
  • 网络Document Information Source
  1. 本科生学位论文是一种重要的文献信息源,但我国没有对本科生学位论文做出统一的收藏规范。

    Undergraduate 's academic dissertation is a kind of important document information source , but our country has not made the unified collection standard to undergraduate 's academic dissertation .

  2. 拓宽文献信息源,尽快引进新资源&驻中国的海外出版社简介关于核心出版社的理论探索

    Broading the Sources of Documents and Introducing the New Materials Quickly & The Introduction of the Foreign Publishers Setting up Branches in China

  3. 网络环境下高校图书馆定题服务呈现出服务方式多元化、文献信息源丰富化、检索手段现代化、服务对象广泛化等新特征。

    The mode of university library 's SDI service under the network environment presents the new features of the multiple service modes , abundant literature information sources , modern retrieval means , and wide service targets , etc.

  4. 同时,阐明信息公开有利于扩大图书馆文献信息源,提高文献信息加工报道质量,更好地满足读者需要及促进馆际合作。

    At the same time , it is considered in this paper that the information publicity is favorable to expanding document information sources of libraries , and improve the processing and reporting quality of documents , and promote the interlibrary cooperation .

  5. 目的探索中文肝肿瘤专题文献的核心信息源。

    Objective To explore the core information source of Chinese literature on liver neoplasms .

  6. 教育类期刊是教育文献信息的主要信息源。

    Since educational journals are the major source of educational doucments information , the trainers should make use of the advantages of educational literature .

  7. 以国际互联网的文献资料为主要信息源,建立了一个易于维护和更新的大规模的专业化生物学文献数据库。

    A specialized biological information database which is easily maintained and renovated is established by using Internet as the main information source to collect the latest information .

  8. 竞争情报获取的非文献方法是指不通过公开的文献信息源,而是通过实地调查等更为直接的方法去获取情报。

    In this article , non-document method refers to the method of obtaining intelligence through direct ways such as no-the-spot investigation rather than document .