
Over the past few days , however , anybody on the east coast of America with a charged phone , iPad or laptop was continuously bombarded with texts , tweets and emails .
Citation statistics and analysis of Journal of the Hebei Academy of Sciences
A statistic analysis of papers and citations on Chines Journal of Anatomy in 2003
A Quantitative Analysis on Papers , Authors and Citations in from 2000 to 2005
Statistical Analysis of Articles and Citations Carried by " Heat Treatment of Metals " During 2001-2004
Paragraph alignment is to find the translation paragraph pairs between source text and target text .
Published Articles and Citation Analysis of Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute in 1994  ̄ 1998
The Khitan dialect and the Han language were the main languages used in the Liao Dynasty .
The news of Sai Thein Win and the nuclear weapons were so popular among the public now .
The results of The Second Reduction process of Iron powder based on practice for three years and its process route are discussed .
Management-Speak and euro-blather are Latin at its worst , but learning it will still help you cut through them to find clarity .
First of all a new classification of cultural context is formed by combining the classification versions of Pei Wen and Bao Huinan .
This paper is divided into seven chapters : the first chapter , cited title , discussed topics of the meaning and value .
The weapon enchants Rune of Razorice and Rune of Lichbane will no longer cause the Killing Machine talent to be triggered more often .
Equally , new results will need to be incorporated new web pages , but also new media types such as tweets or audio streams .
People like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taught us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education .
The Book of the Dead contained the prayers and spells and instructions for how to use them that he would need on the trip ;
First , this paper rewrites , translates , examines and explains several Syrian inscriptions and one Huihe inscription of Nestorianism excavated in Quanzhou and Yangzhou ;
A Comparative Study on Configuration Differences between Characters on Qin Bamboo Slips and Characters on Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Books in the Perspective of Components
The digital marketplace of ideas that welcomes every blog and tweet is the same one that inspires the next generation of innovators to fuel our economies .
Please send detailed CV ( both in English and Chinese ) with Photo , Phone number , salary expected to Diehl Metall ( Shenzhen ) Co. , Ltd.
Therefore , to help with accessing the original , we 've translated Di Zi Gui into plain vernacular ( modern day spoken ) Chinese and English on this website .
And the language of this book is a combination of classic Chinese and spoken Chinese of Yuan Dynasty , so it contains lots of common sayings and official usage .
NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth , the Parties agree , acknowledge and undertake on the terms set out below .
The evaluation criterions have been established according to national environment bureau order No.101 ( 2003 ) and other related regulations , domestic and foreign advanced cleaner production levels and pollutants discharge standards .
Applying bibliometric statistical methods to count and analyse the papers . And citations used in Journal of Liaoning Normal University ( Natural Science Edition ) in thd years from 1999 to 2003.Some issues concerned were explored .
It is further proved , by comparison between its preface and historical records , that though Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji , whose proof-reader and carver is south people , belongs to Nian Gengyao s collection .
I couldn 't see a running score , I didn 't know whose accounts to follow for the best stuff about the game , and basketball tweets were mixed in with ordinary posts about everything else .
Some historians take pains to study even Oracle bones , inscriptions on bronzes and stone tablets and other relics of the ancient past which have been unearthed , whereas these comrades pay not the least heed to our recent past and don 't bother to look into it .
Fourthly , correctly settle the relationship between the study of classical Chinese and that of modern Chinese because the aim of learning classical Chinese is not for students to write articles in classical Chinese and learning the classical Chinese and write articles in classical Chinese are not the same .