
  1. times选项保持每个文件的访问权限、创建和最后修改时间。

    The-times option preserves the access , creation , and last modified time of each file .

  2. GDI+是通过调用COM组件来实现图像文件的访问。

    GDI + achieves the visit of the image file by calling COM .

  3. 大多数日志只有root才可以读,不过只需要修改文件的访问权限就可以让其他人可读。

    Most logs are only readable by root , but that can be changed by simply changing the access rights to the file .

  4. 通过观察文件的访问模式,AIX的虚拟内存管理器(VirtualMemoryManager,VMM)可以预测页面需求。

    The Virtual Memory Manager ( VMM ) of AIX anticipates page requirements for observing the patterns of files that are accessed .

  5. 但是通过签发applet,即可允许可读写文件的访问权限。

    By signing an applet , access to read and write files is permitted .

  6. CLC向用户目录发送请求来确认用户对文件的访问。

    CLC sends request to the user directory to verify user access to the file .

  7. 传统的Linux操作系统对文件的访问控制是通过操作系统的访问控制机制来实现的,如果非法用户绕过系统的访问控制机制,对文件所有者可能将是灾难性的影响。

    In traditional Linux make the file security through the operating system access control , if other users bypass the system access control , to the owner of the file may be disastrous impact .

  8. 文章主要介绍使用成熟的tcom库来实现Tcl对Excel文件的访问操作,以及在自动化测试中的应用。

    The article mainly introduces Tcl Access Excel method using tcom library and its applications in software automation testing .

  9. 被授予访问权限或由于在概要文件的访问列表中而被拒绝授予权限的用户ID和组将拥有它们已获得的访问权限,这是很明显的。

    The user IDs and groups that had access granted or denied specifically because they are in the access list of the profile , would , obviously , have the access that they were granted .

  10. 本文的实验表明,ABL可以有效降低热文件的访问延迟,提高文件系统性能。

    The experiment in this dissertation shows that ABL can effectively degrade the latency of file access and greatly improve the performance of file system .

  11. 除了提供对文件的访问外,这些IResource还提供了工作空间的结构。

    In addition to providing file access , these IResources give the workspace structure .

  12. 比较和说明了基于ASP应用的各类型变量和参数的使用范围、引用方法,并详细介绍了对服务器端文本文件的访问和基本操作。

    The applied scope and quoted method of all kinds of variables and parameters based on ASP application are compared and illustrated , and the access and base operation to sever text files are introduced in detail .

  13. 对于批、CICS和IMS连接,确定哪些用户或组需要处于已经定义了的配置文件的访问列表中比较简单

    Determining which users or groups need to be in the access list of the profiles that have been defined , for batch , CICS , and IMS connections is straightforward

  14. CD-ROM驱动器不是很适合读shapefile文件的访问模式,因此整个操作的速度会急剧降慢。

    The access pattern to read the shapefile is not very favored by CD-ROM drives and , therefore , the whole operation slows down dramatically .

  15. 改进的桌面使人们能更轻松的使用PC,它通过Jumplists、Previews和新的工具栏等特性加快了对常用应用和文件的访问。

    Desktop improvements make using the PC easier and provide immediate access to the applications and files people use most often through features such as Jumplists , Previews and the new Taskbar .

  16. 本文介绍了DLL技术的概念、功能和基本原理,并详细说明在VB编程中调用WindowsAPI函数的方法以及对VC++环境下创建的DLL文件的访问方法。

    This article introduces the DLL technology concept , and the function and the basic principle , and the method of transfers the windows API function as well as the DLL document which is based on the VC + + environment in the VB programming .

  17. 如果用户不在最匹配概要文件的访问列表中,那么它们将获得UACC提供的访问权限。

    If the user is not in the access list for the best matching profile , then they get the access provided by the UACC .

  18. 应用程序通过使用对动态链接装入器的dlopen、dlsym和dlclose函数调用来获取对共享目标文件的访问。

    The application gains access to the shared objects by using function calls dlopen , dlsym , and dlclose to the dynamic linking loader .

  19. 指定对服务器上项目文件的访问方法。

    Specifies the access method to the project 's files on the server .

  20. 但是,工资单管理员想要限制对此日志文件的访问。

    However , payroll administrator wants to restrict access to this log file .

  21. 针对文件的访问频度差异很大的问题,提出单指数平滑法的热点预测和处理技术。

    A hot forecast and processing technology is proposed based on single exponential smoothing model .

  22. 函数的作用是:设定文件的访问和修改时间。

    The touch () function sets the access and modification time of the specified file .

  23. 授予和撤销对单独文件的访问权限

    Granting and revoking access to individual files

  24. 在这种情况下,你必须更改访问权限来获取文件的访问权。

    In that case , you have to change the access-rights to get access to the file .

  25. 选择的路径不存在或者没有该文件的访问权限。

    You have selected a path that either does not exist or you lack permission to access .

  26. 因为可以显示系统活动,所以对日志文件的访问通常会受到限制,只有超级用户才可以访问。

    Because system activity can be revealing , logs here are typically restricted and available to superusers only .

  27. 这种方式能够很好地提供对设备上文件的访问。

    This is an elegant answer to the question of how to present access to the device 's files .

  28. 对于每个请求者,只有当它有了对文件的访问资格后才能访问该文件。

    For each requesting peer , it can not access a file until it satisfies accessing qualification of the file .

  29. 本文所提出的方法通过对数据访问历史记录的分析来感知文件的访问模式,得到在此访问模式下的最优文件组织,然后对文件进行重组织。

    In the proposed approach , we analyze the data access traces and reorganize the data based on the access patterns we are aware of .

  30. 使用多版本策略解决对共享文件的访问的冲突问题,并详细阐述了分布式图形协作编辑系统的实现方法。

    Using a multi-version approach solve the conflict problem of access shared file , and realization method of distributed graphics collaborative editing systems is particularly described .