
  • 网络Text data;textual data;txt
  1. 但是XML主要适用于文本数据,所以对于图形数据一般是分开传输的,从而改变了传输的统一性。

    XML is just designed for txt files , so the images and binary files are transferred by other mains and the unity of transfer has been changed .

  2. TEXTDATATYPE用于文本数据。

    TEXT_DATA_TYPE is used for the text data .

  3. 基于近似网页聚类的Web文本数据挖掘技术

    A Web Text Data Mining Technology Based on the Approximate Pages Clustering

  4. WEB上超文本数据导航方法的研究

    Research of the Navigational Method of Hypertext Data in Web

  5. Web文本数据挖掘关键技术及其在网络检索中的应用

    Essential Technology for Web Text Data Excavating and Its Application in Network Retrieval

  6. Web文本数据挖掘研究

    Research on Web Text Data Mining

  7. 数字图书馆中文文本数据对象转换为XML格式文档的实现方法

    Research on Transform of Text File to XML File in Digital Library

  8. 通过开发Web文本数据清洗系统,重点研究和讨论了所涉及的Web文本清洗的关键技术。

    Through the development of the system , the key technologies involved in the system are discussed .

  9. 基于近似网页聚类算法的Web文本数据挖掘技术的研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Web Text Data Mining Technology Based on the Approximate Pages Clustering Algorithm

  10. Internet上的文本数据挖掘

    Text Mining on the Internet

  11. 数据挖掘的所处理的数据类型也很丰富,包括文本数据、关系数据库、Web页面等。

    The data type dealt by data mining are abundant , including text data , connection database , Web , etc.

  12. XML文本数据自动分析研究

    XML Text Data Automation Analysis Research

  13. 同时,Web的文本数据是不断增长的,新的信息类型不断出现。算法必须有能力在不完全重新分析已有数据的情况下,增量处理新的数据,更新聚类结果。

    The increasing web text quantity , the more new information types required algorithms do with the additional data and clusters easily .

  14. 分析是将文本数据转换为搜索基本单位(称为项(term))的过程。

    Analysis is converting the text data into a fundamental unit of searching , which is called as term .

  15. 利用Excel生成的文本数据提高工作效率和质量

    Using Excel Generated Text Data to Improve the Efficiency and Quality of Wor

  16. 它对文档的全部文本数据都建立索引并提供检索,目前已逐渐成为Web信息检索的主流技术。

    The technology of building index and providing retrieval for the full text of the document has gradually become the mainstream of Web Information Retrieval .

  17. 参考咨询服务中的E-mail文本数据挖掘

    E-Mail Text Data Mining in Reference Service

  18. 作为Internet网络的标准之一,XML文档通常用于文本数据的描述、存储和交换。

    As one of the standards over Internet , XML document is often used for describing , storing and interchanging of text data .

  19. 文本数据分类在传统的情报检索、网站索引体系结构的建立和WEB信息检索等方面也占有重要地位。

    Automatic texts classification plays an important role in traditional intelligence retrieval , foundation of web index architecture , web information retrieval , and so on .

  20. 如何将各种数据库数据与Web中的超文本数据连接,就成为非常重要的研究问题。不耐烦等待信元的优先权排队

    How to transform of all kinds information between database and web Browser will become too impatient to wait things . Impatient Cells ' Queueing with Priority

  21. XML的语法便于通过编程来处理文本数据,同时又便于为人们所理解。

    The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans .

  22. 基于Delphi的文本数据文件的处理

    The processing of text-data file based on delphi

  23. 前面所有的示例都处理文本数据或字符数据:写入和读取字符string。

    All of the previous examples have dealt with textual or character data : You wrote and read character strings .

  24. Ruby中的String是容纳、比较和操作文本数据的一种强大方法。

    Strings in Ruby are a powerful way to hold , compare , and manipulate textual data .

  25. 将PCA与多视图学习策略相结合应用到文本数据分类中来,实验表明其可行性。

    Combine PCA with Multi-view learning strategy using in text categorization can prove its feasibility .

  26. 但是多数据库中的事务数据与文本数据、Web页面数据在结构上存在本质的差别,传统的聚类分析技术不能直接移植到多数据库分类处理中。

    Because of the structure of transaction data is obviously different from text and webpage , the traditional clustering technology can not be directly transferred to the multi-database classifications .

  27. 介绍了基于主题方法的Web文本数据仓库构建技术,并使用该技术设计了Web文本数据仓库。

    The method based on the theme which is used to build the text data warehouse is proposed and this method is used to design a text data warehouse .

  28. 享受JSON和文本数据格式的乐趣吧。

    Enjoy JSON and the power of textual data formats .

  29. 可以用file对象读取数据、写入数据或把数据添加到文件,以及处理二进制或文本数据。

    You can use the file object to read data , to write data , to append data to a file , and to work with either binary or textual data .

  30. 例如,在德国,至少存在两种排序文本数据的方法-光有deDE是不够的。

    For example , in Germany , there are at least two ways of sorting textual data & de_DE alone is not sufficient .