
  • 网络Cultural Style;cultural form
  1. 一种重要的文化样式&中国当代城市流行音乐在中国兴起并蓬勃发展起来,成为中国当代大众文化的一个重要组成部分。

    A new cultural form & Chinese contemporary popular music has sprung up and become an important component part of Chinese contemporary mass culture .

  2. 节日是一种文化样式。

    Festivals are a form of culture .

  3. 科学与宗教是人类把握世界的两种文化样式。

    Science and religion are tow kinds of cultural modes , by which human beings grasp the world .

  4. 媒介技术的发展使得全球的国际传播活动步入了一个新的领域,然而新的问题也随之出现:种种原因都可能导致世界范围内的单一文化样式。

    International communication activities of the globe have stepped into a new stage with the development of media technologies .

  5. 文章着重从经济基础、文化样式和思维方式等角度,考察了性别观形成的历史过程。

    This article emphasizes the historical course of gender view considering all angles of economic bases , culture styles and thinking ways .

  6. 其影响可以说波及中国的方方面面,更是出现了一大批佛教的专属文化样式。

    Its influence not only affected every aspect of China , but also promoted a large number of Buddhist specific cultural style .

  7. 但是,认为人类是独立并高于自然界的其他生物的观点仅仅是广义文化样式的一部分。

    But the view of humans as separate and superior to the rest of nature is only part of larger cultural patterns .

  8. 在当代,语言问题因为全球化的发展、各种文化样式交流的扩展而进一步突出。

    The problem of language is one of the most important problems that we have faced , since the development of globalization .

  9. 它既包容了一部分高雅的经典视觉艺术作品,也包容了当下以绘本、影视、广告、动漫为代表的大众文化样式。

    It concludes both classical visual artistic works and some mass culture modes represented by drawing books , movie Tv , advertisement and cartoon .

  10. 在现代文明的进程中,它与其它古老的文化样式一样承受着通俗文化的冲击。

    In the process of the development of our modern civilization , like other old cultures , Kunqu Opera is being challenged by modern cultures .

  11. 而体现在译诗中的这一新型文化样式,又是吴宓等学衡同人所孜孜以求力图建构的文化理念。

    But the new cultural style manifested in the poem translation is also Wu Mi 's cultural idea and so on , which he tried hard to construct .

  12. 改革开放以来,当代流行歌曲经过了三十年的发展,成为当代重要的、最有影响力的文化样式。

    Since the innovation of our country , the popular song has been an important and the most influential form of culture of the present age after thirty-years period of development .

  13. 哲学在其根本上并不是仅仅具有价值性的一种人类文化样式,就哲学的理论特质而言,哲学在根本上就是关于价值问题的学问。

    Radically , philosophy is not a kind of human culture design only with value quality essentially in it , as a theory specialty , philosophy is the knowledge about " value question " .

  14. 蒙古族民歌是蒙古民族最精美、最典型的文化样式,是蒙古民族生存方式的艺术展示,因此对于蒙古族民歌的研究将会丰富人类艺术的宝库。

    Mongolian folk songs are the most beautiful and the most typical style in Mongolian minority , it is the art exhibition of Mongolian way of life , thus the research of Mongolia folk song will abound human art treasure house .

  15. 《周易》里道上器下的认知模式只是一种文化样式,之所以会对社会造成广泛影响,是因为人事选择了它,并通过政治强制推行所致。

    The cognitive modes of " Moral important than science and technology " in the book Zhou Yi is just a cultral pattern . The reason why it has a wide reach in the society is that it was chosen by the personnel and was enforced through politics .

  16. 网络文化的样式比较繁多。

    The forms of network culture are various .

  17. 广告美的创造和接受普遍是以文化的样式出现并发生作用的,广告因此成了审美文化的重要组成部分。

    The creativity and popular acceptance of the advertisement beauty appear and have the effect in the format of format . Therefore , advertisement is the important part of aesthetic culture .

  18. 当代审美文化在审美样式和审美观念上的双重转变,主流和边缘、组合和分化的两种分野以及七种乌托邦母题,无不与文化群落之间的互动有关。

    These cultural communities have great influence on diversification of contemporary Chinese aesthetic culture , such as varying in aesthetic modality and aesthetic taste , parting on mainstream and tributary aesthetic idea , and differentiation of seven Utopia mythos .

  19. 目前我国现有的综艺娱乐类节目,存在着文化品味低,样式雷同等缺陷,导致很多节目最终以失败告终。

    Now the Chinese entertainment programs are deficient in aspects of cultural taste , program format , so many programs failed in the end .

  20. 在对护身符做出详细解释后,接下来这里还有一些土库曼文化琉璃珠护身符样式,都是我的收藏。

    Following this fine explanation of amulet cases , here are some examples of amulet type beads of the Turkoman culture , from my collection .

  21. 随着古典小说创作实践的发展,小说理论形成了独具中国文化特色的评点样式。

    With development of the classical novels in creative practice , the story theory became to form the commentary mode with its unique feature of the Chinese culture .

  22. 作为大众文化的一种重要文化样式,流行音乐在整个社会文化的发展中,不是孤立存在的。

    As such an important form of the mass culture , popular music is by no means isolated in the development of social culture .

  23. 尤其是语文教材不仅是知识的媒介,更是文化的载体,教材中存在着多种文化样式,对学生能起到陶冶情操,形成价值观的作用。

    Especially , Chinese textbooks are not only full of knowledge , but also the carrier of culture . For the existence of their cultural diversity , the students will be cultivated right values through the Chinese textbooks .

  24. 随着工业文明的不断发展进步,视觉文化已经成长为文化领域与书写文化并存的新兴文化样式。

    With the continuous development of industrial civilization , visual culture has grown to be a new style in the field of culture with the written culture .

  25. 随着中国文化艺术和文化产业市场的日趋完善和成熟,文化艺术生产朝着产业化和国际化的方向发展,新的文化艺术样式、艺术形态、艺术部门不断涌现。

    With the Chinese culture and arts and culture industry is becoming more perfect and mature market , culture and art production towards industrialization and internationalization of the direction , a new style of culture and art , art form , art departments are emerging .

  26. 经济全球化带来了政治、文化等领域的全球化,不同文化体系间的交流和对话以及在此基础上的整合和建构将会催生具有人类共性的文化样式并成为全球自觉遵循的范例。

    When political and cultural globalization comes after the economical one , dialogs and communications between different culture systems and , as a result , those systems ' conformity and reconstruction will bring about some cultural patterns which will be commonly followed by all nations in the world .