
  • 网络literature;arts;Literature and the Arts;Literature and Arts;Art and literature
  1. 新时期的文学艺术,它一方面表现在与过去文学艺术的决裂和对比中来确立未来道路;

    The literature of the New Epoch . For one thing , it was establishing its approaching way with contrasting to and breaking the old literature and art .

  2. 民间文学艺术在国际上通行的术语是folklore,最初由英国的W·J·汤姆森于1846年提出。

    The common term " folklore " which is used to refer to the folk literature and folk arts is first put forward by a British person W. J.

  3. 汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。

    Tom is a classical scholar .

  4. 民间文学艺术所涉及的对象属于某种意义上的共同遗产(Commonheritage),是群体智慧贡献的结果,并在人类社会发展的长河中有所创新与进步。

    The folklore belongs to the " common heritage " in a sense that is the products of the wisdom and contribution of the masses and has been innovated during the process of the development of human society .

  5. 这场肇始于瑞士索绪尔(FerdinanddeSaussure)的范式革命开启了对文化,人,文学艺术等的新理解。

    This " Frame Revolution " originates from the famous Swiss Linguist-Ferdinand de Saussure ( 1857-1913 ) and ushers in a new period of understanding the culture , man , literature and art .

  6. 笔者将其与法国唯美象征诗人韩波(Rimbaud)的作品作了比较,试图说明人类审美活动在文学艺术领域里的共通性。

    The French symbolic Poems were translated in this dissertation as comparisons in order to show the universality of aesthetics in literature .

  7. 文学艺术疗法在精神分裂症患者康复中的应用

    Literature-art-therapy on the inpatients with schizophrenia at the phrase of rehabilitation

  8. 第一节中着重阐述了民间文学艺术的法律内涵的意义。

    Section 1 expatiates the significance of legal features of folklore .

  9. 论文学艺术在先进文化建设中的前进方向

    On the Direction of Literature and Art in Building Advance Culture

  10. 在中国文学艺术工作者第四次代表大会上的祝词。

    Speech greeting the Fourth Congress of Chinese writers and artists .

  11. 对文学艺术中晚期创作上升现象的研究

    Study on Rising Phenomenon in the Terminal Life of the Writers

  12. 意境论很早就渗透到蒙古族文学艺术领域中。

    It filtered very early into the Mongolian literature and art .

  13. 中国古代文学艺术的生命本质

    The Essence of Life in Ancient Chinese Literature and Art

  14. 宗教与文学艺术关系甚密。

    There is a close connection between religion 、 literature and art .

  15. 赫哲族和鄂伦春族在社会背景和文学艺术上都有着千丝万缕地联系。

    Hoche and Olunchun have many commons in social environment and literature .

  16. 现代传媒与文学艺术研究纲要

    A Study Outline of Modern Media and Literature and Art

  17. 理工科大学生应加强文学艺术修养

    Strengthening the Literature Artistic Accomplishment of University Students of Science and Engineering

  18. 西域文学艺术的戏剧化

    Dramatic Characters of the Literature and Art Of Western Regions

  19. 关于工科院校开展文学艺术素质教育的几点思考

    Reflections on the Implementation of Humanities and Arts Programs in Institutes of Technology

  20. 苏联文学艺术界持不同政见者现象分析

    Analysis of dissident phenomenon in literary and art circles in the Soviet Union

  21. 言不尽意与文学艺术语言在本质上是象的,人类的第一个象是自身之象&人象,言说即从人象开始。

    On Language and Literature The first image of the Human is themselves .

  22. 简论民间文学艺术的涵蕴及其法律保护

    On meaning of folklore arts and their legal protection

  23. 丝绸与中国文学艺术的关系撷零

    The Relation between Silk and Chinese Literature and Art

  24. 中国古代的文学艺术理论,历来反对因袭模仿,而崇尚新奇、独创之美。

    Chinese ancient literature theory has been revering original creativity instead of imitation .

  25. 浅议语境和文学艺术要素的关系

    Some Thoughts on the Relation Between Context and Essential Factors in Literature and Art

  26. 在中华民族的历史上,诗是一切文学艺术的核心本质。

    In Chinese history , poetry is the kernel of all the literary arts .

  27. 知识产权制度与科学技术及文学艺术有着特殊的联系。

    Intellectual property institution is connected with science , technology , culture and art .

  28. 语境的变化,必然导致文学艺术活动的相应变化。

    And the vicissitude of context leads to variant of literature and art activity .

  29. 一切种类的文学艺术的源泉究竟是从何而来的呢?

    In the last analysis , what is the source of all literature and art ?

  30. 无论在什么时代,文学艺术都具有实用和审美的双重价值。

    In whatever times , literature & arts have double values in pragmatism and aesthetics .