
  1. 伟大的文学是一座智慧的宝库。

    Great literature is a reservoir .

  2. 佛经是东方文学的一座宝库,它对东方文化乃至文学产生了深刻而巨大的影响,朝鲜众多的民间故事以及小说的产生和发展与佛经有关联。

    The Buddhism Scripture , a treasure in the Oriental countries , has asserted tremendous influence upon the oriental culture and literature .

  3. 《人间喜剧》是19世纪欧洲文学的一座丰碑,著作者巴尔扎克是19世纪欧洲最伟大的现实主义作家。

    The Human Comedy is the monumental work of literature in Europe in the 19th century , which was written by Honore de Balzac , the greatest realistic author in Europe .

  4. 莎士比亚是西方文学史上一座不朽的丰碑,他甚至被视为解读西方基本文化命题的精神源泉。

    Shakespeare established his position as an everlasting monument in western literature .

  5. 文学文体学是一座将语言与文学批评联系起来的桥梁。

    Literary stylistics is a discipline mediating between literary criticism and linguistics .

  6. 毫无疑问,屈原赋是中国文学史上一座不朽的丰碑。

    There is no doubt that Qu Yuan has become an everlasting monument in the history of Chinese literature .

  7. 如果说鲁迅的小说是中国现代文学史上一座巍峨的丰碑,那么小说中那些具有显明特征的知识分子便是这座丰碑上最鲜亮的碑文。

    If Lu Xun 's novels are regarded as a towering monument , then these typical intellectuals in the novels are the most distinctive inscriptions on it .

  8. 解放区文学又是一座桥梁,它横跨中国历史的两个重要时期,即抗日战争和第三次国内革命战争时期,同时也成为左翼文学与十七年文学间不可或缺的过渡期。

    The literature of Liberation Region was a bridge , it acrossed two important terms ( War of Resistance and War of Liberation ), also became transition between " literature of left flank " and " literature of seventeen years " .

  9. 元曲是中华民族的文化瑰宝,与唐诗宋词明清小说鼎足并举,是我国文学史上一座重要的里程碑。

    The Yuanqu peoms are great treasure of Chinese culture , which are as important as the Tang poetry , the Song lyrics , and the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties . They form an important landmark in Chinese literary history .

  10. 宋代女性文学更是中国古代女性文学的一座高峰,尤其是宋代女词人的研究颇受研究者的重视。

    The female literature of the Song Dynasty is a peak in the ancient female literature . Especially , the study of the Song Dynasty female ci ren and their works is popular with researchers ' attention .

  11. 他的作品为十九世纪的现代主义文学和二十世纪的现代主义文学架起了一座桥梁,影响了二十世纪的大批作家,而康拉德的研究也成为西方学术界的一个热点。

    His works were a bridge for the literary realism of the nineteenth century and Modernist Literature of the twentieth century . Conrad affected a large number of writers of the twentieth century , and he has also become a research hotspot of the Western academia .

  12. 其代表作《宠儿》获得1988年普利策文学奖,被誉为美国黑人文学上的一座纪念碑。

    Her representative novel Beloved , which won Morrison Pulitzer Prize in 1988 , is regarded as one of the milestones in the American black literature .

  13. 多重的文学本体论,为新世纪的文学修造了一座立交桥,严肃文学、通俗文学与纯文学可以各行其道,奔向自己的目标。

    The multi-layered literary ontology has virtually built an overpass for literature in the new century so that literature of various types , say , serious literature , popular literature and pure literature , can go along their own ways towards their respective destination .