
  1. 巴罗克(Baroque)风格以浪漫主义精神作为形式设计的出发点,它虽然脱胎于文艺复兴时代的艺术形式,但却有其独特的艺术风格。

    The form design was started off the romantic spirit , which had been born of Renaissance art form with its unique style .

  2. 这里质地丰富的装饰品是新与旧的迷人结合——从文艺复兴时代的大理石碑文到安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的丝网印画——在温暖的季节里,仅对房客开放的屋顶露台是喝开胃酒的好地方。

    The richly textured d é cor is an appealing mix of old and new - think artworks ranging from Renaissance-era marble inscriptions to Andy Warhol silk-screens - and the clubby rooftop terrace is a new hot spot for aperitivi in warmer months .

  3. 文艺复兴时代的罗马教会与伦理道德

    On Roman Catholic Church of the Renaissance : Its Relation to Morality

  4. 那天晚上我是一个文艺复兴时代的人。

    I was a man of the Renaissance that evening .

  5. 西欧文艺复兴时代文学与艺术的阿拉伯渊源

    The Arabian Origin of Literature and art in the Renaissance

  6. 这名诗人出生在文艺复兴时代。

    The poet was born during the Renaissance period .

  7. 欧洲文艺复兴时代是一个伟大的变革时代。

    European Renaissance Age is a great changeable age .

  8. 贝里尼,乔尔乔内,提香及文艺复兴时代威尼斯绘画。

    Bellini , Giorgione , Titian , and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting .

  9. 西方建筑的精神&文艺复兴时代的哲学对话

    The Spirit in Western Architecture & Reminiscing the Renaissance

  10. 文艺复兴时代的佛罗伦萨让人铭记的是其美丽,而不是其银行家。

    Renaissance-era Florence is remembered not for its bankers but for its beauty .

  11. 甚至文艺复兴时代的艺术家也企图透过现象去了解现实的本质。

    Even the artists of the Renaissance sought to penetrate to the essence of reality .

  12. 用人的眼光看政治世界&文艺复兴时代与新政治观

    Watch the political world in view of human & the Renaissance time and new political idea

  13. 文艺复兴时代的欧洲在技术上的成就超越了其他文明社会的成就。

    The technical accomplishment of Renaissance Europe was superior to those achieved by any other civilization .

  14. 光辉夺目的文艺复兴时代

    The bright days of the Renaissance

  15. 文艺复兴时代意大利的艺术与科学理性

    Art and Science in Renaissance Italy

  16. 直到文艺复兴时代,科学与人文又开始重温昔日的姻缘。

    Until the Renaissance , science and the humanities began reviewing the past " marriage " again .

  17. 一般说来,文艺复兴时代的人在现代世界中是找不到的。

    For the most part , the Renaissance Man is not to be found in our modern world .

  18. 文艺复兴时代是西方社会从中世纪向近代社会转型的重要时期。

    It was in Renaissance that the western society transformed from the Middle Ages to the Modern Times .

  19. 马洛是文艺复兴时代的巨人,大学才子中最著名的一位。

    Christopher Marlowe , a man of Renaissance , is the most famous of the " University Wits " .

  20. 在辩证法史的研究中,欧洲文艺复兴时代辩证法的历史地位往往未能引起人们的高度重视。

    In the studies of the history of dialectics , the Renaissance dialectics has not been regarded highly enough .

  21. 学术界普遍忽视西欧文艺复兴时代之文学和艺术的阿拉伯渊源问题。

    The Arabian origin of literature and art in the Renaissance is generally ignored by scholars of the academia .

  22. 本文简介:在文艺复兴时代,巨商富贾曾赞助艺术。

    IN THIS ARTICLE : In the Renaissance era , it was wealthy businessmen who were the patrons of the arts .

  23. 拉伯雷生活在文艺复兴时代,这是欧洲从中世纪向近代社会过渡的重要时期。

    Rabelais lived in the Renaissance , which was an important transitional period of Europe from the Middle Ages to the modern times .

  24. 文艺复兴时代是将人文主义运动和宗教改革运动都包容在内的欧洲的觉醒、复兴、再生的伟大时代。

    The time of the Renaissance , which included Humanist Movement and Reform Movement , was a great time of European reawakening and rebirth .

  25. 从欧洲文艺复兴时代起,迷宫成为正规花园里的一个特色,是指由用高树篱隔开的复杂曲径组成的区域。

    From the European Renaissance on , labyrinths or mazes consisting of intricate paths separated by high hedges were a feature of formal gardens .

  26. 由文艺复兴时代的艺术观思考当代基础音乐教育改革

    A Dialogue through Time and Space & a Thought on Reform of contemporary basic education of Musicology from the perspective of art in Renaissance

  27. 近代中国与文艺复兴时代的西方之间具有极强的相似性,这就为柏格森哲学在近代中国的传播并产生影响创造了前提条件;

    There are a lot of resemblances between modern China and Renaissance , which provide the precondition for Bergsonism 's spreading and influence in China .

  28. 15-16世纪正处于中世纪即将结束,新时代即将来临的意大利文艺复兴时代。

    15-16th century is the epoch of Italian Renaissance , in which Medieval Ages was going to the end and the new era was coming .

  29. 我知道我们都憧憬过文艺复兴时代的巴黎沙龙,或者阿尔冈琴圆桌会议,

    And I know that we all hearken back to the days of the Parisian salon in the Enlightenment , or to the Algonquin Round Table ,

  30. 历史画在十四世纪文艺复兴时代的意大利广泛流行,并与人文主义相结合,形成了丰富的精神内涵。

    Historic paintings became very popular in Italy during the Renaissance era in the14th century as they were merged with humanism and resulted in rich spiritual connotations .