
wén xuǎn
  • selected works;literary selections;analects;an official administers selecting civil official
文选 [wén xuǎn]
  • (1) [an official adiministers selecting civil official]∶官名。即吏部文选司郎中。吏部文选司主管选拔文官,文选司郎中是文选司的长官

  • 陆光祖为文选。--《明史》

  • (2) [selected works;literary selections]∶选编的文章,常用作书名

  • 《昭明文选》(我国现存最早的文学总集)

文选[wén xuǎn]
  1. 1987-2007高中语文中国现当代文选演变研究

    1987-2007 Research on the Evolution of the Contemporary Selected Works of Chinese

  2. 浅谈学生对中国历史文选课程的几点模糊认识

    On students ' vague viewpoint toward the Course Teaching of " Selected Works of Chinese Ancient History "

  3. v.构成,包含这本文选包含了十个作家的作品范例。

    comprise This anthology comprises samples from the work of ten authors .

  4. 记者拉维·索梅亚(RaviSomaiya)推荐的是《出发地》(PointofDeparture),它是20世纪中期英国记者詹姆斯·卡梅隆(JamesCameron)的文选。

    The reporter Ravi Somaiya cited " Point of Departure , " a collection of mid-20th-century pieces by the British journalist James Cameron .

  5. 为了让“沃森”能模仿人类思维并在电视智力竞赛节目上具有竞争力,它的“脑袋”里塞满了辞海、文选和《世界图书百科全书》(WorldBookEncyclopedia)等数百万份资料。

    To emulate the human mind , and make it competitive on the TV quiz show , Watson was stuffed with millions of documents & including dictionaries , anthologies and the World Book Encyclopedia .

  6. 弗尔和30岁的休斯正忙着宣传《头脑的叛乱》(InsurrectionsoftheMind)这本文选,它收录了贯穿该杂志历史的50篇文章。

    Mr. Foer and Mr. Hughes , 30 , have been out promoting " Insurrections of the Mind , " an anthology of about 50 articles spanning the magazine 's history .

  7. 一种收录短小的文学作品、诗歌、民谣等的文选。

    An anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc.

  8. 印刷的一切种类的文学作品,书或活页文选

    Literary work of all kinds printed in book or pamphlet form

  9. 李详是我国近代著名的《文选》学家。

    LI-xiang was the famous scholar of WenXuan in modern times .

  10. 李善《文选注》修辞训诂研究

    The Study on Rhetorical Exegesis Annotation to Selected Literature Li Shan

  11. 他对《文选》的推崇和研究,对后世有深远的影响。

    His advocation and reasearch on Wenxuan have profound influence .

  12. 网络环境下的高校《中国历史文选》教学改革

    The Teaching Reform of Selected Reading of Chinese History under Network Circumstance

  13. 大学教材《中国历史文选》研究

    A Study of Selected Readings of Chinese History : A College Textbook

  14. 论中国历史文选教学中的周期性问题

    On the Cyclicity of Teaching in the Course of Chinese Historical Selections

  15. 文以载道以道育人&《古代汉语》文选教学的道德传承与教化

    Moral Inheritance and Enlightenment in Ancient Chinese Literary Selections Teaching

  16. 论20世纪的《文选序》研究

    On the Study of Wen Xuan Xu in 20th Century

  17. 当代初中语文教科书文选价值取向之转变

    The Change of Values Orientation of Chinese Texts in Contemporary Junior School

  18. 推动历史文选教学改革不断深化的探索

    Deepening the Reform of the Course of Chinese Historical Literature

  19. 《文选》汉大赋用字中的义符类化现象

    Analogy of Chinese Characters ' Semantic Marks in Han Fu

  20. 单页校样,版面校样中华活页文选(高中版)

    Page proof Chinese Loose-Leaf Selections ( Senior Middle School )

  21. 《文选》对后世文学的发展具有深远的影响。

    Wenxuan had exerted a profound influence on later ages literature development .

  22. 清代文选学与清代骈文复兴

    Wenxuan-learning and the Resurgence of Parallelism Prose in Qing Dynasty

  23. 当代中国小说专题文选一种多项选择题的测验

    Themes in Contemporary Chinese Literature a multiple choice test

  24. 《文选尤》是明人邹思明的《文选》评点著作。

    Wenxuanyou is the works of Zou si-ming about the critics to Wenxuan .

  25. 从《唐钞<文选集注>汇存》论陆善经《文选》注的特色与得失

    On the Characteristics and the Gains and Loss of Lu Shan-jing 's Notes to

  26. 但《文选》不录齐梁赋,却有其特殊原因。

    There are special reasons why Qi Liang Fu was not included in Wenxuan .

  27. 社会科学中的数学及其他文选

    Mathematics in the Social Sciences and Other Essays

  28. 试论敦煌本《文选》的语言文字价值

    The Academic Value of Language and Chinese Characters Symbolized in Wenxuan Manuscripts from Dunhuang

  29. 《文选集释》在文选学上的价值

    On the Value of Collected Annotations on Literary Anthology to the Study of Literary Anthology

  30. 中国历史文选课教学刍议

    Teaching Discussion Of Chinese History Selected Works