
  • 网络Cultural and Creative Industry;Cultural & Creative Industries;Creative Industries;cultural creative industries
  1. 辽宁文化创意产业发展政策建议的研究

    Recommendations and Research of Liaoning Cultural and Creative Industries Development Policy

  2. 最后论述了文化创意产业的生产力功能。

    Finally discusses the cultural and creative industries productivity features .

  3. 实证结果表明文化创意产业分别与人均GDP、全要素生产率存在长期的均衡关系。

    Empirical results show that the cultural - industries have respectively long-term equilibrium relationships with per capita GDP and total factor productivity .

  4. 企图使文化创意产业快速拉动GDP增长,这个目标是难以实现的;

    The goal that attempting to drive up GDP growth by cultural and creative industry is difficult to be achieved in a short period .

  5. 格兰杰因果关系检验表明,在短期存在着文化创意产业分别到人均GDP和全要素生产率的单向因果关系。

    Granger causality test shows that there are unidirectional causalities of cultural - creative industries respectively to per capita GDP and TFP in the short term .

  6. 最后,运用PLS路径分析方法进行验证,研究结果表明文化创意产业对经济增长的贡献更多地体现在其引致效应上面。

    At last , this paper uses PLS path analysis to verify the proposed conceptual model . The results show that cultural-creative industries contribute to economic growth , which mainly reflects in its indirect effects .

  7. 以文化创意产业强化区域文化中心地位

    Development of Creative Industries and the Consolidation of Regional Cultural Center

  8. 你从事的是“文化创意产业”吗?

    Are you engaged in the " cultural and creative industry "?

  9. 深圳文化创意产业的发展特点与集聚区浅析

    Development characteristic and cluster area of cultural creative industry in Shenzhen

  10. 最后对我国服装文化创意产业的前景与走向作了展望。

    The last part gives expectation of Garment Cultural Creative Industries .

  11. 文化创意产业实践的全球蜂起已成为一个基本的事实和发展趋势。

    The culture originality industry has been boomed in the world .

  12. 杭州文化创意产业集聚区竞争力研究

    Research on the Competitiveness of Culture Creative Industries Centralization in Hangzhou

  13. 国内外发展文化创意产业的政策研究

    Research on Foreign and Domestic Policies in Developing Cultural Creative Industries

  14. 三是分析了文化创意产业的生命周期曲线。

    Three is analyzing the life cycle curve of cultural creative industry .

  15. 海淀文化创意产业实施12345振兴工程

    Haidian Cultural Initiative Should Implement " 12345 " Revitalization Project

  16. 文化创意产业集群的可持续发展问题分析

    Analysis of Culture Creative Industry Cluster 's Sustainable Development Problem

  17. 我国在发展文化创意产业方面有一定的自身优势。

    Developing Cultural and Creative Industries has its own advantages in China .

  18. 四是构建了文化创意产业财政政策绩效评价体系。

    Four is set up performance assess system of cultural creative industry .

  19. 基于资本属性的文化创意产业研究

    Research on the Cultural Creative Industry Based on Capital Property

  20. 新加坡文化创意产业的构建及对我国的启示

    The Structure of Cultural Creative Industry in Singapore and Its Implication to China

  21. 文化创意产业的非传统金融创新途径研究&一个独特视角

    Cultural Creativity Industry Development Based on Non-traditional Financial Innovation : A Unique Perspective

  22. 城市创意指数与湖南文化创意产业发展

    The city Creativity Index and the cultural creative industry development of Hunan Province

  23. 浅析文化创意产业的独特性与公共精神

    Analyze the Particular of Creative Industry and Public Sprit

  24. 传播学视野下的我国文化创意产业发展研究

    Research on the Development of Cultural Creative Industries in China from Communication Perspective

  25. 文化创意产业发展与创意人才开发研究

    Research on Development and Education of the Cultural Creative Industry 's Talented Person

  26. 文化创意产业发展与湖南艺术设计人才培养研究

    Cultural Creative Industry Development and Study about Art Design Talents Education of Hunan

  27. 文化创意产业发展的信息技术分析

    Analysis of Information Technology in Cultural Creative Industry Development

  28. 金橡·文化创意产业园规划设计方案

    Design Plan of Nanjing Jinxiang Cultural Creativity Industry Garden

  29. 中国文化创意产业的演化机制与发展对策

    On the Evolutionary Mechanism and Development Countermeasures of Chinese Culture and Creation Industry

  30. 天津市文化创意产业发展现状及特点分析

    Analyses on the Status and Features of Cultural and Creative Industry in Tianjin