,它的生殖器官当时似乎也受到了损害。

    The second male was killed , and the victor suffered serious damage to his shell and , it now appears , to his reproductive organ .

  17. 但库克林表示,“非越南人恐怕无法接触到”那些斑鳖,因此不太可能开展合作,实施繁殖计划。

    But those animals " are pretty much off limits for any non-Vietnamese , " Dr. Kuchling said , and so a collaborative breeding program seems unlikely .

  18. 该小组还通过电刺激提取了这只雄性斑鳖的精子,并对精子进行了检测。最终他们发现了好消息,虽然活性较低,但这些精子具有繁衍能力。

    The team also examined the male 's sperm - extracted using electrical stimuli - and finally discovered good news . While motility was low , the sperm were viable .

  19. 库克林和吕顺清安排将它转移到了苏州动物园,希望它能和那里的一只雄性斑鳖开始繁殖出更多同类。

    Dr. Kuchling and Dr. Lu arranged for her transport to the Suzhou Zoo , where they hoped she and the zoo 's male specimen would begin producing more of their kind .

  20. 他们了解到,那只斑鳖曾经参加过巡回动物展览,在中国革命于1949年结束后不久,它就永久性地留在了该动物园。

    She had once been part of a traveling animal exhibition , they learned , and became a permanent resident of the zoo shortly after the end of the Chinese Revolution in 1949 .