
  1. 论高校学生社会主义政治文明意识的培养

    On the Cultivation of Socialist Political Civilization Consciousness of University Students

  2. 两课教学与大学生政治文明意识的培养

    " Two-Course " Teaching and the Nurturing of Students ' Political Ethics

  3. 浅析小学生生态文明意识的塑造和养成

    Analysis of Elementary Student Ecology Civilization Construction and Fosters

  4. 全面提高职工素质,文明意识明显增强。

    Improve the staff quality in all aspects to obviously strengthen their civilization awareness .

  5. 树立具有现代文明意识的思想道德观念&新时期思想政治工作探讨之管见

    Setting up Modern Civilized Moral Concepts

  6. “两课”教学是培养大学生社会主义政治文明意识的主渠道、主阵地。

    " Two-course " teaching is the main channel and field for nurturing students ' socialist political ethics .

  7. 首先,增强生态文明意识,包括生态危机意识、生态科学意识和生态道德意识。

    First , improving their ecological culture senses which are ecocatastrophe sense and ecological scientific sense and ecological moral sense .

  8. 培养民众生态文明意识就是要提高民众生态文明的认识水平,培养民众生态文明的特有情感,养成民众生态文明的良好行为。

    To develop the public awareness of eco-civilization aims to improve people 's understanding , to cultivate peoples special feelings toward eco-civilization , and civilized behaviour .

  9. 从而为提高社会主义政治文明意识、改革政治文明制度、规范政治文明行为提供科学之依据。

    Thus offer the scientific basis for the fact that improve socialist political civilization consciousness , reform the system of political civilization , norm political civilization behavior .

  10. 新农村建设试点村与对照村生态文明意识探析&以山东省为例

    The Analysis on the Ecology Civilized Consciousness of the Pilot Village and the Control Village in the New Rural Construction & Take the Shandong Province as an Example

  11. 民国以后的比例下降则显现了现代文明意识对边疆民族地区社会文化的影响。

    The fall of such name ratio since Republic of China showed that the modern civilization consciousness exerted its influence on the society and culture of minority regions of China 's borderland .

  12. 但同时存在值得注意的问题:生态知识匮乏;生态文明意识发展不平衡;生态文明习惯尚未养成;生态行为能力不高。

    But at the same time exist noticeable problems : the ecological knowledge is deficient ; Ecological civilization consciousness development is not balanced ; Ecological civilization habit has not nurturance ; Ecological behavior ability is not high .

  13. 提出了合理布局、科学规划、完善管理系统、鼓励公交、发展先进的现代交通技术、加强绿化和提高市民文明意识等治理对策。

    The paper points out some countermeasures including scientific distribution and planning in urban areas , and perfecting management system , and developing the bus system and modern traffic technology , and improving consciousness of the people to decrease noise .

  14. 并且指出生态型政府包含了三个重要的概念,分别是生态文明意识、生态管理职能和生态责任。其次,文章进一步分析了我国在生态管理方面存在的问题。

    Also , it is pointed that ecological government includes three basic concepts , namely , awareness of ecological civilization , ecological management function , and ecological responsibility . Secondly , this article analyses some questions in the construction of ecological government .

  15. 民族文化整合教育在大学生政治文明意识和行为形成过程中具有重要意义,新时期中国政治文明建设对民族文化整合教育提出了新的要求。

    Conformity education of ethnic cultures plays a significant role in the formation of the college students ' political consciousness and behaviors , and China 's construction of political civilization in the new era has imposed a new requirement on the conformity education of ethnic cultures .

  16. 通过开展读书活动提高农民的科学文化素养和生存发展能力,增强农民的文明意识和文化观念,是培养新型农民、推进新农村建设的有效途径。

    It is valid path to train the new farmer and pushes forward the construction of fresh countryside to raise scientific and cultural attainments and the ability of existence and development of farmers , strengthen their civilization consciousness and cultural ideas by means of launching reading activity .

  17. 在自然价值观方面,人类应该重新审视人与自然的关系,摆正自己在自然界中的位置,树立正确的生态文明意识;

    The essay intends to explain it based on the connotation of value : with regard to natural value , the mankind should reexamine the relation between the man and the nature , put the man in the right place and set up a correct ideology of ecological civilization ;

  18. 增强文明稽查意识构建和谐税收环境

    To Enhance the Civilized Tax-check Awareness and to Construct the Hamonious Revenue Environment

  19. 树立安全文明生产意识创建安全文明双优工地

    Build up safety civilization production consciousness and set up safety civilization double priority site

  20. 它使使中国人树立了文明生活意识;促进了政治文明的进步;

    It makes Chinese establish the life consciousness of the civilization , ' Have promoted the progress of the political civilization ;

  21. 全面普及道路交通安全的各种知识,不断增强广大人民群众的文明交通意识;

    Various knowledge of traffic safety should be popularized all-sidedly and the masses ' sense of ' civilized traffic ' should be enhanced continuously ;

  22. 促进了政治文明主体政治意识的增强;

    It promoted the political consciousness of the political civilization corpus ;

  23. 知识文明和创新意识

    Civilization of Knowledge and Awareness of Innovation

  24. 广告语言文明与守法意识

    Advertisement Language Civility and Law-abiding Consciousness

  25. 人类之所以在恐惧中是因为他们被其他人类文明在无意识层面上捕猎。

    Humans are in fear as they are hunted in the unconscious by other humanoid civilizations .

  26. 政治文明包括政治意识文明、政治制度文明和政治行为文明。

    Political civilization is composed of the civilization of political ideology , political system and political behavior .

  27. 上周六,市在新闻发布会上公布了“十大交通陋习”,希望能够提高市民的“文明交通”意识。

    The capital released a top10 of commonly seen bad driving habits at a press conference on Saturday in the hope of raising awareness of " road civility " .

  28. 针对退耕户消费结构方面存在的问题本文政策建议部分,提出了以下政策建议:⒈提升农户的实际消费能力和培养文明的消费意识。

    Household consumption structure for returning farmland to the problems in this part of the policy recommendations put forward the following policy recommendations : ⒈ actual consumption capacity of farmers to enhance and develop consumer awareness of civilization .

  29. 论政治文明建设中的意识文明和行为文明之间的关系

    On The Relation between the Political Consciousness Civilization and the Political Behavior Civilization

  30. 海南省典型生态文明村居民环境意识调查分析

    Research on the Environmental Awareness of the Residents in Typical Ecological Culture Villages in Hainan Province