- Bar headed goose;bar-headed goose, barhead goose

Livestock grazing and tourism were the major reasons resulting in contact between Bar-headed Goose and human .
Simulation of Population Dynamics of Bar-headed Geese ( Anser indicus ) Around Qinghai Lake Region and Trend Analysis
By contrast , the bar-headed goose reaches such lofty heights by flapping vigorously , if not gracefully .
The geese 's flight muscles also have more mitochondria energy-producing structures inside cells than their fellow fowl .
Unlike humans , bar-headed geese can breathe in and out very rapidly without getting dizzy or passing out .
Even more impressive , the birds completed the ascent under their own muscular power , with almost no aid from tail winds or updrafts .
The results showed that Anser indicus usually flied away from the roosting area at 7:30 am , and came back from the main activity area at 7:30 pm .
The birds could potentially head east or west and fly around , rather than over , the mountain range , but this would add several days to their trip and would actually use up more energy .
Since 2005 , the species had been involved in a number of HPAI outbreaks and resulted in mass death , which draw widely concern on its biology , ecology and the role in spread of avian influenza virus .