
bān qiū zhěn
  • maculopapule
斑丘疹[bān qiū zhěn]
  1. 不伴有皮疹、斑丘疹、咽痛等其他病毒感染症状;

    Other symptoms of viral infections , such as tetter , maculopapule , pharyngalgia , etc , were not seen ;

  2. 8例(67%)皮肤损害,表现为充血性丘疹、斑丘疹、脓疱疹及皮下结节;

    Patients ( 67 % ) had skin impairment , appeared as congestive papular rash , maculopapule , pustule and subcutaneous nodule ;

  3. 红斑性红细胞增多症他的下肢出现瘙痒性红色斑丘疹。

    He developed a pruritic erythematous maculopapular rash on his lower extremities .

  4. 如果发生斑丘疹,停止使用。

    If rash occurs , discontinue use .

  5. 目的:检测长春春季流行性皮肤斑丘疹患者外周血中柯萨奇B型病毒。

    Objective : To detect Coxsackie B viruses ( CBV ) for patients with morbilliform maculopapular eruption in spring .

  6. 他的下肢出现瘙痒性红色斑丘疹。塞来昔布致重症多形性红斑和肝损害

    He developed a pruritic erythematous maculopapular rash on his lower extremities . Stevens-Johnson syndrome and liver damage after celecoxib therapy

  7. 二期梅毒斑疹及斑丘疹易误诊为玫瑰糠疹、过敏性皮炎等;患儿男,6岁。

    For secondary syphilis , macular syphilide and maculopapular syphilide were easily misdiagnosed as pityriasis rosea or dermatitis . A 6-year-old boy had papules and maculopapular eruption with scattered nodule and keloid-like lesions on the face , trunk and extremities .