
shǔ qián
  • count money
  1. 长大了,我们数钱。

    In majority , we count money .

  2. 数钱时我最高兴了!

    I am very happy when I count money !

  3. 从表面上看,她们卖得一样好,可是数钱时却发现,Tracey的收入要高出50%.

    Overall , it looked as if both women were doing well with their sales . Then we counted the money and found Tracey collected 50 percent more .

  4. 银行出纳员做什么?她数钱。

    What does a bank teller do ? She counts money .

  5. 您很多天都没有数钱了?是吧?

    You haven 't counted your money for days , hmm ?

  6. 现在你挣钱比数钱还快。

    Now you make money faster than you can count it .

  7. 十指娴熟数钱。

    Cut to paper money being counted by ten skilled fingers .

  8. 取一些硬币,并练习数钱。

    Get a handful of coins and count the money .

  9. 在比尔数钱的时候,彼得观察入微。

    Peter wateched eagled while Bill counted the money .

  10. 我看到她在柜子旁数钱来的

    I saw her counting it by her locker .

  11. 你决不能坐在赌桌边数钱。

    You never count your money when you 're sitting at the table .

  12. 真的,她说她不愿意给别人数钱了。

    It 's true , but she says she is tired of counting others'money .

  13. 利蒙他们以前常在那儿数钱。

    Where Remo and the guys used to hang out and count their millions .

  14. 请勿在床上工作,读书,数钱,或看电视。

    Avoid working , paying bills , reading , or watching television in bed .

  15. 哈哈,他数钱她伸手去拿那张最棒。

    Haha , the best picture is him counting the money and her reaching for it .

  16. 她开始数钱。

    She began counting the money .

  17. 可是我母亲还是继续数钱。这时,从小山上传来一声很轻的呼哨。

    But my mother went on counting until we heard a low shout coming from the hill outside .

  18. 在美国的汽车城底特律,搞财务的人&也就是数钱的人,是最不受待见的。

    The finance guys , the ones who count the money , are the least popular guys in Detroit .

  19. 系我,我们将为您免费代发货,你只需坐在家中数钱就行!

    Is I , we will offer you free , you just sit and delivery home several money goes !

  20. 数钱能带来自我价值感和自我感,从而有助于止痛。

    It 's thought that fondling notes and coins helps ward off pain by boosting feelings of self-worth and self-sufficiency .

  21. 受到社交排斥后,那些之前数钱的人报告的社交窘迫程度,较那些仅仅数纸片的人要低一些。此外,数钱的参与者也报告称内在动力和自我满足的感觉更强。

    When the game ended , participants who had been excluded from the second round of catch rated their level of social distress and how strong they felt .

  22. 当钱增长到一定程度,我们去银行开了帐户,让银行职员帮我们数钱。

    When money grows to a certain degree , we go to the bank and open an account , entitling the bank clerks to count money for us .

  23. 我趁他不注意的时候把我的一些钱和他的放在一起,然后我们一起数钱,钱足够买娃娃了,甚至还有剩余。

    I put some of my money with his without him seeing and we started to count it . There was enough for the doll and even some spare money .

  24. 然而,用零钱付账的人无视数钱这样的细节,而是把所有的硬币丢到托盘上让收银员自己挑选。

    The Small-Changer , however , shows no regard for details like counting out money , instead dumping all their coins on the tray for the cashier to pick through .

  25. 可是我母亲还是继续数钱。这时,从小山上传来一声很轻的呼哨。“我先把数好的钱拿走,”她说,忽然跳起来。

    But my mother went on counting until we heard a low shout coming from the hill outside . 'I 'll take what I have , 'she said , jumping to her feet .

  26. 把三倍于原数的钱拿去,让我撕了这张借约吧。

    Take more than three times your money and let me tear up this paper .

  27. 反而,她花费更多的时间一个接一个数这些钱。

    Instead , she took her time to count all the money piece by piece .

  28. 妻子数着钱:“还有回来的路费呢?”

    She counted the money . " What about the money for a return ticket ?"

  29. 他很仔细地数了钱。

    He counted his money carefully .

  30. 小男孩慢慢地数着钱,然后抬头看着父亲。

    The little boy slowly counted out his money , then looked up at his father .