
  1. 巧克力梦公园的员工ZhengYaoting表示:“我们试着把制造业、美学和数字技术结合起来,创造一条全新的文化产业链。”

    Zheng Yaoting , Chocolate Dream Park Staff , said ," We try to combine industry , aesthetics and digital technology and create a brand new chain of cultural industry . "

  2. 第二章阐述武汉城市圈电视文化产业链的建立。

    The second chapter illustrates the establishment of TV culture chain in the Wuhan City Circle .

  3. 构建河北文化产业链和价值链的现状分析与发展对策

    On the Present Situation and Significance in Building the Cultural Industry Chain and Value Chain in Hebei

  4. 文化产业链设计

    Culture industry chain design

  5. 第四章对中国戏剧市场与文化产业链、戏剧发展、戏剧危机进行深入分析;

    Part IV analyses China drama market , culture production chain , development and crisis of China drama .

  6. 小说被改编成影视剧然后热销,小说进入影视文化产业链。

    The novels are adept to movies & TV plays and sell well . It has entered the industry chain of film-television culture .

  7. 中国动漫出版物市场已建立起以期刊和图书为主、音像制品为辅的文化产业链格局。

    Chinese animation has been established with the publication market-based journals and books , audio-visual products , supplemented by the cultural industry chain structure .

  8. 在文化产业链中,美的规律和价值规律贯穿始终,交互作用,引导着文化产业的运动和发展。

    The laws of value and of beauty run through the entire chain of cultural industry , and interact with each other , thus lead its movement and development .

  9. 另外,在对文化产业链的优化应做到以下几个方面:完善投融资体系,建立稳固的人才体系,打造良好的创新机制。

    In addition , the optimization of the culture industry chain should do the following aspects : to improve the investment and financing system , establish a solid talent system , to create innovative mechanisms .

  10. 通过一个实际的文化产业链设计的案例,从文化旅游、会展、传统工艺品、宋代民间娱乐、演出5个方面构建开封市文化产业链体系。

    Provides a real case on designing culture industry chains , and constructs Kaifeng 's culture industry chains system from culture tourism , conference and exhibition , traditional craftwork product , Song Dynasty 's mass amusement and act .

  11. 文化创意产业价值链整合及其发展路径探析

    Research on the Value-chain Merge and the Development Path of the Cultural and Creative Industry

  12. 同时,文化资本也可以完善文化产业链,提高文化的产业价值,从而推动了文化产业的发展。

    Meanwhile , the cultural capital can be propitious to enhance the development of cultural industry by perfecting the cultural industry chain and improving the value of cultural industry .

  13. 由文化强国控制着文化产业价值链上游的研发设计、中端的营销及下游的消费,同质的文化产品提供同质化的文化消费,不可避免地也会产生文化同质化现象。

    As the cultural power control the design of upper reaches of the chain of cultural industry , the marketing of the middle reaches and the consumption of the lower reaches . The homogeneous cultural products and consumption inevitably lead to culture homogenization .

  14. 文化酒是对酒文化的物化。文化酒是一个文化的产业链,是全方位展示酒文化经营战略的系统工程。

    The present of the concept " cultural liquor " has materialized the liquor cultures and it has become a cultural industrial chain which is regarded as systemic management strategy revealing comprehensive liquor cultures .

  15. 应该在打造文化新经济产业、依托优势资源、加强横向联系、推进文化产业价值链的融合与延伸等方面加强力度,推进西部文化产业的深入发展。

    We should strengthen the measures in building new economic industry of culture , employing advantageous resources , intensifying transverse linkage , and promoting integration and extension of value chain of cultural industry so as to propel further development of the cultural industry in west China .

  16. 但是,随着文化旅游热的到来,一些文化旅游企业为了取悦游客和获取利益,过度开发、不注重保护文化资源、产业链不完善、产品单一、品牌影响力不足等问题开始显现出来。

    But , with the arrival of " cultural tourism ", excessive development , less attention to the protection of cultural resources , imperfect industrial chain , too single product series , brand influence have began to appear in some cultural tourism enterprises to please the tourists and gain benefits .