
  • 网络cultural community;Culture Community
  1. 建构东北亚文化共同体是非常必要的,但也是非常艰难的。

    It is necessary but difficult to construct Northeast Asian cultural community .

  2. 构建东北亚文化共同体浅论

    Construction of Nor the ast Asian Cultural Community

  3. 第二是亚文化共同体的维度;

    The second one is a subunit of a culture consisted by scientist community ;

  4. 因墓葬与建造它的社会文化共同体,在逻辑上具有内在的一致性,在组织结构上也具有一致性。

    Because the tombs and its social and cultural community have logical inherent consistency .

  5. 20世纪50年代以后,西方法律人类学抛弃了既有的西方法理学模式,不再强调于特殊文化共同体中寻求规范的存在。

    After the 1950s , western jurisprudence with its emphasis on rule-seeking in specific cultures was abandoned .

  6. 民间回教作为一个特殊的文化共同体,有其独属的文化个性和自我社会价值的呈现。

    As a special community of culture , non-governmental Islam has its own cultural character and social value .

  7. 建立课堂文化共同体,搭建课堂文化重建的合理平台;

    Secondly , in order to establish a reasonable platform for reconstruction of classroom culture , classroom culture community must be built .

  8. 秦汉时期是中华文化共同体的基本定型时期,也是中国传统政治文明典范的确立时期。

    Qin and Han Dynasty was the period when Chinese Culture Union basically had its form and the traditional political civilization mode established .

  9. 新的共同体的形成不仅依赖于新的经济、政治体制,而且依赖于新的文化共同体。

    The formation of the new Community depends not only on the new economical and political systems but also on the new Cultural Community .

  10. 为了长期的安定,作者以独特视角提出先从构建文化共同体开始,研究进一步加强区域性合作,以谋求共同发展。

    To secure long-term stability , Mr Ra Joung-yil , in his book , develops the conception of constructing a cultural community and strengthening regional cooperation , so as to promote mutual development .

  11. 与人们实际生活相关的是,传媒伦理也试图界定那些构成价值与生活规范的,被作为个体、群体或文化共同体的人们所共同认可的原则性的内容。

    And it also concerns about the content which constitutes value and criterion in our real life , which are recognized as principle by individual , groups or those of a certain culture community consistently .

  12. 民族精神形成于民族的历史生存和长期实践探索,是民族文化共同体在历史实践中尽情营造、并在精心恪守中与时俱进的思想品格、价值取向和道德规范。

    National spirit reflects the ideological character and morals , value orientation and the code of ethics which are admitted by the whole nation and formed and developed among a nation ′ s historical existence and long-term practice .

  13. 生态政治秩序建设目标:推天理明人事,建立以从生态社群到生态城市,到生态民族国家或文化共同体,到生态系统,到生态存在的绿色差序格局和遵循生态伦理生态正义的理治社会。

    The goal of the construction of ecological political order is to construct ecological community , ecological city , ecological country or culture commonwealth , ecological system , and green gradual structure and then rational society following the ecological ethics and ecological justice .

  14. 探索教师合作文化共同体的根本目的是,旨在能够探索一条教师文化发展的正确之路,促进教师的发展和课程的变革。

    The basic purpose of exploring the community of teachers ' cooperative culture is to probe into a correct way for teachers ' cultural development and to promote teachers ' development and the transformation of the courses . School is where teachers grow and develop .

  15. 分布在川甘两省交界地带的白马人聚居地,是一个相对独立的文化地理共同体。

    The settlement of Baima people located on the borderline between Sichuang and Gansu province is a relatively unattached community of cultural geography .

  16. 日本传统社会文化中“共同体”意识的消极方面,使得一些积极治理的改革行为举步维艰。

    Japan 's traditional social culture " community " negative aspects of consciousness , make some positive governance reform behavior has struggled .

  17. 然而,欧洲联盟不仅仅是一个利益和目的共同体,还应该是一个文化和理念共同体,为所有的欧洲公民创造一个情感归属的精神家园。

    However , the present EU should not only stand for a community of interests and goals , but for one of cultures and ideals , thus creating a " spiritual home " for all European citizens .

  18. 构建充满活力的市民文化,形成道德共同体,使社会秩序成为可能。

    A new social order will become possible with the construction of lifeful citizen culture and the formation of moral community .

  19. 我国是一个有着悠久历史,凝聚着多民族、多语言、多文化的多元化民族共同体。

    China is a country with a long history . China is also a multinational community of multi-ethnic , multi-linguistic and multi-cultural components .

  20. 政治文化是指政治共同体成员在共同的政治生活中形成的,对政治体系、政治产品、政治活动过程等政治现象的认识和感受。

    Political culture is the awareness and feeling of political system , political product , political activities and so on , which is form of the political community members in the political life .

  21. 近年来,在新的时代背景下,既反映西方法律传统,又符合东亚诸国利益及其历史文化传统的东亚共同体法开始形成。

    In recent years , under the brand-new era background , the East Asia community law gradually forms . And it not only reflects the western law traditions , but also conforms to the interests , historical and cultural traditions of countries in East Asia .

  22. 但此时的危机已不同于传统的王朝危机,由于西方文化的挑战,可以说整个传统天下文化共同体都面临着存亡危机。

    But this time the crisis was different from the traditional dynastic crisis , because of the challenges from Western culture , the traditional " tianxia " cultural community are facing survival crisis .

  23. 而另一方面,在古典文化与基督教文化的继承、整合过程中,作为一个文化共同体的欧洲成为维系利益冲突的民族国家的纽带。

    In the meantime , Europe , as a culture community , become a tie keeping nation-states with divergent interests together in the process of inheritance and integration of classic culture and Christian culture .

  24. 只有坚持和而不同,反对霸权主义文化,走文化多元一体化道路,才有可能实现东北亚文化共同体的目的。

    Therefore , the objective of constructing Northeast Asian cultural community can be attained only by upholding the principle of " harmony without uniformity ", opposing hegemonic culture and taking the road that leads to cultural multipolarity and integration .

  25. 就该地区而言,传说本身即是代际文化传承的载体,能够让后人找到祖先的活动痕迹,同时也是村落文化共同体确立自信,在内部与外部形成自豪感的重要方式。

    In regard to that region , legend is a carrier to spread culture from generation to generation , which could let posterity find out the ancestral movable trace . Also , it is an important way to establish self-confidence and proud between village union interior and exterior .

  26. 正是在这些多元文化的撞击中,女真民族充分的揉合、学习并结合自己的特点形成了一种多元文化的共同体。

    In the diverse cultural impact , the Jurchen of Jin Dynasty fully embraced and formed a multicultural community combining with its own characteristics .

  27. 另一方面,通过创新、共享和协同发展等文化理念的重建,进一步使知识型组织整合为一个具有精神内聚力和良性文化环境的知识&文化共同体。

    Second , a knowledge organization should develop into a knowledge-culture community through the reconstruction of culture idea .

  28. 它促进了班级文化在观念层面、制度层面和物质层面的变革,并通过对班级文化建设的制度化模式的完善,提出班级文化建设的共同体模式。

    It promotes the concept of class culture in the level , system level changes and physical levels , and through the institutionalization of class culture model of perfect construction , proposed construction of the model of community class culture .