
wén dì
  • God of Literature
  1. 文帝初立,大赦天下。

    When Emperor Wen first came to the throne , a general amnesty was proclaimed to the empire .

  2. 例如,汉文帝为母亲尝汤药的故事告诉我们西汉文帝的孝道。

    For example , the story of " Taste Liquid Medicine for Mother " tells us the filial virtue of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty .

  3. 位于伦敦的英国智库查塔姆社(ChathamHouse)分析人员KerryBrown将英国的财政赤字与希腊进行了对比。希腊的金融文帝导致大规模削减支出,并产生了深刻的社会动荡。

    Analyst Kerry Brown , of the London-based research group Chatham House , compared Britain 's deficit to that of Greece , where financial problems have led to cuts in spending and deep social unrest .

  4. 汉文帝将注意力更多放在了农业与经济上。

    The emperor Wen attached much importance to agriculture and economy .

  5. 徐陵是梁陈时代追随简文帝萧纲的重要作家,历来都认为他的诗轻靡淫艳,是一个典型的宫体诗人。

    Xu Ling was an important writer during the Liang and Chen Dynasties .

  6. 试析汉文帝优容诸侯王的真正原因

    An Analysis of the Reasons for Emperor HAN wen-di 's tolerance over Feudal Princes

  7. 开采煤始于西汉文帝前元元年(公元前179年)左右;

    Mining of coal came into being in179 B.C.

  8. 。他自称汉文帝,即“有学问的汉朝皇帝”。

    He earned the name Han Wendi , " The Learned Emperor of Han . "

  9. 论汉文帝

    On Emperor Wen of the Han

  10. 文帝十一哥健康的男孩。

    Wendy is a healthy boy .

  11. 汉文帝以后,这种察举的办法渐成制度。

    Since the Han Wen Emperor , this method had been turned into a political system gradually .

  12. 该口号是文帝·科普1989年在其本科毕业论文里提出来的。

    It was created by Wendy Kopp as a part of her undergraduate senior thesis in 1989 .

  13. 文帝以晋王杨广为行军元帅,在安徽前线集结兵力,准备渡江。

    Yang Guang collected the vanguards forces in Anhui to make preparations for crossing the Yangtze River .

  14. 文帝以后,基本放弃了汉初以来的名田宅制度。

    After Emperor Wen , the system of granting homestead had basically stopped since the beginning of Han Dynasty .

  15. 公元422年,刘裕卒,宋少帝、文帝相继即位。

    In 422 , Uu Yu died , his two sons Shao and Wen took the throne in succession .

  16. 隋文帝实行了一系列发展经济、恢复生产、巩固统一成果的措施。

    Emperor Wen undertook a series of measures to develop the economy , recover production and consolidate the unification .

  17. 不仅如此,隋文帝还减少了农民和商人需要交纳的税款,这极大地加快了国家经济的发展。

    Furthermore , Emperor Wen levied lower taxes on the farmers and merchants , greatly promoting the development of social economy .

  18. 陈朝在文帝和宣帝时期,政治情况较梁末有所改善,江南经济逐渐得到了恢复。

    During the periods of emperors Wen and Xuan , Chen witnessed a more organized social orders and enhanced progress of economy .

  19. 隋朝建立后,隋文帝很快采取了一系列军事策略统一了整个中国。

    After the founding of Sui Dynasty , the emperor carried out a series of military steps to unify the whole country quickly .

  20. 文帝采纳了贾谊的建议,但并未完全付诸实施。

    Jia Yi 's proposal was accepted and put into practice , though no serious effort was ever made for its thorough implement .

  21. 削藩:文帝时,中央和诸侯王之间的矛盾日益发展。

    Weakening Fiefdoms : When Emperor Wendi was in the throne , the contradiction between the imperial court and the princes grew up .

  22. 隋文帝于604年意外身亡,他的二儿子,也就是历史上的“隋炀帝”,继承了帝位。

    Emperor Wen died unexpectedly in 604 and his second son Yang Guang , historically known as Emperor Yang , succeeded to the throne .

  23. 汉初至文帝、景帝的60多年内,社会经济逐渐恢复发展。

    From the early Han down to the reign of emperors Wendi and Jingdi , the social e-conomy rehabilitated gradually in sixty years or more .

  24. 在经济方面,文帝下令整顿户籍,清查人口,继而推行均田制,调整赋役。

    In the economy , Emperor Wen ordered to restructure household register , check population , promote land equalization system and adjust to endow services .

  25. 公元581年,北周外戚杨坚废静帝自立,改国号为隋,是为文帝,北朝结束。最终由隋文帝杨坚灭南朝陈,重新统一了中国。

    In 581 , Yang Jian , a family member of Northern Zhou 's empress usurped the throne and changed the name to the Sui .

  26. 吴王太子刘贤被刘启所杀害在文帝四年或五年,他是咎由自取。

    The King Wu 's Prince , Liu Xian was killed in the 4th year or the 5th year during the ruling of the Emperor Wen .

  27. 另一个使得汉朝繁荣兴盛的原因在于文帝和景帝致力于与汉朝周边的国家维持良好的关系。

    Another important factor that contributed to the prosperity of Han was that Wen and Jing endeavored to maintain a friendly relationship with Han and neighboring countries .

  28. 南方各地纷纷归附,文帝出兵后不到四个月,便实现了南北统一。

    All forces in the south successively pledged allegiance to the Sui . It took Emperor Wen less than four months to unify the North and the South .

  29. 孝子汉文帝,虽已逝去,人们仍然敬仰汉文帝善良,无私孝顺母亲的行为。

    The Learned Emperor 's name , Han Wendi , has passed down through a thousand ages to the present -- people still admire his model of virtuous , selfless conduct .

  30. 汉文帝的这种报恩思想也赋予了他因循守旧和固守刘邦政治原则的形象,形成了他人格上的二重性。

    Wen Emperor 's such thought of paying a debt of gratitude made him a image of conservatively sticking to Liu Bang 's political principles , thus he showed his dual personality .